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Checking the “ quiz ”

Checking the “ quiz ”. Lesson Objectives. By the ened of the class you should be able to : Compare the three kinds of primary storage devices . Determine in which situations each primary storage device is better . Identify secondary storage devices. Primary Storage Devices.

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Checking the “ quiz ”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Checkingthe “quiz”

  2. LessonObjectives • Bytheened of theclassyoushould be ableto: • Compare thethreekinds of primarystoragedevices. • Determine in whichsituationseachprimarystoragedeviceisbetter. • Identifysecondarystoragedevices.

  3. Primary Storage Devices By Omar Alvarez Badillo Roc Boronat

  4. Selectingthebestcomputer Partto compare Wedon’twant a slowcomputer Wewantto OPEN manyprogramssame time. Turnon FAST and be ableto SAVE allmy MUSIC Microprocessor Cores ClockSpeed RAM Size Storage Capacity Traits

  5. What storage devices you know • Individually (2 min): List of all storage devices you know. • Share it with the person next to you. (1 min)

  6. Teams • In groups, generate a list of all of them an group them into TWO categories. (3 min) • T1: • T2: • T3: • T4:

  7. Primary Storage Devices • Fixedtocomputer • Can be replaced and upgraded in Laptops, Desktops and All-in-one • Determines the total storagecapacity of thecomputer. • Responsable of howfastyourcomputerturnson.

  8. Hard Disk Drive • ConventionalPrimary Storage Device • Theonethat has themostcapacity. • Cheapest $/GB  1GB = $1.5

  9. Solid State Drives • Foundmainly in Tablets, Smartphones and Ultrabooks • FastestBoot time • Smallerstoragecapacities, < 256 GB • Mostexpensive • 1GB  $10.0

  10. Solid StateHybrid Drive • Found in some new ultrabooks, laptops, desktops and all-in-one. • Bost of bestworlds, fasterboot and bigstoragecapacity. • Average Price: 1GB ->$2.5 • Twosizes: HDD and SSD • 1TB + 64GB

  11. Whichonetobuy? • Individually (3min): Determine in which type of situation each type of primary storage device is best. • In pairs (2 min): Compare your situations and discuss if any of them may disappear in years to come.

  12. Next time I buy a computer… • Individually (3min): Answer in onesentencethefollowingquestion. • Next time youbuy a laptop, whichkind of primarystoragedevicewillyou look for and why?.

  13. Starter for next class • When talking about a processors clock speed. • When talking about a music file. • When talking about a Youtube video • When talking about a Netflix HD movie • When talking about the storage capacity needed to save all the songs on earth • When talking about a RAM

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