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Ethics in Biotechnology

Ethics in Biotechnology. Why Ethics in Biotechnology. New technology Plurality of moral convictions Divergent economic, political, and social objectives Growing sensitivity of the public

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Ethics in Biotechnology

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  1. Ethics in Biotechnology

  2. Why Ethics in Biotechnology • New technology • Plurality of moral convictions • Divergent economic, political, and social objectives • Growing sensitivity of the public • Doubts of the public about internal control mechanism of scientific institutions and the scientific community to adequately consider moral implications of research and its consequences • Complexity of ethical issues involved

  3. Morale and Ethics? • „Morale″ ← Latin „mores″ : custom, habit ... indicates the distinction between what is good and what is evil in the everyday life • „Ethics″ ← Greek „ethos″ : tradition, habit ... the philosophical study of the principles at the basis of morale Etymology of the two words speaks one's mind: both ethics and morale are the result of the society's evolution towards "standard" behaviours. Operational definition of morale: „... those standards everyone wants everyone to follow, even if everyone else´s following them means having to follow them oneself.″ (M. Davis)

  4. Morale and Ethics • Morals Encompass all forms of human behaviour and action that is implicitly or explicitly aligned with values and norms • Ethics is the methodological reflection on morals and law, i.e. identification and consideration of values and norms with which we align our action


  6. Bioethics Bioethics: A discipline dealing with the ethical implications of biological research and applications

  7. The Bioethical Challenge Is Biotechnology Morally Acceptable?

  8. Two Kinds of Ethical Arguments Used to Evaluate Concerns Over Biotechnology • Extrinsic objections say the possible consequences of some biotech applications are objectionable, but others may be acceptable GMOs are wrong because risks outweigh benefits. • Intrinsic objections say the process of biotechnology is objectionable in itself GMOs are wrong , no matter how great the benefits.

  9. 1. Extrinsic objections A. Unsafe for consumers “Frankenfoods”

  10. 2. Extrinsic objections B. Unsafe for environments “superweeds” • Herbicide resistance - canola gene flows into weedy relatives • Bt toxin kills monarch butterfly larvae

  11. Extrinsic objections C. Unfair to small farmers “Rich get richer, poor get poorer” Vandana Shiva Monocultures of the Mind she has established Navdanya, a movement for biodiversity conservation and farmers' rights

  12. The Business of Science Challenge Does the business of biotechnology corrupt the purpose and integrity of the process of the science? Or can business and scientific partnerships be beneficial for society?

  13. The Business of Science • Critics: • Focusing on profits contradicts the purpose of science - to enhance or improve the quality of life • Biotechnology commodifies life and leads to reductionist science • Advocates: • The spiraling costs of R & D required to bring a product to market justifies the closer ties of science and business • This relationship has been beneficial to society and has contributed to the public good

  14. Ethical arguments against GM foods 1. Extrinsic objections 2. Intrinsic objections GM foods are wrong no matter how great the benefits may be.

  15. Intrinsic objectionsGM foods are wrong because it’s wrong to: 1. Play God 2. Invent world changing technology 3. Cross species boundaries 4. Reproduce by nonsexual means 5. Disrupt integrity, beauty, balance of nature 6. Harm sentient beings

  16. Intrinsic objections 1. We should not play God

  17. Intrinsic objections 1. Don’t play God Counter-examples: • High tech medicine • God wants us to genetically engineer food

  18. Intrinsic objections 2. We should not change the world through new technology

  19. Intrinsic objections 2. No world-changing technology Counter-example: Agriculture

  20. Intrinsic objections 3. We should not cross natural species boundaries

  21. Intrinsic objections 3. Don’t cross species Counter-examples: • Mules • Hybrid wheat

  22. Intrinsic objections 4. We should not use nonsexual means to reproduce

  23. Intrinsic objections 4. Don’t reproduce nonsexually Counter-examples: • GIFT and in vitro • Plant cuttings

  24. Intrinsic objections to ag biotech 5. We should not disrupt the integrity, beauty and balance of creation

  25. Intrinsic objections to ag biotech 5. Don’t disrupt nature Problems: • An extrinsic objection • Is / ought problem

  26. Intrinsic objections 6. We should not harm sentient beings

  27. Intrinsic objections 6. Don’t harm sentient beings Problems: • An extrinsic objection • Meat-eaters accept harm to animals

  28. Conclusion: Intrinsic objections are not sound 1. Playing God 2. Invent world changing technology 3. Cross species boundaries 4. Reproduce nonsexually 5. Disrupt integrity and beauty of nature 6. Harm sentient beings

  29. Extrinsic objections • Unsafe for consumers? Food allergens, toxins • Unsafe for environment? • Unintended effects on nontarget organisms • Gene flow, development of resistant weeds • Unfair to small farmers? Rich get richer, poor get poorer

  30. Extrinsic objections • Are valid concerns • Demand scientific and political attention

  31. Extrinsic objections • Support: Regulatory oversight on case-by-case basis • Do not support: a ban on all GM crops

  32. Ethical arguments FOR GM foods Potential to improve: • Diets in developing countries • Efficiency of food production • Safety and purity of food • Agricultural sustainability • Diversity of agro-ecosystems

  33. Enhanced nutrition Vitamin A Rice Iron Enhanced Rice Amino Acid Balance

  34. Insect resistance • Bt corn • Insect resistance from Bacillus thuringiensis • Non-toxic to humans • Target insect: corn borer • 40% U.S. Corn crop Bt • Potential to reduce insecticide use

  35. Disease resistance • Potatoes • Squash • Tomatoes • Corn • Rice • Canola • Soybeans • Grapes • Cantaloupes • Cucumbers

  36. Genetic engineering in microbes: enzymes • Recombinant Chymosin • Enzyme used for cheese making • Originally from calf stomach • Bovine gene expressed in GRAS microbes • FDA approved 1990 • Now used in 70% of U.S. cheese

  37. Recombinant amino acids • Aspartame • Artificial sweetener • Made from aspartic acid and phenylalanine • Used in 5,000 products • Monosodium glutamate

  38. Recombinant alpha amylase • Used to make HFCS • Gras status in 1995 • 10% U.S. corn crop processed into syrups

  39. The Challenge of Consumer Choice Does society have an ethical obligation to maximize consumer knowledge and choice?

  40. Consumer Choice – The Issue of Labeling • Advocates of consumer labeling criticize efforts NOT to label food containing genetically modified organisms. They argue: “If biotech foods are safe and risk free, then why are you afraid to let us know what we are buying?” • Consumers with food allergies, vegetarians, and those with religious dietary restrictions have a right to know • Consumers should be able to choose the type and quality of food they consume, and the production system they want to support with their food dollar

  41. Consumer Choice –Opposition to Labeling • Labeling is unnecessary because biotech foods contain genetic material from other natural products - nothing is added that does not already exist in nature • Organic labeling standards exist. If you are opposed to consuming genetically modified food ingredients, simply buy organic! • Labeling does not change consumer behavior • Why must everyone pay for the cost of labeling that is demanded by a few?

  42. Key Challenges of Agricultural Biotechnology • Can we capture the potential benefits of agricultural biotechnology in a fair and equitable way for today’s and future generations? • Can we balance the interests of human society and the environment using biotechnology? • Can biotechnology contribute to sustainable agricultural systems? • How should we frame the biotechnology issue?

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