'Alley sarasota' presentation slideshows

Alley sarasota - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Artists Alley Sarasota Art and Craft Gallery

Artists Alley Sarasota Art and Craft Gallery

http://www.ArtistsAlleySarasota.com Artists Alley Sarasota Art & Craft Gallery. Artists Alley Sarasota is investing interests in arts and crafts working with talented artists and crafts people in the Sarasota, Florida area. What is Artists Alley Sarasota? To fill this void Artists Alley Sarasota is a gallery . . . * A gallery for fine art and crafts from quality local artists at affordable prices. * Turning the first time buyer into a collector. * Supporting the shop local initiative - Made in the USA. * Opening December, 2016. * Submission / Interviews for inclusion in the gallery will be held in October and November, 2016. * Space is limited ($25 per running feet with a 30% commission) * Marketing and advertising provided by Artists Alley Sarasota for artists artwork and crafts. * Email to artistsalleysarasota@gmail.com for further information. Let us do what we do best and this is the reason for the 30% commission and rental space fee. Now all an artist needs to do is create their art or craft. Artists Alley Sarasota will take over the marketing and selling of the creations. Most galleries charge a 50% commission! And not all galleries are created equal. Some galleries work hard to earn their commission. They actively promote their artists and engage their buyers. This describes the marketing efforts of Artists Alley Sarasota. The founders have over 70 years of successful sales and marketing experience together.

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