'Artificial climbing' presentation slideshows

Artificial climbing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Unique Mountaineering Terms And What Do They Indicate

Unique Mountaineering Terms And What Do They Indicate

Mountaineering terms are important to know when one decides to go for a high altitude trek. The climber should be familiar with the ice and rock terrain around him/her. Knowing some basic terms helps in an easy flow of communication and efficiency while in emergency. Arete - Arete Is A Sharp Ridge Of A Mountain Top. Buttress - Buttress Is A Cliff Which Is Attached To The Main Mountain. Cap Stone - The Stone That Shelters Above The Crack Is Called A Cap Stone. Choke Stone - A Stone That Is Stuck Between The Chimney Or Crack Is Called A Choke Stone. COL - The Space / Saddle Between 2 Mountains Is Called COL. Couloir - A Term Used For Bigger Gully. It Is A Steep Gorge Filled & Blocked With Snow, Ice, Stones And Pebbles. Pass - The Way That Goes Through COL Is Called Pass. GAP - A Space Between 2 Mountains Or Ridge Is Called GAP. Slack - A Slack Is A Loose Rope Between 2 Climbers. It Is Preferably Minimized During Belay. Cornice - Cornice Is An Ice Overhang Which Is Formed Due To The Winds On The Ridge Line. Glacis - 30 Degree Slope Which Can Be Climbed Easily Gully - A Cut Between The Mountain From Where Water Can Flow Or A Man Can Walk. Ledge - The Small Platform On The Slopes Of A Mountain On Which A Climber Can Stand Is Called A Ledge. Moraine - The Dirt And Pebble Brought By The Glacier Is Called Moraine. Types - Lateral, Medial, Terminal Rib - Rib Is A Segment That Is Separated From The Main Rock Face

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