How much historical data to review before entering historical transactions?
1. F U N D I N G Y O U R I N V E S T M E N T A C C O U N T You can deposit cash into your account to fund any purchases. Quicken automatically record this transaction as in investment account. 2. R E C O R D Y O U R B U Y S A N D S E L L S Quicken provide a feature for recording your buys and sells named as Shares Bought dialog and use it record a sale. 3. T R A N S F E R R I N G C A S H Adjusting the share balanceUse Cash Transferred Into Account and Cash Transferred Out of Account to record your all transactions. 4. A D J U S T I N G T H E S H A R E B A L A N C E Adjust Share Balance dialog is used to fix rounding errors or some missing data states. For more information visit us:
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