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1. F U N D I N G Y O U R I N V E S T M E N T A C C O U N T<br>You can deposit cash into your account to fund any purchases. Quicken automatically record this transaction as in investment account.<br>2. R E C O R D Y O U R B U Y S A N D S E L L S<br>Quicken provide a feature for recording your buys and sells named as Shares Bought dialog and use it record a sale.<br>3. T R A N S F E R R I N G C A S H<br>Adjusting the share balanceUse Cash Transferred Into Account and Cash Transferred Out of Account to record your all transactions.<br>4. A D J U S T I N G T H E S H A R E B A L A N C E<br>Adjust Share Balance dialog is used to fix rounding errors or some missing data states.<br>For more information visit us:<br>http://www.quickensupportnumber247.com/<br>
Quicken Support Providers HOW MUCH HISTORICAL DATA TO REVIEW BEFORE ENTERING HISTORICAL TRANSACTIONS 1-800-277-6571 FUNDING YOUR INVESTMENT ACCOUNT You can deposit cash into your account to fund any purchases. Quicken automatically record this transaction as in investment account. RECORD YOUR BUYS AND SELLS Quicken provide a feature for recording your buys and sells named as Shares Bought dialog and use it record a sale. TRANSFERRING CASH Adjusting the share balanceUse Cash Transferred Into Account and Cash Transferred Out of Account to record your all transactions. ADJUSTING THE SHARE BALANCE Adjust Share Balance dialog is used to fix rounding errors or some missing data states. www.quickensupportnumber247.com