'Continuing professional development cpd' presentation slideshows

Continuing professional development cpd - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



 Australia CDR Help report is a combination of documents that are used to demonstrate the competency of engineering skills.  Through this report, engineers get skilled migration visa for Australia.  According to the Migration Skill Assessment Booklet, if the report is written badly the engineer may not get chance to settle down in Australia?  Australian Skilled Migration Visa approval is not done when the CDR gets rejected.  The document should be written very carefully. REQUIREMENTS OF CDR:  Personal details that include birth certificate, passport and bio-data.  Updates resume that shows the employment and education details.  Evidence of English Language Competency.  Educational qualification and certificates for enrolment.  Documentary evidence for employment.  Three career episode.  Summary statement  Continuing Professional Development (CPD). CDR WRITERS:  CDR Help for engineer report writing is the challenge for engineers.  Engineers who apply for the visa are working and they find difficulties to formulate the report within the 12 weeks of time. So they need help from CDR Writer.  Knows how EA assesses the report and what the things to be highlighted are.  Engineers Australia specifies a fixed format in which the candidates have to submit their report. WORK OF CDR WRITER:  CDR draft is prepared and it is sent to the professional engineer of the same stream.  The draft is sent to the team of professional writers, editors and proof-readers.  Experts check the consistency of the report and specific skills and knowledge of the engineer.  Formulate the report without any spelling, grammar and punctuation and typing mistakes.  CDR writing services for Engineers Australia include assistance in drafting CPD list, Career Episode Writing, Summary Statement writing and CDR Review services. WRITING A CDR REPORT:  Use accurate Australian English.  Include all details required by Engineers Australia.  Specify the evidence that validates the claims.  Use the prescriptive style of writing. COMPONENTS OF CDR • Career Episode • Summary Statement • Continuing Professional Development CAREER EPISODE:  Career episode report is based on the engineering skills and it has to be written as per the occupation of the candidate.  Specify your engineering knowledge, skill and experience.  Should be written in English language and own words are used.  Do not use technical details.  Contains the problem you identified and tools or techniques you used during the project.  Word limit is 1,000 to 2,000.  Should be written in first person singular and use active voice.  Should be in essay format and don’t use tables  Each paragraph should be numbered. SUMMARY STATEMENT:  Most important and difficult section of CDR.  One page long and written inefficient and skill full way.  Here you have to show your engineering and management skills.  Analysis done in Career episode is ensured in here.  Use table format.  Indicators, units and elements used should be specified and linked with career episode.  Written for professional engineers, Engineering Associates and Engineering Technologist. CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT:  Important and compulsory part of CDR.  Specifies up-to-date knowledge gained from seminars, group discussion, and workshops.  Written in list format and helps to expand the knowledge.  Includes information about books, journals, manuals and magazines used for your engineering work.  Increases your career.  The review will be once in five years.  CDR writers make you understand the competencies and way to achieve them. CDR REPORT REVIEW:  Mistakes that are done accidentally during the CDR preparation are highlighted and rectified.  Records of Skilled Migration Visa are tracked.  The writer goes through a strict quality checking process.  Quality checking process includes Editing, Proof-reading, Plagiarism checking and removal. How our writers are more specialized?  Our writers are specialised in all type of CDR writings.  We choose the best writers who are more qualified for your CDR writings.  The writers are professionalized and completed PhD graduation.  Our writers will review your report many times before submission. cdraustralia.org  Provide the best CDR writing Services. Have professional and skilled writes that have experience in all the streams of engineering.  Deliver Plagiarism-free CDR reports.  Have more than 1000 writers who are experts in writing CDR report.  Deliver the report within the specific time.  Writers provide 100% guarantee approval reports.  Writers work for 365 days.  Offer services like CDR report writing, Career Episode Writing, Summary statement and CDR review.

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