'Food ordering system' presentation slideshows

Food ordering system - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

F.O.O.D Food Ordering Online Desk

F.O.O.D Food Ordering Online Desk

In today's life everyone is busy and wants to save their time as much as possible. In weekends many people want to spend their days and evenings somewhere out from their home, but in weekends crowd are generally much more than usual days and hence it leads to wait for a long time. Even for taking parcel we have to wait for a longer time. Getting table and waiting for food after ordering will become a headache and create a challenging environment for managers of restaurants and hotels. If fortunately, we got table then we get bind to that restaurant's menu and items only whether we like it or not. In colleges sta s are provided with coupons which is used as to ken in canteen, but sometime it may be lost or tempered. It is also a very time consuming process for sta members and canteen management as well. Now we are coming with a great application with some interesting ideas and ingredients. It helps to reduce the time, e orts, and resources for both vendors Hotels and restaurants and customers. Through this application we may able to pre order our food, and will be able to view waiting period of table availability at that particular restaurant. Customers can select through choices of their food or restaurants nearby them, which will give them a large amount of exibility and options to worth their time spending at that place. Nilesh Kumavat | Nikita Dhavan | Priyanka Patil "F.O.O.D - Food Ordering Online Desk" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-3 , April 2018, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd11641.pdf Paper URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/computer-science/parallel-computing/11641/food---food-ordering-online-desk/nilesh-kumavat

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