'President dr' presentation slideshows

President dr - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rise up every Single Time!!

Rise up every Single Time!!

Life is always generous and impartial to each one of us. This may sound a bit surprising but believe me; we own a sense of gratitude to our lives for sure. You may say then in that case, why do I always fail in my exams? Or why does a Girl never accept my proposal of becoming my girlfriend? Some of you may even ask why is my family like this? Well, I can sense of where these questions are actually coming from. The feeling inside you is killing your core self. It may have even eroded some portion of you which you never really were like. I as your friend am sitting beside you and believe me; I am up to being with you during such trying moments of life. However for the time being, donu2019t forget to believe that each and every phase of life is here to pass and nothing is permanent. Please do care to take some time off and try believing in this statement even though; it may seem hard for you to believe in what I have to say, right away. Just like you, I too came from a background of financial poverty, domestic violence at home, illnesses within the family that will go on for years, setbacks in love stories of my own. Even now, I battle depression to such an extent that sometimes, I become extremely negative about myself. But all of this is human nature and we must understand that in the long run, all of this will act as dots which when connected to the purpose of our lives shall help us reap benefits which shall truly and undoubtedly help us define our lives true purpose. Abraham Lincoln, a man who always was at loss in some way or the other could have easily given up on his life and also let go of his dream to becoming the President of the USA. He did not do that because even though he had setbacks he believed in the ideology that this universe was being generous to him each time, he failed. So, he went on and persevered harder and made history when he became the President of USA. We also have great examples like our own former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam sir, who did not have basic necessities of life but yet had the courage to treat setbacks as universeu2019s way of showering its generosity. For all those tears in isolation you cried, For all those setbacks, even after which you tried, I can only sit with you and try, Tryu2026 Try to fill your glass with dew drops of it. For Gratitude in the Heart, Is like a Burning Lamp in the Dark. Come on my friend, if your life is being too hard on you, just donu2019t become short sighted and pull yourself down, be that Phoenix who rises from the ashes and keep pressing forward with more perseverance and endurance. Life at some point will bestow you with all the good that you truly deserve. Letu2019s connect if you feel that there is something that you would want to discuss with me. As always, I am your friend first and then anybody else. Love and Light to you buddy Contact us:- Mobile no.:- 91 7980776312 Email us: - contact@yuvrajhuman.com

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