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Act III & Act IV

Act III & Act IV. Macbeth English IV L. Mercado. Is Macbeth’s fear of Banquo justified?. Lines 49-57 Banquo is ambitious Banquo is fearless Banquo’s actions are guided by wisdom This makes him greater than Macbeth! (Think paradox). Why all the talk of dogs?. Lines 92-104

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Act III & Act IV

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Act III & Act IV Macbeth English IV L. Mercado

  2. Is Macbeth’s fear of Banquo justified? • Lines 49-57 • Banquo is ambitious • Banquo is fearless • Banquo’s actions are guided by wisdom This makes him greater than Macbeth! (Think paradox)

  3. Why all the talk of dogs? • Lines 92-104 • Macbeth points out that different dogs have different traits. Some are more admirable than others, but we call them all dogs. • Metaphor • People are like dogs!

  4. Why doesn’t Macbeth just have Banquo put to death? Lines 120-123: There are certain friends of his and mine that I do not wish to offend for personal and political reasons.

  5. Macbeth: Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck. (l45) Keeps her in the dark because he is losing confidence in her. Keeps her in the dark for her protection and because he love her. “Chuck” is a term of endearment (sweetie, dear, honey etc.)

  6. FYI Won the Battle but Lost the War: Macbeth has won a tactical, or short-term, victory. However, he has lost strategically, or in the long run. Banquo’s death removes an immediate concern: however, Fleance’s escape means that the witches’ prophecy concerning Banquo’s descendants still can come true.

  7. Why does the ghost sit in Macbeth's chair? (3.4) Symbolism It symbolizes that Banquo’s descendents will take the throne. It also suggest that Macbeth’s guilty conscience is at work.

  8. 3. 4. 137-139: Macbeth: I am in blood stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er. I have gone to far to turn back now. I’m already so doomed that it doesn’t really matter how many more people I kill.

  9. How can Mabeth be compared to Star Wars? Macbeth like Darth Vader succumbed to the dark side of the force! Like Obi-Wan, Banquo sacrificed his life, telling his son to save himself. Then his ghost returns! On the Lighter Side

  10. Banquo’s issue will reign 4 Till Birnan comes to Dunsinane 3 2 None of woman born 1 Beware of Fife

  11. Just so you know... Killing Duncan = The throne Killing Banquo = Keeping the throne Killing Macduff’s family = pure savagery!

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