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Instrument for Pre - Accession - Component I - Transition Assistance and Institution Building. Katerina Kus-Ivanova Secretariat for European Affairs Sector for Coordination of EU Funds and Other Foreign Assistance 15 May 2008. IPA Coordination.
Instrument for Pre - Accession- Component I -Transition Assistance and Institution Building Katerina Kus-Ivanova Secretariat for European Affairs Sector for Coordination of EU Funds and Other Foreign Assistance 15 May 2008
IPA Coordination • The coordination of the programming and implementation of the financial support and assistance coming from the European Union, is in a direct competence of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, as National Aid Coordinator and National IPA Coordinator, and by the Secretariat for European Affairs (SEA), as its service. • The Secretariat for European Affairs is a direct partner to the European Commission (EC) and serves as a channel of communication between the national authorities and the relevant services of the Commission. • Activities were undertaken through learning by doing process with maximum engagement, great support and assistance from the Delegation of the European Commission, the European Agency for Reconstruction and the different services form the Commission’s Headquarters in Brussels.
Main cycles for delivery of results A - Programming Phase → B - Implementation Phase → C - Monitoring and Evaluation Phase
Programming coordination framework (2) • NIPAC/SEA identifies PRIORITY AREAS • NIPAC/SEA invites line ministries to submit draft project proposals • NIPAC/SEA invites Civil Society sector and Municipalities to submit priorities and/or project proposals • NIPAC/SEA screens all data and prepares internal priority listing • NIPAC-SEA/LM discuss priorities and prepare short-list – Summary Outline • NIPAC-SEA/EC discuss priorities and agree on the short-list – Summary Outline • NIPAC invites LM to submit PF according to short-list
Programming coordination framework (3) 8. NIPAC/SEA - assist/advice LM in preparation - performs quality control 9. NIPAC/SEA communicates the proposal to the MF and the DIS structures 10. NIPAC/SEA informs Government 11. EC drafts financial proposal • EC decides in accordance whit its procedures • IPA Committee Decision is awaited 14. NIPAC signs Financing Agreement
Selection of 2008 priorities for Component I (1)- The foundation for 2007-2013 – • Follow the commitments undertaken with the SAA (Stabilisation and Association Agreement ) • Priority areas defined in the MIPD (Multi annual Indicative Programming Document) • Scope of NPAA (National Plan for Adoption of the Acquis - General plan of activities for fulfillment of membership criteria) • Short term and medium term priorities (Implementation of Acquis Communautaire) • Calculation of costs related to the: • Legislation; • Administrative capacity; • IT investments; • Capital investments.
Selection of 2008 priorities for Component I (2)- The foundation for 2007-2013 – • Availability of funds: National budget, committed Foreign Assistance ↓ • Preliminary GAP identification - Priority areas with no/or limited funding ↓ • Mapping priority areas and donor commitment = major areas of intervention ↓ • Consultation process = the Government follows a combined “top down” and “bottom up” approach in the process of programming
Selection of 2008 priorities for Component I (3)- The foundation for 2007-2013 – The preliminary selection of the project ideas is done on the basis of the following selection criteria : • Follow the strategic priorities of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia; • Follow the dynamics of the obligations deriving from the NPAA; • Note the level of “coverage” from previous CARDS project and bilateral assistance from 2005 and 2006; • The level of project’s maturity (how developed is the project fiche and the project/tender documentation); • The project should have finite lifespan with the possibility of defining management boundaries on annual level; • Ensure inter – sectoral cooperation and communication; • Involvement of other bodies and stakeholders.
Selection of priorities for Component I (4)- The foundation for 2007-2013 –
Selection of 2008 priorities for Component I (5)Political Criteria - Democracy and Development - Project activities: • Strengthening the capacity to manage the OP • Support to the process of decentralization – focus on internal financial control capacities on central and local level • Further strengthening of the Judiciary • Integrated Border Management • Democracy and Fundamental Rights • Civil Society Dialogue and Development Total funds for Priority Axis 1 → 16,925 = 14,100 IPA + 2.825 Co-financing
Selection of 2008 priorities for Component I (6)Socio – Economic Criteria - Economy and Development - Project activities: • Support to the Agency for Supervision of fully funded pension insurance (MAPAS) • Implementation of Turn Around Management and Business Advisory Services • TEMPUS Programme (Regional Programme) Total funds for Priority Axis 2 → 7,430 € = 6,600 IPA + 0,830 Co-financing
Selection of 2008 priorities for Component I (7)Acquis Project activities: • Support to Free movement of goods –quality infrastructure • Support to the Public Procurement Systems • Strengthening the Customs Administration • Support to the Agricultural Sector • Strengthening the central and local capacities for environmental management • Nuclear Safety (Regional Project) • Capacity Building of the Veterinary Service Total funds for Priority Axis 3 → 18,200 € = 15,400 IPA + 2,800 Co-financing
Selection of 2008 priorities for Component I (8)Supporting Programmes Increased participation • The fourth objective is to increase the participation in Community Programmes and Agencies, and use the programme Preparation facility as a tool for complementary activities. Project Activities: • Project preparation and support facility • Community Programmes and Agencies Total funds for Priority Axis 4 → 5,522 € = 5,022 IPA + 0,500 Co-financing
Cooperation with other agencies, IFI’s and private funding • Further support to the judiciary: • In the area of Juvenile Justice, a grant of 0,7 million € will be given to UNICEF • UNICEF contributes 0,1 million € to the project activities • BAS/TAM: • For the implementation of these two activities, a grant of 2,325 million € will be given to EBRD • EBRD contributes with co-financing 0,250 million € • Co-financing from the private sector is expected to reach 0,480 million € through the BAS programme. • Free movement of Goods: • For the implementation of the activities related to the Bureau of Metrology , the the BERIS Programme of the World Bank will contribute 0,6 million € • Civil Society Dialogue: • 10-15% co-financing is expected from the final beneficiaries, which will contribute with their private funds up to 0,1 million €
- 2008 Operative Programme Financial Frame - IPA Funds • IPA Component 1 = 39,922 million € • IPA Component 2 transfer = 1,2 million € Total of 41,122 million € Co-financing • National Budget Contribution = 5,325 million € • WB, EBRD and UNICEF = 0,950 million € • Private Funding = 0,680 million €
Cooperation with the Civil Society (1)National Programmes IPA Project in 2007 • Support to the Unit for cooperation with the NGO’s in the General Secretariat of the GoRM and better implementation of the The Strategy for Cooperation with the Civil Society Sector • The project activities build on the strategy that provides a framework enabling the state administration to strengthen its cooperation with citizen associations and foundations and to develop a mutual partnership, and promotes dialogue and stimulates a stronger engagement of the citizens, who via their associations and foundations can voice their interests and needs and influence policy development and institutional decision making.
Cooperation with the Civil Society (2)National Programmes IPA Project in 2008 Component 1: • Implementation of the Strategy for cooperation between the Government with the Civil Sector ; • TA of 0,5 million € with national and international experts with specific attention to building capacities for effective and efficient management of the grant schemes.
Cooperation with the Civil Society (3)National Programmes IPA Project in 2008 Component 2: • Implementation of grant schemes in the area of: • NGO participation in the process of drafting legislation and regulations and the monitoring of the implementation of legislation • Awareness raising vis-à-vis the EU integration process • Fight against corruption and organized crime • Raising of the quality of inter ethnical relations • Strengthening NGO management and networking, including joint implementation of community based activities and social services, Resource Mobilisation, Mobilising voluntary work, institutional cooperation between NGOs and between NGOs and the local government. • Approximately 15 contracts are expected, having 0.8 million € (30.000 € - 60.000 €)
Cooperation with the Civil Society (4)Regional Programmes IPA Regional Project in 2008 Constituting a new civil society facility: • Support to local civic initiatives and capacity-building enforcing the role of civil society at a national level. (8 million €) 2. People 2 People programmes support visits to EU institutions and bodies to exchange experiences, know-how and good practices between Beneficiaries and EU civil society organisations. These programmes will target, in particular, groups with influence over decision-making and society, such as journalists, young politicians, trade union leaders, teachers etc; (2 million €) 3. Activities carried out in multilateral partnership between civil society organisations in the Beneficiaries and the EU leading to a transfer of knowledge and networks, as well as transnational innovative projects in areas such as environment, health, safety at work, corruption, crime, trafficking and etc. (3,8 million €)
Cooperation with the Civil Society (5)Regional Programmes • Additionally, Civil Society will be supported by the European Initiative for Human Rights and Democracy as well as this Multi-beneficiary MIPD and the IPA financial framework as a cross cutting issue. • Civil Society is understood to include employers' organisations, trade unions, and associations of local governments as well as non-governmental organisations. The justified balance will be kept between Balkans' Multi-beneficiary activities for civil society and specific activities under the National and EIDHR Programmes which focuses on strengthening the role of civil society in promoting human rights and democratic reform, in supporting conflict prevention and in consolidating political and participation and representation, • and to the actions supported under Community programmes such as Europe for Citizens or Youth in Action.
How we could share the work and improve cooperation: a suggestion and invitation to communicate more often • A useful exchange of information is of primary importance in the context of the work on the future IPA programming. • A comprehensive user-friendly and transparent way of exchanging information is established so that all the actors who wish to be involved in the process can provide input and easily benefit from the resulting flow of information. • This could be done effectively by making use of the Civic Platform, the Unit for Cooperation with the NGO’s and the EC and SEA website where all the information are and will be posted.