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Career and Technical Education. Kathy Finnerty Oswego County BOCES. CTE Mission. CTE teaches the skills and dispositions necessary to ensure students are employable (military-ready) or able to enter a post-secondary institution without having to take remedial courses.
Career and Technical Education Kathy Finnerty Oswego County BOCES
CTE Mission CTE teaches the skills and dispositions necessary to ensure students are employable (military-ready) or able to enter a post-secondary institution without having to take remedial courses
CTE career-specific skills Aligned with national/state industry standards Dispositions Career traits and attitudes an employer would desire in an employee Universal dispositions Career specific Modeled, directly taught, and assessed on a daily basis
Integrated Academics Explicitly teaching academic concepts embedded in the CTE curriculum as necessary tools for solving workplace problems
CTE New Paradigm Intentionality to which the integration occurs, applying rigorous national industry, and Common Core State academic Standards, and using research-based practices to teach
Engagement and Relevance Academics becomes just another tool in the student’s developing toolbox. The auto technician may reach for a wrench or an algebra formula to determine how best to improve your engine’s performance.
Collaboration Academic lessons are co-planned and co-taught by both the CTE teacher and certified academic teacher English teacher Literacy coach Science teacher Math teacher
Integrated Academics Applying CTE relevance to the teaching equation increases student engagement and achievement
High Schools That Work (HSTW) Became a High Schools That Work site in 2001 Formed a Literacy Team in 2009 and trained team using the Literacy Across the Curriculum six-day workshop Wrote our Literacy Plan in 2009 Trained entire CTE staff in 2010
Oswego County BOCES Literacy Goals 2012-2013 Students will: • read a minimum of three books or 300 pages of technical text • complete a minimum of one writing assignment weekly • use reading and writing strategies daily • develop at least one research project/paper Student literacy activities/projects will be reviewed by certified English teachers for rigor and content.
Oswego County BOCES Literacy Support Team Literacy Team CTE teachers (5) Special Education teacher English teacher Science teacher Curriculum Specialist CTE Director Literacy Coach
High Schools That Work (HSTW) The High Schools That Work Assessment is based on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The HSTW Assessment is designed to measure student readiness for post-secondary education and the workplace. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) creates, scores, and generates the statistical reports for the HSTW Assessment.
High Schools That Work (HSTW) Meeting the readiness goal means a student is “likely” able to enter post-secondary studies without needing to take remedial courses and “likely” able to pass the reading portion of “most employer exams for entry level” positions.
Aligned with college and work expectations • Focused and coherent • Define what all students are expected to know and be able to do at grade levels K-12 • Internationally benchmarked • Based on evidence and research
Focus and coherence Focus on key topics at each grade level Coherent progressions across grade levels Balance of concepts and skills Content standards require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency Mathematical practices Foster reasoning and sense-making in mathematics College and career readiness Ambitious but achievable
Grades 9-12 conceptual themes Number and Quantity Algebra Functions Modeling Geometry Statistics and Probability College and career readiness threshold
Algebra The gable roof of a structure having a span of 24 feet and length of 36 feet has a rise of 5 inches per foot of run. The rafters are 2” by 8”, spaced 16 inches on center and have a 12 inch overhang. Calculate the total number of common rafters needed for the roof. An 18 inch rotary lawn mower blade turns with a force of 2.5 pounds at the tip of the blade. How much torque is generated? At 2600 RPM, an engine is capable of doing 1925 foot-pounds of work per second. What is the engine’s horsepower rating at that engine speed?