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SEC Subpoena Defense

Have you received SEC subpoena defense? We have great experience defending and navigating companies who have received SEC Subpoenas and are getting investigated by the state securities regulator. Get more information, please visit our website: https://securitieslegal.com/sec-subpoena-defense/

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SEC Subpoena Defense

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  1. SEC Subpoena Defense About Us Wilson Bradshaw & Cao, LLP is a securities legal law firm. They work with many clients who are willing to start a business as an entrepreneur. A boutique law firm concentrated on Securities law and other business transactions with offices in Irvine, California and New York City. Our company provides cost-effective services and helps you grow your business without compromising quality. SEC SUBPOENA DEFENSE Have you received a subpoena from the SEC or a state securities regulator? We have extensive experience defending and navigating companies who have received SEC Subpoenas and are getting investigated by the SEC or a state securities regulator. Receiving an SEC subpoena often catches you off guard. We have seen all types of clients receive SEC subpoenas, from individuals to large corporations–many of which don’t have the time and expertise to handle such a response. Some SEC subpoenas are routine and you are not the target, some SEC subpoenas are unfounded and come due to an investor complaint. Other SEC subpoenas are extremely serious and failure to respond can lead to the assumption of guilt, and the SEC can turn the case over to the FBI or freeze your company’s bank accounts and raid your offices. Contact Us •Email: gbradshaw@wbc-law.com •Phone: 917-830-6517 •Address: 9110 Irvine Center Drive Irvine, CA 92618

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