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Georgia CTAE Drive-In Meeting Fall 2012 - Program Delivery Team Collaboration

Join us for an informative session with Georgia CTAE Program Delivery Team members to discuss course revisions, industry surveys, graduation rules, and more to enhance college and career readiness for students. Engage in meaningful conversations and workshops to shape the future of career pathways.

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Georgia CTAE Drive-In Meeting Fall 2012 - Program Delivery Team Collaboration

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  1. WelcomeCTAE Teachersand School Counselors Drive In Meeting-- Fall 2012

  2. Program Delivery Team Dwayne Hobbs Program Manager WBL/YAP Program Specialist 404-657-8334 dhobbs@doe.k12.ga.us

  3. Thank you Cengage! Kara Wilkes Kara.wilkes@cengage.com Fred Sprouse Fred.sprouse@cengage.com

  4. Program Delivery Team Career Cluster Areas:MarketingHospitality & Tourism Linda Smith Program Specialist 404-657-6588 LiSmith@doe.k12.ga.us

  5. Shannon Aaron Executive Director P.O. Box 189 Oxford, GA 30054 Phone: 770-630-3967 georgiadeca@gmail.com Office of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Marketing Sales, and Services

  6. Program Delivery Team Career Cluster Areas: Hospitality & Tourism (Culinary) Education & TrainingHuman Services (FACS) Laura Ergle Program Specialist 404-463-6406 LErgle@doe.k12.ga.us

  7. Vickie Rundbaken Executive Director 678-735-0091 ph 678-735-0094 fax Email gafccla@gmail.com www.gafccla.com Office of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education FACS, Culinary and Education

  8. Program Delivery Team Career Cluster Areas: Human Services (Personal Care/Cosmetology)Health SciencesLaw, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Phyllis Johnson Program Specialist 404-463-6404 PJohnson@doe.k12.ga.us

  9. Allen Seigler Executive Director 220 Smithonia Road Winterville, GA 30683 Phone: 866-914-5378 Allen.seigler@georgiahosa.org Office of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Health Care Sciences

  10. Program Delivery Team Career Cluster Areas: Architecture & ConstructionArts, A/V Technology & CommunicationTransportation, Distribution & Logistics Carol Burke Program Specialist 404-657-8308 cburke@doe.k12.ga.us

  11. Ashley Hopkins-Brown GA State Director SkillsUSA abrown@skillsusageorgia.org 470-233-0417 Office of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Architecture, Construction Communications, & Transportation

  12. Program Delivery Team Misty Freeman Program Specialist 404-657-8307 mfreeman@doe.k12.ga.us Career Cluster Areas: Business Management and AdministrationFinanceInformation Technology

  13. Monty Rhodes Executive Director GA FBLA 3316-A South Cobb Drive, Suite #229, Smyrna, GA 30080 P: (678) 231-7640 monty@georgiafbla.org www.georgiafbla.com Office of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Business and Computer Science

  14. Program Delivery Team Career Cluster Areas: Special PopulationsCCAE/Project SuccessCTI Tammy Caudell Program Specialist 404-656-3042 tcaudell@doe.k12.ga.us

  15. Mary Donahue CTI State Coordinator 3 Central Plaza Suite 245 Rome, GA 30161 706-314-9624 ph706-314-9624 fax mdonahue@georgiacti.org Office of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Special Populations

  16. Program Delivery Team Career Cluster Areas: Science, Technology, Engineering & MathematicsManufacturingEnergy Mark Crenshaw Program Specialist 404-657-8316 mcrenshaw@doe.k12.ga.us

  17. Mr. Steve Price Executive Director - TSA sprice@gatsa.org 678-551-0840 www.gatsa.org Office of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Engineering & Technology

  18. Development and Transition Team Career Cluster Areas: Government & Public Administration(includes JROTC) Gary Mealer Program Specialist 404-463-8197 gmealer@doe.k12.ga.us

  19. School Guidance and Counseling Team Counseling and Guidance MyrelSeigler Program Manager 404-657-8324 mseigler@doe.k12.ga.us

  20. School Guidance and Counseling Team Career Development CoordinatorTeachers-As-Advisors CoordinatorNontraditional Fields of Employment Vivian Snyder Program Specialist 404-657-8331 vsnyder@doe.k12.ga.us

  21. School Guidance and Counseling Team Guidance and CounselingSocial WorkHospital Homebound Services Jackie Melendez Program Specialist 404-657-4965 jmelendez@doe.k12.ga.us

  22. Georgia Department of Education Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education David TurnerDirector Georgia Department of Education 404-657-8317 dturner@doe.k12.ga.us

  23. Drive-In Meeting Agenda • Career Cluster/Pathway Course Revisions • Business/Industry Survey • Graduation Rule Revision Process • College and Career Readiness Performance Index • GACTE Update – Matthew Gambill • Program Area Breakouts

  24. The Vision for Georgia’s Students: All students completing a Career Pathway

  25. Career Clusters and Pathways • Continued Work with Advisory Committees • Examining Pathways in each Cluster • Course Titles • Course Content • Embedding Common Core Performance Standards • Inclusion of Soft Skills/Employability Skills • Inclusion of Work-Based Learning

  26. Business and Industry Survey • Partnership of GaDOE, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at UGA • Items established to measure relevance • Sent to all Chamber members • Local Chambers asked to send to all their members • Survey link sent to all CTAE teachers and school administrators • Results will be reported to State Board • Committees will consider result in course revisions

  27. Georgia’s Waiver Process • Release requested from NCLB AYP Requirements • Waiver submission to USDOE • Waiver granted for school year 2011-2012 to be a “study year” to build the CCRPI • Committees and meetings held to gain input • “Use Case Rules” currently being established • Submitted for full approval in school year 2012-2013 • Constant analysis of data and revision process • DRAFT is the key word

  28. DRAFT College and Career Ready Performance Index,High School, Grades 9 - 12 Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All of Georgia’s Students” CONTENT MASTERY (END of COURSE TESTS in some areas to be REPLACED by COMMON CORE ASSESSMENTS in 2014-15) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the Ninth Grade Literature End of Course Test (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the American Literature End of Course Test (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the Mathematics I/GPS Algebra (transitioning to CCGPS Coordinate Algebra) End of Course Test (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the Mathematics II/GPS Geometry (transitioning to CCGPS Analytic Geometry) End of Course Test (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the Physical Science End of Course Test (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the Biology End of Course Test (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the US History End of Course Test (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the Economics End of Course Test (required participation rate ≥ 95%) POST HIGH SCHOOL READINESS Percent of graduates completing a CTAE pathway, or an advanced academic pathway, or a fine arts pathway, or a world language pathway within their program of study Percent of CTAE Pathway Completers earning a national industry recognized credential, or a passing score on a GaDOE recognized end of pathway assessment (operational in 2014-2015) Percent of graduates: entering TCSG/USG not requiring remediation or learning support courses; or scoring at least 22 out of 36 on the composite ACT; or scoring at least 1550 out of 2400 on the combined SAT; or scoring 3 or higher on two or more AP exams ; or scoring 4 or higher on two or more IB exams Percent of graduates earning high school credit(s) for accelerated enrollment via ACCEL, Dual HOPE Grant, Move On When Ready, Early College, Gateway to College, Advanced Placement courses, or International Baccalaureate courses Percent of graduates earning 2 or more high school credits in the same world language Percent of graduates successfully completing 1 or more Advanced Placement courses or 1 or more International Baccalaureate courses Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the Georgia High School Writing Test Percent of students achieving a Lexile measure greater than or equal to 1275 on the American Literature EOCT Percent of EOCT assessments scoring at the Exceeds level Student Attendance Rate (%) GRADUATION RATE 19. 5-Year Extended Cohort Graduation Rate (%)

  29. 9. Percent of graduates completing a CTAE pathway, or an advanced academic pathway, or a fine arts pathway, or a world language pathway within their program of study. 10. Percent of CTAE Pathway Completers earning a national industry recognized credential, or a passing score on a GaDOE recognized end of pathway assessment (operational in 2014-2015).

  30. DRAFT Exceeding the Bar:a companion to the College and Career Ready Performance Index for High Schools In addition to the nineteen (19) items within the College and Career Ready Performance Index, high schools may earn additional points for these supplemental indicators. • Percent of graduates taking a nationally recognized college entrance examination • Percent of graduates earning credit in a physics course • Percent of first time 9th grade students with disabilities earning 3 Carnegie Unit Credits in 3 core content areas • Percent of first time 9th grade students earning 4 Carnegie Unit Credits in 4 core content areas • School has earned a Georgia Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Program Certification 6. Percent of English Learners with positive movement from one Performance Band to a higher Performance Band based on the ACCESS for ELLs 7. *Percent of graduates completing a career-related Work-Based Learning Program or a career-related Capstone Project (moves to face of CCRPI in 2016-2017) 8. Percent of students in International Baccalaureate High Schools (IB) completing IB Career-Related Certificates 9. School or LEA-defined innovative practice accompanied by documented data supporting improved student achievement To be considered at a later date for inclusion on the mandatory indicators or as an Exceeding the Bar indicator: *Percent of tested students scoring at a proficient level on a Soft Skills Assessment (moves to face of CCRPI in 2014-2015) Percent of tested students earning an AFQT score of 35 or higher on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery School’s average score on the Georgia Teacher Effectiveness Measurement School’s average score on the Georgia Leader Effectiveness Measurement CCGPS Advanced Algebra to be included in PARCC assessments

  31. 7. *Percent of graduates completing a career-related Work-Based Learning Program or a career-related Capstone Project (moves to face of CCRPI in 2016-2017).

  32. DRAFT College and Career Ready Performance Index,Middle School, Grades 6 - 8 Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent “Making Education Work for All of Georgia’s Students” CONTENT MASTERY (CRCT in some areas to be REPLACED by COMMON CORE ASSESSMENTS in 2014-15) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds in ELA (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds in reading (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds in mathematics (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds in science (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds in social studies (required participation rate ≥ 95%) POST MIDDLE SCHOOL READINESS Percent of English Learners with positive movement from one Performance Band to a higher Performance Band as measured by the ACCESS for ELLs Percent of Students With Disabilities served in general education environments greater than 80% of the school day Percent of students scoring at Meets or Exceeds on the Grade Eight Writing Assessment (required participation rate ≥ 95%) Percent of students in grade 8 achieving a Lexile measure equal to or greater than 1050 Percent of students completing 2 or more state defined career related assessments/inventories by the end of grade 8 Percent of students with a complete state defined Individual Graduation Plan by the end of grade 8 Student Attendance Rate (%) PREDICTOR FOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Percent of students in grade eight passing at least four courses in core content areas (ELA, mathematics, science, social studies) Percent of CRCT assessments scoring at the Exceeds level

  33. 10. Percent of students completing 2 or more state defined career related assessments/inventories by the end of grade 8. 11. Percent of students with a complete state defined Individual Graduation Plan by the end of grade 8.

  34. DRAFT Exceeding the Bar: a companion to the College and Career Ready Performance Index for Middle Schools In addition to the fourteen (14) items within the College and Career Ready Performance Index, middle schools may earn additional points for these supplemental indicators. • Percent of students in grades 6 - 8 successfully completing above grade level core courses (ELA, mathematics, science, social studies) • Percent of students successfully earning three middle school course credits in the fine arts, or career exploratory , or world languages • Percent of students earning at least one high school credit by the end of grade 8 (ELA, mathematics, science, social studies, world languages, fine arts, CTAE) • School has earned a Georgia Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Program Certification • Percent of students in grade 8scoring proficient/advanced on the 21st Century Skills Technology Assessment or a GaDOE recognized technology assessment • Percent of students in grades 6 - 8 with a fully documented Fitnessgram assessment • School or LEA-defined innovative practice accompanied by documented data supporting improved student achievement To be considered at a later date for inclusion on the mandatory indicators or as an Exceeding the Bar indicator: School’s average score on the Georgia Teacher Effectiveness Measurement School’s average score on the Georgia Leader Effectiveness Measurement

  35. 2. Percent of students successfully earning three middle school course credits in the fine arts, or career exploratory, or world languages.

  36. Summary • The vision is for all students to complete an appropriate career related pathway. • Clusters, pathways and courses are being revised and created. • Changes are Business and Industry driven. • Graduation Rule proposal requires completion of a pathway and completion of a Capstone project or Work-Based Learning. • CCRPI scores pathway completers, passing of EOPA and earning industry credentials. • WBL or Capstone is scored for “bonus points” until 2016 when it counts as major part of the score

  37. GACTE Update Matthew Gambill Executive Director Georgia Association for Career & Technical Education Georgia DOE – CTAE Division Fall 2012 Teacher Drive-In Meetings

  38. GACTE Update… 66th Annual GACTE Summer Conference “Education Revolution” July 10-13, 2013 (Wed-Sat) Cobb Galleria Centre Renaissance Waverly Hotel *Conference planning is currently underway to line up dynamic speakers and to determine the conference logo

  39. GACTE Update… ACTE Region II Conference Sept. 27-30, 2012 Greenville, South Carolina ACTE CareerTech VISION 2012Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2012 Atlanta, Georgia ACTE National Policy Seminar March 4-6, 2013 Washington, D.C.

  40. GACTE Update… GACTE Membership 2,743 (2nd Largest in the Nation) Leadership opportunities within ACTE & GACTE Nominations open March 2013 www.gacte.org Debby Ford serves on the ACTE Board as Region II Vice President.

  41. GACTE Update… BUDGET… Governor requested 2% cut from all state agencies for FY2013 including CTAE Legislature reduced by 1% Governor signed off

  42. GACTE Update… PRESS RELEASE…www.gacte.org Think TWICE before you cut CTAE!! Know the Facts: House Bill 186, sponsored by Rep. Randy Nix, was passed in 2011 by the Georgia General Assembly and mandates career pathways for ALL public high school students beginning in the 2013-2014 school year.  Back in 2010, the legislature passed House Bill 400, the “Building Resourceful Individuals for Georgia’s Economy” (BRIDGE) legislation, sponsored by Sen. Fran Millar, who is the current chairman of the Senate Education Committee.  The BRIDGE Bill also requires career pathways and establishes that ALL students, beginning in 8th grade, develop a graduation plan focused on career interest and CTAE courses offered in the high schools.    Additionally, Georgia’s new College and Career Readiness Performance Index, which is our waiver to the “No Child Left Behind” Act (AYP), will take into consideration CTAE pathway completers in all school systems.  This Index was recently approved by the U.S. Department of Education and State Superintendent Barge has worked diligently to require the addition of CTAE as a performance measurement.  Finally, Governor Deal in January 2012 announced his new “Go Build” program which is a public awareness campaign designed to educate high school students on the value of learning a trade, dispel their misconceptions about the skilled trade industry and inspire them to consider their future careers. With the passage of these initiatives, GREATER focus and GREATER emphasis is being placed on CTAE then ever before. Local school systems must resist the temptation to cut CTAE programs as a quick solution to budget difficulties. By reducing the number of CTAE programs, local systems will soon find themselves unable to comply with these laws and regulations which will ultimately inhibit Georgia’s students from seeking options that prepare them for college and CAREERS. For more information, please contact Matthew Gambill, GACTE Executive Director at mhgambill@bellsouth.net or 770-655-0045. Or visit us at: www.gacte.org www.gacte.org

  43. GACTE Update… BUDGET… Tax collections are up but not at where projected for the budget. Governor requested 3% cut from all state agencies for FY2014 including CTAE

  44. GACTE Update… HB400- BRIDGE Bill (2010) HB186- Career Pathways Bill (2011) HB713- Extension for Pathways (2012) HB130- CTE Advisory Commission Education Finance Commission (2011) Rep. Brooks Coleman Sen. Fran Millar

  45. GACTE Update… Perkins… Signed into law August 12, 2006 Reauthorized through 2012 President Obama’s current budget cuts Perkins by 7% (approx $3 million cut for our share in GA) Georgia share: approx. $48 million annually

  46. GACTE Update… 2013 Legislative Agenda Posted November 2012 www.gacte.org

  47. GACTE Update… Making An Impression & Impact Know your message • Elevator pitch • Legislative/Budget priorities: GACTE Legislative Agenda www.gacte.org Weekly GACTE Legislative Update GACTE Membership List-Serve ACTE Membership Policy Updates

  48. Matthew GambillExecutive DirectorGeorgia Association for Career & Technical EducationP.O. Box 443Kennesaw, Georgia 30156678-461-0006mhgambill@bellsouth.netwww.gacte.org

  49. BREAKOUT SESSIONS • Questions & Answer Opportunity in the breakout sessions. • Breakout Sessions • Program Specialists & Team Leaders have customized agenda with pertinent issues. • Including CTSO information

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