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COMMON CORE 7-10 PRACTICE TEST KEY. VOCAB 1 / A ________________________________________________________________ _____ 1 ) Amendment A ) Allows the power of the Constitution to be stretched B ) Large quantity of goods produced in a short time
VOCAB 1 / A ________________________________________________________________ _____ 1) Amendment A) Allows the power of the Constitution to be stretched B) Large quantity of goods produced in a short time _____ 2) Monroe Doctrine C) A number of groups united in an alliance or league D) Claimed authority of the W. Hemisphere for the U.S. _____ 3) Elastic Clause E) Nickname for U.S. because it was built on agriculture F) Established U.S./Canadian border & prevented wars _____ 4) Rush-Bagot G) Change or additions to the U.S. Constitution H) Jefferson’s attempt to prevent war by banning trade _____ 5) Revolution I) Attempt of a group to overthrow an established govt. J) Place where Lewis & Clark camped at the Pacific G D A F I
VOCAB 1 / B ______________________________________________________________ _____ 6) Confederacy A) Allows the power of the Constitution to be stretched B) Large quantity of goods produced in a short time _____ 7) Mass Production C) A number of groups united in an alliance or league D) Claimed authority of the W. Hemisphere for the U.S. _____ 8) Nature’s Nation E) Nickname for U.S. because it was built on agriculture F) Established U.S./Canadian border & prevented wars _____ 9) Fort Clatsop G) Change or additions to the U.S. Constitution H) Jefferson’s attempt to prevent war by banning trade _____ 10) Embargo Act I) Attempt of a group to overthrow an established govt. J) Place where Lewis & Clark camped at the Pacific C B E J H
VOCAB 2 / A _______________________________________________________________ _____ 11) Cabinet A) Americans forced into the British Navy by mistake B) Advisors to the President of United States _____ 12) Precedent C) The act of canceling an established law D) Patriotism or Pride in one’s country _____ 13) Political Party E) Labor system of workers ages 7-12 F) Use of young unmarried women as laborers _____ 14) Repeal G) Setting a political example for others to follow H) Merchant ships converted to battleships during war _____ 15) Privateers I) Group who share common viewpoints on govt. J) When a country imports more goods than they export B G I C H
VOCAB 2 / B ________________________________________________________________ _____ 16) Nationalism A) Americans forced into the British Navy by mistake B) Advisors to the President of United States _____ 17) Impressment C) The act of canceling an established law D) Patriotism or Pride in one’s country _____ 18) Trade Deficit E) Labor system of workers ages 7-12 F) Use of young unmarried women as laborers _____ 19) Rhode Island G) Setting a political example for others to follow H) Merchant ships converted to battleships during war _____ 20) Lowell System I) Group who share common viewpoints on govt J) When a country imports more goods than they export D A J E F
PEOPLE 1 / A ______________________________________________________________ _____ 21) John Adams A) Doubled the size of U.S. through land purchase B) Invented Cotton Gin & Interchangeable Parts _____ 22) George Washington C) Explored the Southern Louisiana Territory D) Defeated Little Turtle / Treaty of Greenville _____ 23) Samuel Slater E) Leader of the War Hawks of the West F) Saved famous portrait of George Washington _____ 24) Zebulon Pike G) The XYZ Affair / Alien & Sedition Acts H) Vice Present who was involved in famous duel _____ 25) Mad Anthony Wayne I) Brought Industrial Technology to America J) Neutrality Proclamation & Whiskey Rebellion G J I C D
PEOPLE 1 / B ______________________________________________________________ _____ 26) Eli Whitney A) Doubled the size of U.S. through land purchase B) Invented Cotton Gin & Interchangeable Parts _____ 27) Dolly Madison C) Explored the Southern Louisiana Territory D) Defeated Little Turtle / Treaty of Greenville _____ 28) Aaron Burr E) Leader of the War Hawks of the West F) Saved famous portrait of George Washington _____ 29) Thomas Jefferson G) The XYZ Affair / Alien & Sedition Acts H) Vice Present who was involved in famous duel _____30) Henry Clay I) Brought Industrial Technology to America J) Neutrality Proclamation & Whiskey Rebellion B F H A E
PEOPLE 2 / A _______________________________________________________________ _____ 31) James Madison A) Leader of the Red Stick Confederacy B) Made ruling in the Marbury vs. Madison Case _____ 32) Meriwether Lewis C) Won the Battle of New Orleans D) Invented the first practical steamboat _____ 33) Francis Scott Key E) Dictator who threatened all of Europe with war F) Executed during the French Revolution _____ 34) Napoleon Bonaparte G) President during the War of 1812 H) Led the Corps of Discovery to the Pacific _____ 35) King Louis XVI I) Indian Fighter / Won Battle of Tippecanoe J) Authored the Star Spangled Banner poem G H J E F
PEOPLE 2 / B _______________________________________________________________ _____ 36) Andrew Jackson A) Leader of the Red Stick Confederacy B) Made ruling in the Marbury vs. Madison Case _____ 37) Chief Tecumseh C) Won the Battle of New Orleans D) Invented the first practical steamboat _____ 38) John Marshall E) Dictator who threatened all of Europe with war F) Executed during the French Revolution _____ 39) Robert Fulton G) President during the War of 1812 H) Led the Corps of Discovery to the Pacific _____ 40) William H. Harrison I) Indian Fighter / Won Battle of Tippecanoe J) Authored the Star Spangled Banner poem C A B D I
Bill of Rights ________________________________________________________________ _____ 41) 1st Amendment A) Prevents cruel and unusual punishments B) Allows someone to sue another person in civil court cases for financial damages. _____ 42) 2nd Amendment C) Right of personal thought, including speech press, religion, and the right to assemble. D) States that a person on trial does not have to be a witness against themselves. _____ 43) 3rd Amendment E) Prevents the military from using your home or property during times of peace. F) Prevents illegal search or seizure of your property without a court ordered warrant. _____ 44) 4th Amendment G) Guarantees a speedy pubic trial by jury in all criminal court case. H) A citizen’s right to keep and bear firearms. C H E F
Bill of Rights ________________________________________________________________ _____ 45) 5th Amendment A) Prevents cruel and unusual punishments B) Allows someone to sue another person in civil court cases for financial damages. _____ 46) 6th Amendment C) Right of personal thought, including speech press, religion, and the right to assemble. D) States that a person on trial does not have to be a witness against themselves. _____ 47) 7th Amendment E) Prevents the military from using your home or property during times of peace. F) Prevents illegal search or seizure of your property without a court ordered warrant. _____ 48) 8th Amendment G) Guarantees a speedy pubic trial by jury in all criminal court case. H) A citizen’s right to keep and bear firearms. D G B A
C M A P _____ 49) Spanish territory invaded by Jackson _____ 50) Home to Seminole Indians / Negro Fort _____ 51) Red Stick Confederacy / Creek Wars C D
B M A P _____ 52) Lewis & Clark / Fort Clatsop / Winter _____ 53) Site of the Whiskey Rebellion _____ 54) Northern Goal of the War Hawks E AB
A M A P _____ 55) Location of New Spain / Mexico _____ 56) The Battle of Put in Bay / Detroit _____ 57) Corps of Discovery Western Goal D AD
AC M A P _____ 58) Buffalo, Shoshone Indians, Great Plains _____ 59) Area North of the 49th Parallel Line _____ 60) Region with Mississippi as its E. Border Line AB AC ROCKY MTS. MISS RIVER APP MTS.