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RNS Newsletter. June 2010. Mission Statement: The Rehabilitation Nurses Society is a membership organization that provides continuing education and networking for medical care coordination. The professional goal of its members
RNS Newsletter June 2010 Mission Statement: The Rehabilitation Nurses Society is a membership organization that provides continuing education and networking for medical care coordination. The professional goal of its members is to advocate for quality patient care while utilizing community resources in a cost effective manner. We are dark on June 24th to give our members the chance to attend CMSA’s quarterly meeting. Join us on July 22nd for Laura Nugent’s presentation on FCE’s, work hardening & work conditioning.
President’s Message By Renae Paulson, RN June 1, 2010 Dear RNS Members and Friends, We try our best to be accommodating to area groups who provide case management educational programs and other rehab topics to, so we will be dark in June to accommodate CMSA who also meets on this 4th week of June. Our next meeting will be on July 22. In addition to the varied educational topics that enrich the professional nurse and and rehabilitation professionals, RNS also focuses on the social aspect of networking with each other and other professional business partners. RNS is supported by its membership body and a very important part of the friends of the RN are our business partners, those of whom that are service providers. We are particularly blessed by the many Home Health Care companies that make themselves available each month by being a consistent supporter of the RNS meetings. I want to use the remainder of my letter to touch on one of RNS’ primary goals: networking. As many of you know, I recently lost my mom after a long illness that required a daily caregiver in the home. Without this service, I would not have been able to work and volunteer as a board member of RNS. I am especially grateful for the loving care that was provided to my mom. The companionship of the sitter was priceless, as was the relationship that was formed between the companion and myself. She became an extension of the family, even sometimes a personal assistant to me. I would encourage you to get to know the different representatives that come to the meetings as they are so helpful to the nurse, if not for direct care, for direction and advice. Our sincere thanks to Dr. Walter Jacobson, currently associated with Northridge Hospital, for his insight and knowledge of the treatment and Management of the behavior and mood disorders associated with TBI. Medication management is always a challenge for the nurse and prescribing MD. “Thank you” to the following vendors for their continuing generosity. Continuity Care home Nurses, Cindy Dixon of Special Care Nursing, and Barbara Tucker w/Dr. Heskiaoff office, Lori Brummels w/CNS, Francine Aaron of Casa Colina, and Susan Gomez w/Care Meridian. Stay well and I hope to see you at the RNS meeting on July 22, 2010 Renae Paulson, RN RNS President
2010 Board of Directors Renae Paulson President(818) 240-1234, ex. 2601 renae.paulson@libertymutual.com Rita Pathmanaban Vice President (714) 336-3212 ritapath@cox.netKaren York Corresponding Secretary/ (newsletter and web-site) (818) 240-1234, ext. 2043 karen.york@libertymutual.com Maryanne Sawoski Treasurer(818) 753-5106 Cell (818) 730-8490 administrator@cchomenurses.com Nancy PersonRecording Secretary (818) 240-1234, ext. 2669 nancy.person@libertymutual.com Diana Campos Member at Large (membership) (818) 894-7879 dcampos@assistedca.com RNS member Adam Fine of Accessible Design & Consulting has written an article on the challenges of home safety in the senior and disabled populations. The article is titled “Simple Solutions to Everyday Home Safety Challenges”. The article brings up some interesting challenges that these populations face and some of the simple solutions that he uses to overcome the challenge, something that we’ll all benefit from at some point in time. As a Certified Aging in Place Specialist and Certified Environmental Access Consultant, Adam has the experience and background to come up with solutions that he mentions in this article. This interesting article is another example of the RNS goals of networking between members. To get your copy, e-mail Adam at: accessibleconstruction@yahoo.com
Mark your calendar to attend the July 22 meeting ….. and don’t forget to RSVP by July 16! To e-mail your reservation, send an e-mail to: administrator@cchomenurses.com To RSVP by phone, call Kellie Kerr or Maryanne Sawoski at (818) 753-5106. You can mail your registration to: Maryanne Sawoski, c/o RNS Continuity Care Home Nurses 12722 Riverside Drive, Suite #108 North Hollywood, CA 91607 Do you want your newsletter by e-mail or have an address change? If so, send an e-mail to Karen York ……. Let us know if you know anybody who would be interested in becoming part of a dynamic professional organization committed to the education and networking needs of its members. Karen will e-mail a copy of the newsletter to them. If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you. -- T. S. Eliot -- We’re on the Web! see us at www.rns-ca.org RNS c/o Karen York 5429 Tyler Ave. Temple City, CA 91780