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Tracking the Cycle of PA Success. Julie DeBardelaben Deputy Director, Public Affairs 2005 Summer National Conference. Mission Statement. To inform internal and external audiences of Civil Air Patrol’s national importance; enable the organization to grow; protect the image and assets
Tracking the Cycleof PA Success Julie DeBardelaben Deputy Director, Public Affairs 2005 Summer National Conference
Mission Statement To inform internal and external audiences of Civil Air Patrol’s national importance; enable the organization to grow; protect the image and assets of the corporation; and strengthen relationships with key audiences and customers.
Planning • The Four-Step Process • Defining the problem.This involves probing and monitoring knowledge, opinions, attitudes and behaviors of those concerned with and affected by the acts and policies of an organization – research and fact finding. In essence, this is an organization’s intelligence function as it requires determining “What’s happening now?” • Planning and programming. This involves bringing the intelligence to bear on the policies and programs of the organization. It results in decisions affecting program target audiences, objectives, procedures and strategies in the interests of all concerned. This step in the process answers “What should we do andwhy?”
Planning • Taking action and communicating. This involves implementing the plans and programs through both action and communication designed to achieve specific objectives related to the program goal. With respect to each of the publics, the question is “How do we do it and say it?” • Evaluating the program.This involves determining the results of the program, as we are assessing the effectiveness of program preparation and implementation. Adjustments can be made in the continuing program or the program can be stopped after learning “How did we do?”
Ten Steps in Preparing a Plan • The Problem • Situation Analysis a. Internal Factors b. External Factors • Program Goals • Significant Publics a. (Public #1) b. (Public #2) c. (etc.)
Ten Steps In Preparing A Plan 5. Program Objectives for Each Public a. ( Public #1) b. ( Public #2) c. ( etc.) 6. ActionProgram Strategies 7.Communication Program Strategies a. Message Strategies b. Media Strategies 8. Program Evaluation
Ten Steps In Preparing A Plan 9. Program Implementation Plans a. Assignment of Responsibilities b. Schedule c. Budget 10. Feedback and Program Adjustments Taken from Effective Public Relations by Cutlip, Center and Broom
Excerpts from Air University’s Public Affairs Strategic Plan Goal 9: Continuously contact and educate new audiences through community relations programs Objective 1: Continue community outreach through base tours, speakers bureau and interaction with chambers of commerce. • __ Hold a civic leader tour biannually • __ Visit area chambers quarterly to maintain strong community relations • __ Maintain active list of quality, motivated speakers
Excerpts from Air University’s Public Affairs Strategic Plan • __ Encourage senior leadership to speak to the community and participate in external community events • __ Ensure all community audiences are identified and methods of communication are effective • __ Share AU and Air Force themes and messages with the community
Excerpts from Air University’s Public Affairs Strategic Plan Objective 2: Continue to build base tour program • __ Increase size of volunteer tour guide pool • __ Add potential tour stops to planning list
Excerpts from Air University’s Public Affairs Strategic Plan Objective 3: Efficient handling of noise complaint calls • __ Aircraft noise complaints forwarded to appropriate office within one hour of call • __ Provide answer to complainant within 24 hours
Excerpts from Air University’s Public Affairs Strategic Plan Goal 10: Communicate with and educate the public through aggressive media relations program Objective 1: Energize and educate media to gain more balanced, thorough, accurate coverage • __ Conduct media orientations • __ Brief media annually on what PA can and will do for them in crisis situations • __ Ensure maximum disclosure, minimum delay
Excerpts from Air University’s Public Affairs Strategic Plan Objective 2: Aggressively pursue all positive media coverage • __ Distribute news releases, schedule interviews, media visits and photo opportunities whenever possible • __ Use AU and Air Force themes and messages during all media encounters
Excerpts from Air University’s Public Affairs Strategic Plan Objective 3: Educate disaster response team members about their responsibilities and PA’s role regarding media interaction during a crisis • __ Brief off-base agencies annually • __ Brief on-base agencies at least annually
Excerpts from Air University’s Public Affairs Strategic Plan Goal 11: Provide customers on-demand service Objective 1: Ensure up-to-date fact sheets and biographies are posted on base Web site • __ Fact sheets reviewed and updated annually • __ Biographies updated within one month after change of command or promotion
Excerpts from Air University’s Public Affairs Strategic Plan Objective 2: Have current Economic Impact Analysis and other community information readily available • __ Ensure office personnel know where to obtain EIA and other information in order to provide information to requestors on demand Objective 3: Each office section will have updated continuity books (media, comrel, internal, security/policy review, admin) • __ Maintain continuity books so any office member can answer basic questions in short order
Excerpts from Air University’s Public Affairs Strategic Plan Objective 4: PA staff will keep each other’s divisions informed of all high-vis events about which the office is likely to receive queries, i.e., Glenn Miller, July 4th, Air Show, etc. • __ POC will provide basic information to director and division chiefs via e-mail or place hard copy on all desks (Qs & As, RTQs, news releases)
How to Set Up Editorial Board Meetings • A newspaper’s editorial section is among the most widely read and influential pages in the paper.
How to Set Up Editorial Board Meetings • Editorials that are written by the newspaper’s editorial staff are extremely influential in setting public opinion and mobilizing a community to take action.
How to Set Up Editorial Board Meetings • Editorial board meetings allow interested parties or groups to present their point of view on issues that are important to them and the community. The paper then takes these views into consideration when deciding what editorial stances to take and even what stories to cover. • Editorial board meetings usually include the editorial page editor, one or more editorial writers and often a reporter who covers the issue being discussed.
How to Set Up Editorial Board Meetings • To set up an editorial board meeting with your newspaper: • Call or write the head of the editorial board at your local newspaper. Newspapers will know exactly what you are asking for when you request a meeting with the editorial board.
How to Set up Editorial Board Meetings • In most instances, their assistant will either connect you or ask you to send a letter or e-mail.
How to Set up Editorial Board Meetings • Select up to four people to meet with the editorial board. You should assemble a diverse group to meet with the editorial board.
How to Set Up Editorial Board Meetings • Plan your remarks. One person generally acts as the spokesperson and introduces the issue. Your presentation to the editorial board should take no more than 15 or 20 minutes. • After the presentation, the members of the editorial board generally ask questions of the group. • Be sure to provide a media kit. Taken from www.coveringkidsandfamilies.org
Setting Up a Speaker’s Bureau The speaker’s bureau is a means of providing speakers on request. • The subject matter usually represents a compromise between the speaker’s desire to express organizational views on important issues and the audience’s interest in having informative programs. • The speaker’s bureau is a valuable medium for any organization with something important to say to key groups of influence and community groups.
Setting up a Speaker’s Bureau • There are four points worth remembering in providing speakers to outside groups: • First, carefully select and coach the line-up of speakers; • Second, select topics that serve the needs of potential audiences and carry the organization’s story or positions on important issues of public debate; 3.Third, provide speakers visual aids -- flip charts, slides, overhead transparencies, films or videotapes; and
Setting Up a Speaker’s Bureau 4. Fourth, promote and publicize the availability of the speakers to appropriate groups.
Rules of Good Media Relations • Rules for Good Media Relations • Good relationships can best be achieved by practice of a few basic principles: • Shoot squarely • Give service • Don’t beg or carp • Don’t ask for kills • Don’t flood the media • Keep updated lists
Rules of Good Media Relations Specific Guidelines • Practitioners can profit from close study of these guidelines developed by an experienced counselor, Chester Burger: • Talk from the viewpoint of the public’s interest, not the organization’s.
Rules of Good Media Relations 2. Speak in personal terms whenever possible. 3. If you do not want some statement quoted, do not make it. Spokespersons should avoid talking “off the record” because such statements may well wind up published without the source. 4. State the most important fact at the beginning.
Rules of Good Media Relations 5. Do not argue with the reporter or lose your cool. Understand that the journalist seeks an interesting story and will use whatever techniques necessary to obtain it. 6. If a question contains offensive language or simply words you do not like, do not repeat them even to deny them. Reporters often use the gambit of putting words into the subject’s mouth. 7. If the reporter asks a direct question, give an equally direct answer. Not giving one is a common error.
Rules of Good Media Relations 8. If a spokesperson does not know the answer to a question, one should simply say, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out for you.” With this, the spokesperson assumes the responsibility of following through. 9. Tell the truth. Even when it hurts. In this era of skepticism and hostility, the most difficult task is often simply telling the truth. 10. Do not exaggerate the facts. Crying wolf makes it harder to be heard next time out.
Rules of Good Media Relations These guidelines simply add up to the rule that profitable press relations require adherence to the “five Fs”: Dealing with the journalist and program producers in a manner that is fast, factual, frank, fair and friendly. Taken from Effective Public Relations by Culip, Center and Broom.
Introducing CAP’s Hometown News Release Program Sample Release CAP Cadets Build New Plans at Aircraft Maintenance Academy (name)_____________ of _____(hometown)___________was one of 21 Civil Air Patrol cadets who attended a new summer academy on aircraft manufacturing and maintenance. The event was held July 16-23 at the Cessna Manufacturing plant in Independence, Kan. During the seminar, the cadets, representing 14 different state CAP wings, installed aircraft wings, upholstered seats, assembled fuel cells and painted new aircraft. They also went through the actual pre-employment testing administered to regular employees, safety briefings and rivet training.
Introducing CAP’s Hometown News Release Program “The workforce was eager for us to get there and to show us their jobs. The cadets got to work hands-on, and they were impressed with the workers’ professionalism,” said Maj. Phil Holbrook, project activities director. Civil Air Patrol, the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, is a nonprofit organization with almost 56,000 members nationwide and overseas. CAP performs 95 percent of all continental U.S. inland search and rescue missions as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center at Langley Air Force Base, Va. Its volunteers also perform homeland security, disaster relief and counterdrug missions at the request of federal, state and local agencies.
Crisis Communications The basic principles of effective communication all apply during times of crisis. But when an emergency situation turns up the heat, these additional guidelines should help you and your staff keep your cool: • Always return media calls. A “bunker mentality” won’t make a problem or the media go away. So make it a point to get back to reporters -- even if they call more
Crisis Communications than once and even if they’re hostile. The more cooperative you appear, the better. • Really Communicate. When you’re talking with media representatives, that means both talking and listening. During crisis time, try to be informative, friendly and patient. And take time to listen, too. Reporters can provide you with useful information.
Crisis Communications • Don’t antagonize the media.A sharp tone at a press conference, during a phone call or elsewhere can affect your future relationship with a media representative and any other reporters who may have overheard the conversation. • Hold the phones. Consider establishing a dedicated call-in telephone line for the media and other interested parties.
Crisis Communications Particularly useful when incoming calls tie up your regular phones, a dedicated call-in line allows you to record on tape and easily update important news such as times and dates of upcoming media events, rumor control information and other newly acquired details. • Think about others. Consider how the information you release to the media may affect other sources. If what you say will
Crisis Communications result in reporters calling other agencies or individuals, you need to call ahead to warn them of impending calls. • Share the spotlight.When talking to media, be sure to give credit to other agencies, groups, or individuals working on the crisis, including your own staff. But don’t do so just because it’s courteous; do so because it will enhance your relationships and reflect well on you and your wing.
Crisis Communications • Take a proactive approach. If you acquire new information about the crisis, reach out to media -- even if things are frantic. Everybody’s looking for a “twist” on the story that no else has. If you provide reporters with a special angle, it can pay off later.
Crisis Readiness Test Crisis Readiness Test • For which types of crises are you prepared? • Community-related? • Accident? • Natural disaster? • Disease? • Crime? • Scandal? • Administrative or governance problem?
Crisis Readiness Test • Have you drafted a crisis plan for your wing or unit ? • Is everyone prepared to use it when needed? • Who heads the crisis response team? • Have you distributed your crisis plan to the appropriate Wing administrators?
Crisis Readiness Test 3. How fast can you assemble a crisis team? • Does your crisis plan specify the team’s composition for a variety of crises? • Do you have a crisis communications chain in place? • Have you identified alternate team members in case any first draft picks are out of town or otherwise unable to serve? • How will you communicate when power and phone lines are down?
Crisis Readiness Test 4.Who are the members of your crisis team?
Crisis Readiness Test • Who will speak for your Wing?
Crisis Readiness Test 6. Do you have a phone notification list that includes the following key audiences? • Members of the crisis team? • Local agencies and outside officials? • Updated information for all media representatives?
Crisis Readiness Test • Have you worked out the following logistical details in advance? • Potential news conference sites? • Availability of phone, fax machines and computers? • Inventory of video and uplink equipment? • List of area hotels and motels? • Parking for media representatives? • Staff availability?
Crisis Readiness Test 8. Are your media relations sound? • Did you work to build – and maintain – good working relationships with the media before the crisis hit? • During times of crisis, can your staff handle media requests calmly and truthfully in a relationship of mutual trust? • Does your PAO have direct, immediate access to your Wing Commander?
Crisis Readiness Test • How swiftly can you meet the following communication needs? • Get word to everyone in the Wing? • Develop a comprehensive news release? • Provide a news briefing? • Hold an informational forum? • Set up a rumor-control hotline?