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Bob Hope 1903-2003

Bob Hope 1903-2003. England. Born in england in 1903, I lived there untill I was 4 years old... . Bob’s Early Life. MY father worked as a stonemason and raised 7 kids that way. My real name was Leslic Towns Hope. Bob’s Early Life.

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Bob Hope 1903-2003

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bob Hope1903-2003

  2. England • Born in england in 1903, I lived there untill I was 4 years old...

  3. Bob’s Early Life • MY father worked as a stonemason and raised 7 kids that way. • My real name was Leslic Towns Hope

  4. Bob’s Early Life • In 1907, Me, my mother, father and 6 brothers came across the .Atlantic to America.

  5. Setteling • We settled in a town called Cleveland Ohio.

  6. Bob’s Early Life • My mother, an aspiring singer at one time, shared her expertise with me. • That in fact helped me start my career off when me and my girlfriend, played rolls in the vaudeville theaters.

  7. Movin on up • By 1930 I had given up the duets and gone solo. • i attracted widespread notice for my role in the Broadway musical, Roberta

  8. Movin on up • In 1937, I landed my first radio contract. I got my own show the following year, which became a regular feature on Tuesday nights.

  9. Holding strong • In the late 1930s, I made the jump to feature films. my first major role came in The Big Broadcast of 1938. • I sang thanks for the memory with Shirley Ross. The song became my trademark tune.

  10. Was I received well by the native community? • I think I was received well by the native community because by the 1990’s I had become one of the most honored performers in entertainment history.

  11. Death dates • I died in 2003 at the age of 100 from natural causes. my wife Dolores Hope died september 19 2011 at the age of 102 from natural causes as well.

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