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The Juno New Frontiers Mission. Rosalyn A. Pertzborn Director, OSSE Juno E/PO Lead Madison, WI May 9th, 2006. Office of Space Science Education Space Science & Engineering Center University of WI-Madison rosep@ssec.wisc.edu. Mission Overview.
The Juno New Frontiers Mission Rosalyn A. Pertzborn Director, OSSE Juno E/PO Lead Madison, WI May 9th, 2006 Office of Space Science Education Space Science & Engineering Center University of WI-Madisonrosep@ssec.wisc.edu
Mission Overview • Dr. Scott Bolton of SwRI, in San Antonio, TX is Principal Investigator for Juno, the second mission in NASA’s New Frontiers Program • Scheduled for Launch in August, 2011 • Upon arrival in 2016, the simple spinning solar-powered spacecraft will go into a highly elliptical pole to pole orbit, avoiding the bulk of Jupiter’s radiation • Operations are repeatable, cyclic and designed to reduce overall cost Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Mission Overview, continued… • Juno will help reveal the answers to the remaining mysteries of Jupiter and our solar system by investigating Jupiter’s core, water, upper atmosphere, and magnetosphere • Suite of eight instruments will collect data on: • Jupiter’s Gravity Field • Aurora • Deep Atmospheric Structure • Magnetosphere • JunoCam will enable students to capture the first images of Jupiter’s North Pole! Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Juno Project Organization NASA New Frontiers Program Office Advisory Board PI, Chair Chris Jones (Dir, SSED, JPL) Jim Crocker (VP, LM) Jim Burch (VP, SwRI) Science Investigation Office Mgr. Bill Gibson (SwRI) Principal Investigator Dr. Scott Bolton, SwRI Deputy Principal Investigator Dr. Jack Connerney, GSFC Deputy Project Scientist Dr. Steve Levin, JPL Science Team Education & Public Outreach Rosalyn Pertzborn (U. WI) MA Manager Sammy Kayali (JPL) Radiation Env. Engineer Mag Control & EMC Engineer System Safety Engineer CTM for LM Contract Rick Nybakken Project Manager Rick Grammier (JPL) Deputy Project Manager Rick Nybakken (JPL) Project System Engineer Dr. Doug Bernard (JPL) Radiation System Engineer (JPL) Flight Sys. Insight-Oversight Team (JPL) Launch Vehicle (KSC) Business Manager Cindy Cornish (JPL) PRA(JPL) Scott Johnston * Telecom PEM Anthony Mittskus (JPL) Payload Mgmt. Office Phil Morton (JPL) Flight System Office Al Herzl (LM) Mission Systems Mgmt. Office Steve Matousek (JPL) Science Ops & Data Center Mgr. Bill Gibson (SwRI) MWR (JPL) MAG SHM (JPL) Gravity Science (JPL) MAG Flux Gate (GSFC) JADE (SwRI) UVS (SwRI) WAVES (UnivofIowa) EPD (APL) Camera (Malin) *Note: Telecom PEM reports directly to PM/DPM For cost, schedule, and technical performance; and to LM FSM for technical and schedule delivery Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Presentation Overview • The Mythology • Why Juno? • Science • Mission • Spacecraft • Payload • Operations • Education • Conclusion-DVD Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
The Mythology Juno, the god-sister-wife of Jupiter, maintained a constant, jealous vigil over her god-husband’s dalliances from Mount Olympus. When Jupiter had his tryst with Io, he spread a veil of clouds around the entire planet to conceal his activities. Upon observing the cloud-cloaked planet, Juno immediately suspected Jupiter of concealing activities that would not bear the light. Hence, Juno came down from Mount Olympus and employed her special powers to penetrate the clouds and reveal the true nature of Jupiter…. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Why Juno? • Peering down through the clouds and deep into Jupiter’s atmosphere, Juno will reveal fundamental processes of the formation and early evolution of our solar system Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
The Giant Planet Story • Solar systems containing Giant Planets such as our own, may be required for life to originate • The history of our solar system truly is found in the formation of the planet Jupiter! Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Juno Science Objectives Origin Determine Oxygen/Hydrogen ratio (water abundance) and constrain core mass to decide among alternative theories of origin. Interior Understand Jupiter's interior structure and dynamical properties by mapping its gravitational and magnetic fields Atmosphere Map variations in atmospheric composition, temperature, cloud opacity and dynamics to depths greater than 100 bars at all latitudes. Magnetosphere Characterize and explore the three-dimensional structure of Jupiter's polar magnetosphere and auroras. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Origin • Juno’s Oxygen measurements discriminate among Jupiter’s formation scenarios. • Ar, Kr, Xe, C, and S abundances are well determined, however Oxygen is not yet determined. • Juno will determine both the N and O abundances essential for understanding the environment in which Jupiter’s originated. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Jupiter’s Interior • Thick atmosphere - Galileo probe reached at least ~ 23 bars • Liquid layer under high pressure • Metallic hydrogen - under extreme pressure the electrons move freely, creating a conducting layer, and leading to a dynamo and radio emissions • Rocky core at center Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Interior • Juno will investigate the structure and convection of Jupiter’s interior by reaching through the meteorological layer. • Gravity sounding explores the mass distribution and core inside of the planet. • A possible inner “rock” core is shown, surrounded by a “blue” metallic hydrogen envelope and “yellow” outer envelope of molecular H, all hidden beneath the visible cloud deck. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Interior • Juno will measure variations of the magnetic field to determine flow patterns on the core surface. • The figure shows a plausible Jovian dynamo with columnar structures in the flow organized about a putative (assumed) core. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Atmosphere • The depth of Jupiter’s wind zones, belts, and other features remains one of the most outstanding fundamental questions regarding Jovian atmospheric dynamics. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Atmosphere - Two Possible Scenarios • Juno provides three-dimensional views of the atmosphere to depths greater than 100 bars to resolve the basic question of the circulation depth. • Top Panel (Scenario 1): Large-scale flow dominates and the belt-zone structure penetrates to depth > 200 bars. • Bottom Panel (Scenario 2): small-scale convection dominates and belt zone structure disappears below the water cloud base at 6 bars. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Magnetosphere • Jupiter’s powerful magnetospheric dynamics create the brightest aurora in our solar system, as electrons and ions precipitate down into its atmosphere. • The three auroral types in this HST UV image are signatures of Jupiter’s momentum transfer processes. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Magnetosphere • Juno’s measurements will target each critical path in this closed circuit that transfers angular momentum from Jupiter to its nebula. • Juno measures the distinct signatures of different auroral processes as it traverses the poles to greatly improve our understanding of one of the solar systems most remarkable phenomena. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Mission • In August, 2011 Juno will be launched from Cape Canaveral using an Atlas 551 rocket. • ~ 2 years after launch an Earth flyby will give the spacecraft an additional energy assist to reach Jupiter ~ 5 years after launch. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Jupiter Orbit • After orbital insertion (October 2016), Juno will spend most of the mission away from Jupiter’s high radiation environment. • The line of apsides (furthest distance from planet) moves southward over mission lifetime. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Spacecraft • The solar powered, Spinning Spacecraft built by Lockheed-Martin, provides stability, accurate pointing and simple operations. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Spacecraft Detail (1) • Roomy upper deck easily accommodates instruments. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Spacecraft Detail (2) • All components are balanced to facilitate spacecraft spin Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Payload (1) • Spacecraft design fully accommodates all science instruments. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Payload(2) Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Operations • Juno wraps Jupiter in a uniform net, enabling observations that constrain Jupiter’s core and characterize it’s Dynamo. • The one year nominal mission will include 32 orbits of ~ 11days/orbit. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Jupiter Orbit Geometry Inbound Trajectory Callisto 26.3 Rj Ganymede 15.0 Rj Europa 9.4 Rj Io 5.9 Rj Line of apsides at start of mission (2.1º) 100 000 km Line of apsides at EOM (32.5º) Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Operations (1) • The mission requires only two Spacecraft attitudes during science perijove (nearest Jupiter) passages, thereby simplifying operations. Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Operations (2) Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Education • Juno’s Educational Mission reaches out to communities with historically limited access to NASA resources, facilities and people, particularly: • Rural America • Native American Communities • Young Women • Communities with substantial minority populations Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
JunoCam • JunoCam is an Educational Instrument that will allow students to take the mission’s first visible images of Jupiter’s poles! • Juno engages the public and students in the its eleven year journey to discover the “Giant Planet Story” Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006
Juno.wisc.edu Rosalyn Pertzborn – UW Space Place, 9 May 2006