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’ 14-’15 Officer Info Session

’ 14-’15 Officer Info Session. Society of Women Engineers. Stacey DelVecchio – SWE Natl. President.

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’ 14-’15 Officer Info Session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ’14-’15 Officer Info Session Society of WomenEngineers

  2. Stacey DelVecchio – SWE Natl. President "I wish people would stop being impressed by the fact that I'm a woman engineer," she says. "We want it to be normal to see beautiful, social,  intelligent women out there that are engineers."

  3. Why do we need SWE? • % of engineering bachelor's degrees earned by women in 2011: 18.4 • % of engineering master's degrees earned by women in 2011: 22.6 • % of engineering doctoral degrees earned by women in 2011: 21.8 • Type of engineering with the highest % of bachelor degrees earned by women in 2011: environmental engineering, 44.3 percent • Type of engineering with the lowest % of bachelor degrees earned by women in 2011: computer engineering, 9.4 percent

  4. National Mission Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity

  5. SWE UCR Mission • Develop programs to enable our members to improve their leadership, time management, communication and problem solving skills • Encourage girls and women to study engineering • Provide women with a sense of belonging in the College, the University, the community and in the field of engineering • Demonstrate the value of diversity and teamwork • Promote the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life

  6. Whatdoesitmean to be a SWE officer? • We are a team • Part of your job as an officeris to help otherofficerswithtaskswhenyou have fewertasks or when help isneeded • This is a job, treatitlike one • Everything a SWE officerdoes, shouldbe for the better of the organization and itsmembers • Wecan’tbeselfishhere! • You willmake a difference in someones life!

  7. 2014-2015 Executive Board Positions • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer(2) • Social (2) • Development (2) • Outreach (2) • Historian/Newsletter • Webmaster/PR

  8. President • Manage organization and other officers • Coordinate with SWE National/Regional in filling out quarterly, financial and annual reports • Make sure SWE-UCR is in good standing with SWE Nationals • Organize officer and general meetings • Creates agendas and sends to all officers before event occurs • Sets goals for organization for academic year • individual goals for each quarter • Sets goals for all officers/committees • Creates timeline for year • Attends monthly conference calls

  9. Vice President • Assist President with her duties • Coordinates conferences, advisor meetings • Acts as President in the event that President cannot fulfill duties • Attends LC Meetings • Acts as the enforcer (ensures that all officers are fulfilling responsibilities) • oversees committees

  10. Secretary • Takes detailed notes at all meetings • Sends out Meeting Minutes/Updates and minutes to officers and members after every meeting • Helps with quarterly reports and end of the year resport • Fills out continuous feedback forms • Sends/proofreads all emails to Jun/Rosie

  11. Outreach (2) • Organize and runs Bourns College of Engineering Day (BCED) during Spring Quarter • In charge of BCED Committee • Coordinates other outreach events at local elementary/middle/high schools • Plans and runs activity for MESA Engineering Night • Maintains communication with local schools In charge of filling out and submitting outreach and program development grants with assistance of President, VP, and Treasurers

  12. Social (2) • Plan fun and effective social events throughout the year to encourage member involvement and networking • Plans and hosts SWE's Annual Ice Cream Social during the first week of school • Plans and executes SWE's Valentine Fundraiser in partnership with Treasurers • Encourages membership and member involvement by being present at tabling activities such as BearFacts, Dean's Orientation, Highlander and Discover Day • Works with other organizations to create/maintain relationships & plan joint events

  13. Treasurer (2) • Creates budget for academic year • Fills out financial report at the end of the year • In charge of fundraisers (including t-shirts) • Attend all hearings / meeting for both accounts • authorized signer • check balance of respective account bi-quarterly • ASUCR • Collects and deposits money into ASUCR account • maintain record of reimbursements / expenses • DEANS • Requests and attains PO’s for meetings / events • assists in budgeting for conferences • maintain record of expenses

  14. Professional Development • Plans events aimed towards developing members' professional excellence • workshops, panels, tech talks, company tours • Open and maintain communication with Career Center, as well as Jun/Rosie • Emails and invites speakers for events/workshops/panels • Head of Evening With Industry planning committee

  15. Academic Development • Manages the SWE Mentorship program by recruiting and pairing mentor and mentees • Encourages mentor/mentee pairs to attend SWE events and participate on SWE committees (BCED, EWI, Publishing) • Plans activities and events geared towards mentor/mentee pairs in partnership with Social Coordinators • mandatory study sessions bi-quarterly • Researches/presents scholarship/grant opportunities to members • maintain relationship with ARC

  16. Webmaster/Public Relations • Updates SWE website, Facebook and Twitter accounts while maintaining the archive and toaster • toaster needs to be updated bi-quarterly • meeting minutes should be put in toaster bi-monthly • website should remain up - to -date at all times • should include current and upcoming events with links to FB pages • Updates Member of the Month section on the website • works with newsletter/historian • Uses creative and effective means of advertising for SWE events • i.e. Flyers and signs for events • website • facebook

  17. Historian/Newsletter Editor • Takes pictures and records SWE events (General meetings, Social, Professional Development, Outreach, Recruitment events) • Makes new poster board • Creates scrapbook page for Sonora Region conference (Winter Quarter) • In charge of editing the SWEekly Newsletter with the publishing committee every week • Chooses topics of the articles based on previous, current, and upcoming events • Manages the Member Nomination section (Monthly) in the Newsletter • Submits one article (atleast) bi-monthly to the Region B blog

  18. Elections • Week 10 during general meeting • Current Executive Board will also review candidates and votes afterwards so that the most qualified individuals fill the positions • Application is on SWE website • Please fill out ASAP

  19. Questions?

  20. Networking Time! • Now is your opportunity to go speak with the current officers • If you have a specific position in mind, go speak with that current officer

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