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When is a poster not just a poster?. 9 Coming to America. Fiji Islands Campaign. As a result of the Threat Ranking…. The Social Marketing Strategy. Fiji Islands. Outline SMART Objectives (For LMMA Fisherfolk). Key Message Ideas (draft ideas, to be approved). KNOWLEDGE
As a result of the Threat Ranking… The Social Marketing Strategy Fiji Islands
Outline SMART Objectives (For LMMA Fisherfolk) Key Message Ideas (draft ideas, to be approved) • KNOWLEDGE • Increase in the knowledge of the value of tabu areas as a way of generating more fish stocks in their LMMA for future generations. • ATTITUDE • Increase the number who agree that they are custodians of their marine resources • - Increase the number who agree that there should be controlled opening and closing of tabu areas. • INTER-PERSONAL COMMUNICATION • - An increase in those who have been empowered to discuss using guidelines for opening and closing tabu areas. • BARRIER REMOVAL • - Increase in better financial management of fishermen households expenses. • BEHAVIOUR CHANGE • - Increase the number conforming to the guidelines of opening and closing of tabu areas. • Increase the number of fishers reporting poachers using the compliance and enforcement logbooks. • Decrease the incidence of poaching. Messaging Strategy Following guidelines for opening and closing tabu areas will result in more fish in the fishing grounds. Reporting people from your community who poach in your tabu areas will help restore the fish stocks in the long term. Fishing in a closed tabu area will mean there will not be any fish for present and future generations. A well run household that plans its finances and budget will not need to ask for the opening of the tabu area so that they can pay for community events. Respect your chiefs decision on the opening and closing of tabu areas. The effective management of tabu areas will result in more fish in the community’s locally managed marine areas for present and future generations. Over-arching Slogan Support Points (draft points, to be approved) e.g. I love my tabu area • Guidelines to control the opening and closing of tabu areas will benefit the entire community, as this will control overfishing and maintain the fish supply from the tabu area and ecosystem health. • It will also enable all members of the community to fish only for what they need. • The presence of top predator like Kalia and Shark show a healthy ecosystem and so more fish. Fiji Islands Target Audience: Fishermen
Outline SMART Objectives (For Community Leaders) Key Message Ideas (draft ideas, to be approved) • KNOWLEDGE • Increase in the knowledge of the value of tabu areas as a way of generating more fish stocks in their LMMA for future generations. • ATTITUDE • To increase the number who agree that tabu areas should be managed better for the sake of the community. • INTER-PERSONAL COMMUNICATION • To have 100% participation of community leaders at ALL levels of meetings regarding LMMA management. • BARRIER REMOVAL • By the end of 2010, to have had ALL community leaders gone through the training on Leadership and Good Governance. • BEHAVIOUR CHANGE • - Increase the number implementing the guidelines of opening and closing of tabu areas. • Increase the number of poachers reprimanded by the community leaders. Messaging Strategy Implementing guidelines for opening and closing tabu areas will result in more fish in the fishing grounds. A true leader will reprimand people from your community who have been reported as poaching in your tabu areas. Fishing in a closed tabu area will mean there will not be any fish for present and future generations. A well run household that plans its finances and budget will not need to ask for the opening of the tabu area so that they can pay for community events. The effective management of tabu areas will result in more fish in the community’s locally managed marine areas for present and future generations. Over-arching Slogan Support Points (draft points, to be approved) e.g. I love my tabu area • Guidelines to control the opening and closing of tabu areas will benefit the entire community, as this will control overfishing and maintain the fish supply from the tabu area and ecosystem health. • It will also enable all members of the community to fish only for what they need. • The presence of top predator like Kalia and Shark show a healthy ecosystem and so more fish. Fiji Islands Target Audience: Community Leaders
January Deliverables: Logo Production Slogan: I MY TABU AREA Tagline: (This will be the slogan translated into each Provincial dialect) Fiji Islands
January Deliverables: Logo Production Fiji Islands
January Deliverables: Logo Production Fiji Islands
As a result of the Threat Ranking… The Social Marketing Strategy Guam
Key Message Ideas (draft ideas, not final) Outline SMART Objectives (For Southern Community Members) • It is our responsibility as caretakers of our village to report wildland fires. Call the toll free HOTline as soon as you see a fire. • We do not tolerate other crimes in our village, arson is no exception. Report wildland arson by calling the toll free HOTline. • Even small backyard fires can become wildland fires. Follow the fire guide, available at your local Mayor’s office, and use fire responsibly. • Protect your friends and family from the damaging effects of wildland fires. Talk to them about what they can do to prevent wildland fires. Will consider reporting wildland arson. Will find it easy to report wildland fires. Will speak with someone about wildland fire. Will believe that wildland fires need to be prevented Will believe that wildland fires are a serious threat to Guam’s reefs. Messaging Strategy Preventing wildland fires will benefit the entire community by reducing damage to private property and natural resources, for today and for future generations. Over-arching Slogan Support Points (draft points, not final) • When you start a wildland fire, you kill the plants that protect the soil. Exposed soil washes into the sea, smothers the reef, and starves its fish. Please protect our fish, forests, and wildlife- prevent wildland fires. • Wildland fires create sediment which clogs rivers and damages our clean water reserve. Protect your water, prevent wildland fires. e.g. I DON’T BURN: Do your part, stop the spark! Guam Target Audience: SouthernGeneral Community
Key Message Ideas (draft ideas, not final) Outline SMART Objectives (For Southern Hunters) • Using deer bait is an easy alternative to hunting with fire, and is available free from the Department of Agriculture. • Using deer bait is a legal way to get your deer faster, without the damage of fire. Keep our southern villages beautiful, use bait instead of fire. Will stop using fire for hunting. Will attend the sustainable hunting presentation run by DAWR. Will speak with someone about the impacts of wildland fires. Will believe that individuals starting wildland fires should be prosecuted. Will believe that wildland fires are a serious threat to Guam’s coral reefs. Messaging Strategy Preventing wildland fires will benefit the entire community by reducing damage to private property and natural resources, for today and for future generations. Support Points (draft points, not final) • Baiting tools are cheap, easy to use and still attracts the deer in the same way that fire is used. • Using deer bait does not destroy deer habitat. • When you start a wildland fire, you kill the plants that protect the soil. Exposed soil washes into the sea, smothers the reef, and starves its fish. Please protect our fish, forests, and wildlife- prevent wildland fires. • Wildland fires create sediment which clogs rivers and damages our clean water reserve. Protect your water, prevent wildland fires. Over-arching Slogan e.g. I DON’T BURN: Do your part, stop the spark! Target Audience: SouthernHunters Guam
January Deliverables: Logo Production Slogan: Na paraiGuafi (Translation: Stop the Fire) Tagline: I don’t burn because… (will change for each target audience) Guam
February & March Campaign Deliverables • Logo Pre-tested • Campaign Launch • Bumper Sticker • T-shirts • Koozies • Hunter hats • Field trips • Radio Interviews • Rulers & pencils • Stickers • Environmental Groups Guam
As a result of the Threat Ranking… The Social Marketing Strategy Onon River
Key Message Ideas Outline of SMART Objectives (For Local Fishing People) • Catch and release our taimen • If you release taimen, your friends can try to catch same fish • Catch fish other than taimen • Establishing CMAs and have your own wealth • Maintain pristine and beauty of Onon River. Chinggis Khan’s birthplace is at risk and needs your help. • Enjoy other kinds of local recreation. • Aware of fishing laws and fines/penalties • Aware of taimen value to Onon • Aware of CMAs in their soum • Belief that taimen should always be released back into the river and it’s easy to do so • Belief that taimen are important to the river ecosystem • Increase support for CMAs and willingness to create ones that include the river. • Discuss “wonder of taimen” and importance of releasing them with others • Discuss joining a CMA with others • Catch and release taimen every time they fish • Do not fish in winter or spring • Establish, or join, CMAs that include river areas and be active members. Messaging Strategy It is important to release Taimen back into the river to protect the river ecosystem and avoid fines/penalties. Support Points (draft points, not final) • Taimen are disappearing from Onon River • Releasing taimen will help save longest living fish • Catch and keep taimen fishing is illegal • There are many other fish in the Onon that are legal to catch, and just as fun • Establishing CMAs means you will have your own wealth and tourism attraction, and can protect your river from illegal fishers. • Work with your neighbors to establish a CMA in your area. It’s easy to do. Slogan Taimen is unique to the Onon. Brothers if we catch taimen, let us release them. Target Audience: Local Fishing People Onon River
January Deliverables: Logo Production Slogan: Taimen are unique to the Onon. Brothers if you catch taimen, let us release them. Round 1designs Onon River
January Deliverables: Logo Production Round 2 Designs Onon River
January Deliverables: Costume Production Onon River
January Deliverables: Song Lyrics Бурхан Халдун уулын усан цэнхэр долгио The blue wave of the secret BurkhanKhaldun Mountain Буурал Хэнтийн уулсын уран цэлмэг боргио The imaginative falls of the frosted Khentii Range Хаан эзэн дээдсийн ширгэх учиргүй рашаан The perennial spa of the Royalty Хамаг Монголын ахан дүүсийн шүтлэг шингэсэн мөрөн мину The Idol River of of the Mongol brothers Онон-Балжийн урсгал түмэн зуунаар татраагүй Onon-Balj River flow is reflux less Омголон Монголынхоо хойморт буман үедээ харгиатна Stream in the thousands year in the north of Mongolia Амар мөрний ижий Онон-Балжийн хэвлийд нь In the womb of the mother of the Amur Аварга тулын сэлүүр мөнгөн цацал өргөнө Giant taimen flipper evermore spray emit Онон-Балжийн ариун нутаг биднийг тоссон голомт Pure Onon-Balj area is first landed area for us Одож буцахын цагт үрсийн минь торних өлгий Landing area for our kids in the future after us First draft song lyrics written by one of the Onon River soum Governors. In process of revising lyrics, negotiating with State Opera singer to see if interested in doing song, and finding recording studios for both audio and video. Onon River
As a result of the Threat Ranking… The Social Marketing Strategy Bahamas
Key Message Ideas (draft ideas, not final) • Key Message: I am a responsible fisherman because ‘I Measure Up!’ • I am a responsible fishermen because I have regard for the future of Abaco. • I am a responsible fishermen because I am protecting the crawfish population in Abaco. • I am a responsible fisherman because I got certified by the Department of Marine Resources. • I fish only crawfish that have legal-sized tails of 5 ½ inches or greater. • Bahamans that fish, sell, gift and eat undersized crawfish are threatening our culture and our livelihood. • It’s better for business not to fish undersized crawfish. • I leave undersized crawfish in the ocean for the future, not for the next fisherman. SMART Objectives (For Fishermen) Messaging Strategy • Aware of certification program • Aware of benefits and process of becoming certified • Belief that it is important to protect the crawfish fishery by NOT taking out undersized lobsters • Feel it is easy to not fish undersized lobsters • Discuss threats to crawfish population • Discuss the benefits of the certification program • Become certified • Fish only legal sized crawfish I won’t catch undersized crawfish because it threatens the crawfish population and it’s better for business not to. Support Points (draft points, not final) Over-arching Slogan • Fishing undersized crawfish is one of the largest threats to the crawfish population. If we stop fishing undersized crawfish, we will secure the crawfish population for the future. • Our crawfish are our Bahaman culture and pride. • If you catch crawfish with legal-sized tails, it’s more dollars in your pocket. • People who give and receive gifts of undersized crawfish are hurting our national pride. • Fishermen and restaurant certification programs are designed to support Abaco’s ownership over its marine resources. • Getting certified is easy! The way you get certified is by calling xxx-xxx-xxxx or at the reception at the office of the Department of Marine Resources. Size Matters! Target Audience: Fishermen Bahamas
Key Message Ideas (draft ideas, not final) SMART Objectives (For General Public) • Key Message: I am a responsible Abaconian because ‘I Measure Up!’ • I am a responsible Abaconian because I have regard for the future of Abaco. • I am a responsible Abaconian because I am protecting the crawfish population in Abaco. • I am a responsible Abaconian because I support certified fishermen and restaurants. • I am a responsible Abaconian because I eat only crawfish that have legal-sized tails of 5 ½ inches or greater. • I am a responsible Abaconian because I do not give or accept gifts of undersized crawfish. • Bahamans that fish, sell, gift and eat undersized crawfish are threatening our culture and our livelihood. • It’s better for our economy to not eat undersized crawfish. • Aware of the threat of fishing undersized crawfish to the crawfish population in Abaco • Aware of the certification programs • Feel it is easy to not eat undersized crawfish • Discuss threat of fishing undersized crawfish to the crawfish population in Abaco • Discuss the certification programs • Eat only legal sized crawfish • Support the certified fishermen and restaurants Messaging Strategy I won’t eat undersized crawfish because it threatens the crawfish population and because it threatens the culture and pride of Abaco Support Points (draft points, not final) Over-arching Slogan • Fishing undersized crawfish is one of the largest threats to the crawfish population. If we stop fishing undersized crawfish, we will secure the crawfish population for the future. • Our crawfish are our Bahaman culture and pride. • If you only eat crawfish with legal-sized tails, our crawfish fisheries will be protected and we’ll have a stronger economy. • Fishermen and restaurant certification programs are designed to support Abaco’s ownership over its marine resources. • Supporting certified fishermen and restaurants is easy! To find a list of our island’s responsible fishermen and restaurants, please check the list that is posted in the x newspapers and central locations. Size Matters! Target Audience: General Public Bahamas
January Deliverables: Logo Production Slogan: Size Matters! Bahamas
February & March Campaign Deliverables • Lobster Art Contest to showcase at Abaco’s ‘Art for the Park’ Event • Radio and Newspaper Announcements • Posters • Buttons • Billboards • Brochures • Costume • Bumper Stickers Bahamas
We want to hear from YOU! If you saw something today that inspired you, please tell us about it by posting a blog to their RarePlanet campaign pages. Campaign for Sustainable Fisheries Management/Fiji-Cakaudrove and Macuata Provinces Campaign for Effective Watershed Management/Guam Campaign for Sustainable Fisheries Management/Chuuk Lagoon Campaign for Sustainable Fisheries Management/Abaco Island Campaign for Sustainable Hunting Practices/Eastern Steppe Campaign for Sustainable Fisheries Management/Onon River Campaign for Species Preservation/Nam Et-PhouLoueyNatinal Protected Area (NEPL NPA) [Lao] Campaign for Species Preservation/HuaiKhaKhaeng Wildlife Sanctuary [Thailand] Campaign for Sustainable Fisheries Management/Madagascar
When it is part of a strategic social marketing plan to change behaviour