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Interactive Protocols

Interactive Protocols. Back to NP. L  NP iff members have short, efficiently checkable, certificates of membership. Is  satisfiable?. . Interactive Protocols. Two new ingredients: Several rounds Randomness. Interactive Proofs Formally. Interactive Proof System for L is a game:.

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Interactive Protocols

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  1. Interactive Protocols

  2. Back to NP LNPiff members have short, efficiently checkable, certificatesof membership. Is  satisfiable? 

  3. Interactive Protocols Two new ingredients: • Several rounds • Randomness

  4. Interactive Proofs Formally Interactive Proof System for L is a game: probabilistic polynomial-time verifier unlimited prover Vs. • Completeness: There is a prover strategy P, s.t for xL, P convinces V with probability  ⅔. • Soundness: For xL, any prover strategy P* convinces V with probability ⅓.

  5. The Players A verifier is a polynomial function: inputrandom-string past-interaction  reply A prover is a function: input past-interaction  reply all previous prover and verifier replies

  6. Example: Graph Non-Isomorphism • Input: Two graphs G=(V,E), G’=(V’,E’). • Question: Does for every 1-1 map f of V onto V’ exist v,uV s.t (v,u)E but (f(v),f(u))E’(or (v,u)E, but (f(v),f(u))E’ )?

  7. Are They Isomorphic?

  8. IP for Non-Isomorphism common input 1 2 OK! 2 answers which graph was chosen. • chooses one of the graphs at random. • send P an isomorphic graph.

  9. Correctness • Completeness: non-isomorphic graphs  P can check which is isomorphic to the sent one. • Soundness: isomorphic graphs  both isomorphic to the sent one. P succeeds with probability ½.

  10. IP • Definition:IP is the class of all languages having interactive protocols with polynomial number of rounds.

  11. Easy Claims • Claim:NPIP. • Proof’s Idea: Every NP proof is also an IP proof. • Claim: If LIP, and it has a verifier that does not flip coins, then LNP. • Proof’s Idea:P would provide the answers for all V’s questions in advance.

  12. Amplification • Observation: The constants ⅓ and ⅔ in the definition can be amplified to probabilities 1-2-p(.) and 2-p(.), for any polynomial p(.). • Proof’s Sketch: Given a protocol which is correct with probability ⅔, repeat it p(.) times independently. Apply Chernoff’s inequality.

  13. Arthur-Merlin Games The prover(M for Merlin)is a function of the random string of the verifier (A for Arthur) as well. Define AM/MA – according to who gets to start. …

  14. Easy Claim • Claim:AMIP. • Proof’s Idea: If A is convinced when he assumes M is that powerful, he is surely convinced when M is only less powerful.

  15. The Graph Non-Isomorphism Example Revisited • Is the graph non-isomorphism protocol, also an AM protocol? • No!M knows which graph was chosen! Is there an AM protocol for this language?

  16. IP and AM Theorem (without proof):IP=AM i.e, knowing the random string essentially does not increase M’s power.

  17. IP=PSPACE [Shamir90] given a verifier, construct an optimal prover using poly-space  IP PSPACE  show the PSPACE-complete TQBF is in IP

  18. Optimal Prover possible verifier coin tosses [defines verifier’s reply] . . . best prover reply ? ? ? . . . ? ? ? rounds . . . find recursively prover reply most probable to result in acceptance . . .

  19. Poly-Space Is Sufficient for the Prover • Claim:IPPSPACE • Proof: Given a verifier, the optimal strategy for the prover may be computed in poly-space. [as described above]

  20. TQBF x1x2x3 (x10  (x2>0  (|x3|<x2  |sinx3/x3-1|<x1)) • Instance:A quantified Boolean formula =x1x2…xm[(x1,…,xm)] • Goal: Is  true?

  21. TQBF and PSPACE Claim (without proof):TQBF is PSPACE-Complete.

  22. The Proof: Evaluation Tree x1x2 … (x1,x2,…)  x1=0 x1=1  x2 … (0,x2,…) x2 … (1,x2,…) x1=0 x1=1 …(0,0,…) …(0,1,…) . . . I can’t scan the entire tree! . . . (0,0,..,0) (0,0,..,1) (0,0,...,1,0) (0,0,...,1,1)

  23. IP for TQBF • We’ll show the verifier may be convinced (with reasonable confidence) even without scanning the entire (exponential) proof specified by the prover.

  24. First Idea • Represent the QBF by a polynomial.

  25. Arithmization P(x,y,z)=xyz+yz-xy+1 Q(x,y,z)=xy+xz-y x (x) (0)(1) (0)(1) x (x) 0 F 1 T xi xi  1-    1-(1-)(1-)

  26. Polynomials: Basic Facts • Claim: A polynomial of degree ≤r on d variables over a field F may have ≤r|F|d-1 roots, unless it is identically zero. • Corollary: Two polynomials of degree ≤r on d variables over a field F may agree on ≤r|F|d-1 places, unless they agree everywhere.

  27. Polynomials: Basic Facts • Corollary: Two different polynomials of degree ≤r over a field F agree on a random point with probability ≤r/|F|.

  28. Low Degree Extension We can evaluate on a larger field! P1() . . . P2(x1) . . . P3(x1,x2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pm(x1,…,xm)

  29. How To Convince? Check a random path! P1() . . . P2(x1) . . . P3(x1,x2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pm(x1,…,xm)

  30. How To Convince? verify this is 1 P1() r1 . . . verify P2(x1) could have resulted P1(). P2(x1) . . . r2 P3(x1,x2) . . . . . . verify P3(r1,x2) could have resulted P2(r1). . . . . . . . . . Pm(x1,…,xm) verify Pm(r1,…,rm-1,xm) could have resulted Pm-1(r1,…,rm-1). check Pm(r1,…,rm).

  31. Example • What would an honest prover do, given the formula:x1x2 (x1x2) ?  verify this is 1 0∙1 = 0 . . . 1- (1-x1∙0)(1-x1∙1) = x1 . . . . . . x1x2

  32. Example • What would a (dishonest) prover might do, given the formula:x1x2 (x1x2) ? verify this is 1  1 1  verify P2(x1)=1 could have resulted P1(). . . . 1 1∙1 = 1 5 . . . . . . x1x2 verify P3(1,x2)=x2 could have resulted P2(1).  1-(1-0)(1-1) = 1  check P3(1,5).

  33. Correctness • Completeness: If the formula is true, the prover may compute the true polynomials, and the verifier will always accept. • Soundness: What if the formula is not true?

  34. If The Formula Is False… if this is not 1, we immediately reject P1() . . . P2(x1) . . . P3(x1,x2) . . . . . . If we nevertheless accept, we get fooled somewhere! . . . . . . . . . Pm(x1,…,xm) if this is not the real Pm(x1,…,xm), we also immediately reject

  35. Soundness the two different polynomials agree on a random point • The probability we get fooled at some specific level is ≤ r/|F|, where r bounds the polynomials’ degrees. • The probability we get fooled somewhere down the path is ≤ mr/|F| [union-bound] • |F| can be made polynomially large in m.

  36. Bound The Degrees • Alas, the degree of the polynomials might be exponential in m, as each stage up might double it! • To solve this problem, we’ll somewhat lengthen the tree, but make sure the degrees are kept small.

  37. Auxiliary Quantifier • Suppose now we have a QBF =Q1x1...Qmxm[]. • ’=Q1x1R1x1Q2x2R1x1R2x2...QmxmR1x1...Rmxm[]. • R is an auxiliary quantifier, designed to keep the degree of the polynomials small. • We’ll arithmetize it as follows: Rx(x)  (1-x)∙(0) + x∙(1) • The degree of x is made 1. • The value remains the same for 0-1 variables

  38. Summing Up • Now we can apply the former analysis, and get that PSAPCEIP, • Hence IP=PSPACE.

  39. Multi-Prover Interactive Protocol poly many provers

  40. What is MIP? Theorem (without proof):MIP=NEXP

  41. Scaling-Down • Similarly, one can show NPis contained in MIP with O(1) provers and O(logn) random bits. • Interestingly, this has implications to hardness of approximation TO BE CONTINUED…

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