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Family Involvement

Explore the impact of family involvement on student success, discussing both negative barriers and positive outcomes. Understand the power of communication between parents and teachers, and learn strategies to foster effective family-school partnerships. Discover how past perceptions have evolved and consider the current and future outlook on family involvement in education.

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Family Involvement

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  1. Family Involvement EXED Jen Liz

  2. How does family involvement effect students success in a negative and positive way? Negative barriers Positive outcomes

  3. Power of Communicating with parents • http://www.familyfriendlyschools.com/engage/workshop/vid_2.htm

  4. So what are the positive issues with communication between parents and teachers? • Issues that are occurring at home stay at home unless communication is brought into the classroom. • Having communication between parent and child involves the parent in issues that arise in the school from day to day.

  5. What are the negative issues with communication between parents and teachers? • When parents and teachers don’t agree with each others decisions about the child, tensions may arise. • The expectations of the child should be the same whether at home or in school.

  6. So what is family involvement? • Family Involvement is ...Any role or activity that enables participating families to have direct and meaningful input into and influence on systems, policies, programs, or practices affecting services or community life for children and families.

  7. Foundations of Family Involvement “Where we live should be a community, if our children all attend the same school, why shouldn’t we parents get to know each other as well? The single best predictor of our student’s success in school is the level of our parental involvement. That way our community will be more united, and we can create a better future for our children (Berkowitz & Beir, 2005).”

  8. Early 80’s and 90’s… • Parents viewed themselves as a separate part of their child’s educational world • Very few parents participated in school programs, volunteered, and took initiative to become involved • Parents were not very supported in being involved by law makers and administrators

  9. Parents feel…. • belong in the classroom • unwelcome by school personal or administrators • incompetent with the curriculum • Fear that they wouldn’t be of assistance to their children • simply didn’t know what they could do

  10. Law makers… • played a role in deciding how involved families could be in their child’s education • didn’t want to spend political money on family involvement, for the fear of getting involved in the federal role of education • didn’t want to be caught in the power struggle between schools and families • School board members and superintendents began to resist any kind of federal mandate for family involvement because the federal law began what was an “alternative” political system to the power of the superintendent

  11. Present and future… How do you think parents feel about their involvement in schools today? How do you think law makers view the importance of family involvement? How do you think administrators and teachers view the importance of family involvement? How do you think children feel about their family being involved?

  12. Family Involvement Part I & II • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEkMidcy960 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfJGqG-b1uY&feature=related

  13. Strategies on Family Involvement • Creating a program that focuses on families becoming more involved in their child’s character education program. • Together teachers, parents, administrators can help students to develop socially in positive ways. • Some schools provide parents with training about social issues that children face every day. (parent workshops) • Helping parents support learning at home by teaching them strategies that relate to curriculum, and how to interpret tests.

  14. Strategies Continued… • Preparing parents to participate in school decision-making-These programs encourage parents to join school committees so that they may make decisions on curriculum policies, parent-involvement activities, the school budget, and reform initiatives. • Family Resource center- • Parents as partners in school-wide restruction • Volunteer partnerships-

  15. Local parent involvement

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