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Planning for Success. Planning for Success. Transitioning from Middle School to High School. Words that describe High school. exciting. being overwhelmed. stressful. lots of great activities. finding my place. more homework. growing up. more responsibilities.
Planning for Success Transitioning from Middle School to High School
Words that describe High school exciting being overwhelmed stressful lots of great activities finding my place more homework growing up more responsibilities
Here are some things you can you do to help your student have the best possible, most successful experience in high school
Plan for success - physically • Make sure that your student is in good health – have their vision and hearing checked along with a good physical exam
Plan for success – learning readiness If they have previously struggled in school in a particular area you might consider tutoring or evaluation for learning discrepancies and identifying any “gaps” in their learning that need to be bridged (these services can be found through Sylvan or Tanya Goldbeck) • Consider a summer reading or speed reading program (Public library reading programs, St. Anne’s has hosted a speed reading program for the last several years –this program is designed for readers at all )
Plan for success - organizationally High school take more effort and organization than middle school so: • help your student get organized at home – pen, pencils, map colors, card stock, poster board, note book paper, printer paper ... • help your student get their binders, locker and backpack organized • help your student develop good study habits • make sure you and your student knows how to use Ren Web
Planning for Success High School
Plan for success – the high school degree plan - There are two 8th grade courses that count as high school credit -foreign language, Algebra I - You and your student should talk with Mrs. Cregor to arrive at the best mix of classes to fulfill their degree plan. Both of our degree plans are college prep. Students who complete the required number of honors and AP classes may graduate with an Honors Diploma.
- Understand what honors and AP classes are, when they can be taken, how they impact their GPA and what they require from your student. • - Understand that ninth grade students tend to over schedule and over commit to extracurricular activities and academic endeavors– help them choose wisely and keep in mind all their other non-school activities (church youth group, Scouts, dance, city league sports …..).
Each student is different so their mix of • athletics academics, And other activities will be different
Additionally, you need to encourage your student to build a good grade base early on so that they have “breathing room” later on in their high school career.
Plan for success – an eye toward college College is four years away, but what your student does now will have an impact on college admissions and scholarships • You should keep track of the following for college and scholarship applications – keep track by year and by category • Community service/volunteer hours (travel time counts as part of the volunteer time) - you need a description of the type of service done and the name and number or e-mail of the person in charge.
Also keep track of: • Work experience of any type – description of the work done, the name of the company or person worked for, the phone number, the address or e-mail address
Also keep track of: • Award/certification or recognition received in or out of school –you will need the name of the award, the reason it was given/earned, person or institution giving the award, phone number or e-mail address • Classes taken • GPA (un-weighted and weighted) • Class rank and percentile/quartile • Test scores (PSAT, then later SAT and ACT)
Plan for success – Standardized Testing in High School • Most colleges require a standardized test score to be reported. We work to prepare your student to be familiar with taking these tests and to help you understand and track your student’s academic progress.
PSAT and RediStep – The RediStep and PSAT are scaled down versions of the SAT and are given each fall. The RediStep will be given to the middle school students starting next year The PSAT is given to the 9th-11th graders. These test help prepare your student to take the SAT as well as give you indicators of your student’s academic standings based on national standards. Please encourage your student to do their best on these tests
PSAT/NMSQT scores are reported on a scale of 20 to 80. In 2010 The national average score for tenth graders was 43 in Critical Reading, 44 in Mathematics, and 40 in Writing Skills”. • The national average score for eleventh graders was 47 in Critical Reading, • 49 in Mathematics, and • 45 in Writing Skills. If you are unsure of what your student’s scores mean, contact Mrs. Cregor
After you receive your student’s PSAT scores: • Read the score information and understand what your student’s score means at each grade level • Go to the following web address to get score information • http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/psat/scores.html
Using their PSAT identification number your student will be able to log into the College Board web site and use their college prep tools Interest Inventory My College Quick Start/ My Roads Scholarship search
College Search and Comparison Vs. PersonalityProfile
College Entrance Exams The two test options are the SAT and the ACT • Information about each are available on their web sites (see “Useful Web Sites”) • We recommend that students take these test in the spring of their junior year and then again as necessary to achieve the desired score (the goal is to have testing completed and scores submitted by December of their senior year)
After students take the PSAT they will receive the SAT question of the Day from College Board if they have supplied College Board with an e-mail address. • Your student can use these questions to help prepare themselves for the next PSAT and the SAT • Have your student take the one semester SAT Prep class as an elective their junior or senior year
Thank you for coming today. Please let us know how else we can help you help your student. End of program for 8th graders
Plan for success – Choosing a College
In 2010 Legacy’s SAT scores were above the state and national averages. • M+V+W 1640 Legacy • M+V+W 1509 National • M+V+W 1467 State * Legacy is an official ACT testing site.
Majors Your student may not have a clue as to what they want to major in when they get to college – That’s okay; many students go to college undecided or change majors after they are in college. If your student does have an idea about a college major, help them explore colleges that offer that major.
College Choice • There several things to do and consider when helping your student choose a college.
Know that there are many good colleges, but finding the one that meet the following criteria is important. • Where do they (the student) feel they belong • They will be spending four very important years of their lives at college – do what you can to help them be good years • What can you afford • start planning now. Many colleges have scholarships and financial aid available as well as coops and internships.odo • Where does God want them to go • The decision of where to send your student is a matter of much prayer.
Consider the natural gifting, talents and interest your student has (academic, athletic, artistic, and other skills) as well as their personality, comfort zone, and outlook. Then help them find a college that fits their unique combination of attributes.
Consider what your student wants to do and help them explore possibilities. Ultimately they need to find a college with a major that lead to a degree that opens doors to a job they enjoy and will allow them to be financially self- sufficient.
We suggest that students pick three to five colleges that have their intended major and that they would like to attend. Then, you and your student can explore these using the college’s web site and making a college visit.
The College Visit Visit the web site of colleges your student is interested in. Google the name of the college/university to find their web page – if necessary add the state and city along with the name of the school. (City College will get lots of listings). The virtual visit:
While on a college’s web site look for the following information What are the: • entrance requirements (GPA, rank, SAT/ACT score) • special entrance requirements for your student’s major • deadlines for applications and fees • CLEP, AP or SAT subject tests credit policy • Cost involved (tuition, fees, books, room and board, travel expenses, and personal expenses
The campus visit: Campus visits can be made any time during high school, but are most often done during the junior and senior year. Juniors are allowed two college days and seniors are allowed three college days per school year. (See the hand book for more details).
During the campus visit: Go to the various departments your student is interested in. This usually requires a scheduled appointment. Some schools will schedule these for you; others will require your student (or you) to make an appointment . Some colleges let you schedule appointments online. Ask to meet with the department’s student liaison (it may be a department head, faculty member, secretary, or recruiter – just let them know that your student is a perspective student).
Additionally, visit the dorms And find out: – where are they located, • what condition are they in, • what is the room/bathroom arrangement, • do they have computer/internet access, • how are the boys and girls housed, • what are the visiting hours • are students required to live on campus, if so, for how long
Andthen visit the: Cafeteria Is it conveniently located What are the hours of operation What are the meal plan options Are there other food options available Recreation center or activity center What types of equipment do they have What activities are available Chapel or faith based centers Public colleges usually have faith based “houses” on or near campus (If there is not a chapel or faith “house”, then ask about the location of nearby churches)
And when you visit ask about: Academic help such as: Free tutoring services or labs Meeting with the professor who teaches the class Other academic services
What student/extracurricular activities are available • Service organizations/clubs • Academic organizations/clubs • Intramural sports organizations/clubs
Also visit the: • Bookstore • What type of purchase plans do they have for text books (rental and return, buy back) • Do they have prepay purchase and bundle services • What other supplies do they have • What are the hours of operation Library/resource center What types of media available What other types of services are available What are the study room policies Laundry facilities Coin or card operated Location Restrooms are they clean, do they have unnecessary extras
Ask about • The size of the school (students enrolled at that campus) • The academic environment of the school • The reputation of the school (you might ask students you meet why they are there) • Each school has its own policy about which students are allowed to have cars so be sure and ask about that too.
Consider also the location of the school - • how easy is it to get them to and from school, what is the cost involved in getting them to and from school • How large/small is the town the school is located in – does it have easily available grocery stores, shopping centers, food places … • How cold/ warm does it get there • Is your student mature enough to live away from home
DO NOT let your student choose a college based solely on: It’s where their friends are going. Because everyone in the family has gone there. Location - Its as far away from home as they can get and still be in the US. They have a winning sports team. It has the “cutest” coeds.
Planning for success - Scholarships
Scholarship search - There are college scholarship opportunities available to student at ALL levels of high school and with all types of abilities, interest and uniqueness. Search for scholarships using the following criteria: • By grade level (high school and college) • By gender • By family origin • By unusual/unique characteristics: height, left-handed, eye color … • By academic/athletic ability • By GPA • By class rank
Additional search criteria • By hobbies/interest • By clubs/organizations/affiliations of student or family • By religion/faith • By military affiliation • By volunteer work • By college • By major • Family status or make up • Survivors of ….. • Health conditions
Useful websites Legacy is not responsible for the content or reliability of any of the following websites. Testing PSAT: http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/psat/scores.html SAT: http://www.collegeboard.com/testing/ ACT home page: http://www.act.org/
College/career Finder web sites • Private schools • www.privatecolleges.com • College and careers • www.careersandcolleges.com • www.bls.gov.oco • College finders • www.insidecollege.com • www.ucan-network.org
College rankings • http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/colleges • Athletics • www.ncaa.org • www.eligibilitycenter.org • www.naia.org