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LIGUISTICS FOR EVERYONE PAGE 133(1,6,7). 영어영문학과 20091236 장은헌 영어영문학과 20101204 김수민. ALLOPHONES OF [L] IN ENGLISH.

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  1. LIGUISTICS FOR EVERYONE PAGE 133(1,6,7) 영어영문학과 20091236 장은헌 영어영문학과 20101204 김수민

  2. ALLOPHONES OF [L] IN ENGLISH • There are three distinct allophonic forms of [l] in many English dialects, shown here as [l], [ļ], and [ɫ]. Figure out the rule that determines when each allophone of the phoneme /l/ occurs. To do so, look at the sounds that occur on either side of the [l]s, and write what determines when each sound occurs.

  3. [lıp] lip /l/ → [l] / #— [lay] lie ( word initial position ) [blu] blue /l/ → [l] / + vd [glu] glue +stop — -alveolar • [pɬei] play /l/ → [ɬ] / [-vd]— [kɬu] clue • [pıɫ] pill /l/ → [ ɫ ] / —# [ayɫ] isle ( word final position )

  4. DISSIMILATION • The word cardomom, a kind of spice, is frequently pronounced as if spelled cardomon, with an /n/ at the end. Look up the following words in a good etymological dictionary to determine their Latin origins. Explain the process of dissimilation that occurred to achieve the Present-Day English forms: seldom, random, pilgrim. turtur → turtle purpre → purple

  5. s e ld a n→ seldom ↑alveolar • r a nd o n→ random • p e l e g r i n→ pilgrim

  6. SCHWA INSERTION • In many people’s speech, a schwa sound is commonlyinserted after a syllable ending in /l/ or preceding a syllable beginning with /l/. • [l] → [əl/lə] / __$ • [l] → [əl] / $__ • Conduct a survey among your peers to determine whether the following words have a schwa inserted: athletic, biathlon (decathlon, pentathlon), jewelry. Can you think of others? realtor /riltər/ → /riləter/ athlete /æθlit/ → /æθəlit/

  7. athletic /æθlıtık/ → /æθəlıtık/ • biathlon /baiæθlən/ → /bayæθəln/ • decathlon /dıkæθlən/ → /dıkæθəln/ • pentathlon /pεntæθlən/ → /pεntæθəln/ • jewelry /juəlri/ → /juələri/

  8. Thank You

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