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Know the most popular programming languages i.e. Python and the type of apps, that can be developed using this programming language.
Type Developed Using Python of Apps That Can Be Introduction In today’s world, applications have become an indispensable part of every business. Be it mobile apps or web apps, applications are a great way for businesses, to reach their target audience and achieve their goals much faster. Applications are not only beneficial for businesses but are also, very much convenient for users using them.Now,moreandmorebusinessesarelaunching their apps to meet their growing business demands. There are too many programming languages available in the market, and entrepreneurs often get confused, in choosing the right one, for their web app and mobile app development. In this blog, we are going to talkaboutoneofthe most popular programming languages i.e. Python and the type ofapps,thatcan be developed using this programming language.
Everything about Python A Brief Python is one of the extensivelyusedgeneral-purposeprogramminglanguages. Since itsrelease,Pythonhasgainedimmensepopularityasbeingoneofthebest programming languages, used for developing highly scalable and efficient websites and apps. As per Statista, Python was the most sought-after programming languages among software developers worldwide.Thishigh-levellanguagewasdeveloped to focus on code readability. Python development services are very much popular these days, as using this language developers can easily build,eventhe most complex web solutions, using fewer lines of code. Pros and Cons Like every other programming language, Python also has its features and limitations. However, the number of advantages Python has, clearly overpowers its limitations. There are numerous areas where Python shines. However, Python is really helpful when it comes to developing some complicated apps with complex algorithms. This programming language also excels in developing anything related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. However, if we talkaboutitslimitations,Pythonlacksexecutionspeed.Since,in Python, code is executed line by line, this slows down the executions process. Also, Python is not suitable for developing memory-optimized apps. This is not all; there is a complete list of the pros and cons of usingPython,whichwillhelp you decide, whether it is a suitable match for your project or not.
Frameworks A framework is a set of packages or modules which enables developers to develop applications or services without having to handle much of the details likeprotocols,sockets,orprocessmanagement.Pythonofferssomeofthegreat frameworks to develop scalable and high-performing applications. The Python web frameworks are classified into three main categories, depending on the type of development they are used in. 1. Full-stack Frameworks Full-stack frameworksaretheonesthatofferanall-in-onesolutioni.e.thatthey offer everything that a developer could need while developing an app. Full-stack development services are very much popular as these frameworks arecapableofdevelopingandmakingchangestofront-endinterfaces,back-end services, and databases. However, when it comes to Python, it has more than one full-stack framework. Django, Pyramid, TurboGears are a few examples of this framework. 2. Micro Frameworks Microservice frameworks, also known as minimalistic webappframeworks,are the ones that have just the basic components which are required todevelopan app. These frameworks lack full-fledged functionality like a full-stack framework but come really handy while developing apps. Some of the most popular micro-frameworks of Python are Flask, Bottle, CherryPy, Falcon, Hug, etc.
3. Asynchronous Frameworks Asynchronous frameworks are the latest addition to Python frameworks. They are used to develop high-performance web apps. These frameworks are highly capable of handling a large set of concurrent connections using single thread architecture, thereby increasing the efficiency of web app development. Sanic and Tornado are examples of asynchronous frameworks. Choosing the right framework is very important forthesuccessofyourproject. Out of all the Python development frameworks available, Django and Flaskare the most popular and commonly used frameworks. Type of Applications That Can be Developed Using Python Now that we have talkedabouteverythingrelatedtoPython,letusknowabout the various types of applications that can be developed using this high-level language. 1) Entertainment Applications These days, the internet is flooded with different types of audio and video content, and there isahugedemandforsuchappsamongusers.Expertsbelieve that with some of the amazing libraries like openCV and PYDUB, Python is an optimal choice for the development of these kinds of audio/video apps. Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube are some of the great examplesofentertainment apps, that have been developed using Python. Netflix and YouTube are the world’s most used video streaming apps, whereas Spotify is a great music streaming app, having access tomillionsofsongs.DevelopersloveusingPython as it has a clean yet expressive syntax, which makes the app development process very easy.
2) Console Applications Console Applications, also known as command-line applications, are often referred to computer programs, that are designed to be used as plain text. These applications do not have any images or a graphical user interface. These apps can be a great option for businesses, looking to offer a simple interface, and do not require much user interaction. Such apps are navigated by typing commands at terminals or shells, rather than using the mouse. Due to the flexibility and ability to work well with existing programs, Python is one of the most used languages for developing CLI apps. A large number of libraries and modules are available in Python to support the development of these apps. Git and Mercurial are the example of some of the console apps developed using Python development services. 3) Gaming Applications Python is very much easy to use and learn languages. Developerslovedwriting codes and creating robust applications using this high-level language. One of the main features of Python is scalability, and this is the reason why it is a popular language when it comes to developing gaming apps. Also, Python is a great option when it comes to designing gaming tools. It can also be really helpful in designing complex gaming levels. Python offers real-time testing which speeds up the development process. Python has some great libraries and alargecollectionofgamedesigningtool,whichsimplifiesthe process and reduces the effort of developers. Civilization IV, EVE Online, Battlefield 2, and Sims 4 are a few games that have been developed using this language.
4) Administrative Applications Administrative tasks can sometimes get very tedious. They involve the use ofa largeamountofdata,whichcansometimesbeverydifficulttomanagemanually i.e. without theuseofanytechnology.However,withtheuseofPython,onecan get administrative apps developed from an expert, thatwillnotonlymaketheir work easier but will also save their efforts. Developers love working with Python as it enables them to easily interactwith the various operating systems using the OS module. This module facilitates connection with the operating system that Python is running on. Also, IO operations are easily available, including easy reading and writing to the file system. Python makes everything so simple and convenient when compared to other programming languages. 5) Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Applications Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have taken the world by storm. These technologies have made our lives really simple. Businesses across most industry verticals are using this technology to increase their reach to the customers and scale up business operations. With its outstanding libraries like Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and NumPy, Python is highly preferred in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence apps development by most developers in the world. It makes the process of app development, a lot simpler and faster. Since Python is an easy to use language, experts can easily create robust and highly efficient ML and AI apps, using this language.
6) Blockchain Applications Blockchain is one of the most trending technologies these days. It helps add an extra layer of security to your data by using cryptography. Its decentralization feature offers much more security than any other system. If you require a blockchain applicationforyourbusinessandareconfusedaboutthelanguagein which you should get your app developed, Python is your go-to option. Python has a very simple and clean syntax which makes the app development process a lot easier. Developers developing blockchain apps prefer Flask framework as it facilitates HTTP requests to communicate with blockchain conveniently. Flask offers a wide range of attributes, which are just apt for creating these kinds of applications. 7) E-commerce Application The importance of e-commerce in our lives isverymuchevident.Itisoneofthe fastest-growing industries. Not just for users, it brings in a lot of profits to the businesses. Most people are on their smartphones all the time. People do not like to go to a supermarket and wait there in those long queues for their turn. E-commerce apps are just a more easy and convenient option, which is preferred by people across the globe. Python is a highly scalable language and brings in agility to the development process. So, if you are lookingtogetane-commerceappdeveloped,therecould be no other language better than Python, to create a robust, interactive, and appealing app.
8) Data Science and Analysis Handling a large amount of data is not easy, but if handled properly, it could earn a lot of profit for your business. Python has some amazing libraries like Pandas and NumPy, which makes the process of data extraction a breeze. If we talk about data visualization, libraries such as Matplotlib andSeabornare really helpful.Usingtheselibraries,Pythoncanbeeasilyusedtoplotgraphsand representdatainamuchbetterway.Mostpeoplepreferusingproficientmobile app development services, for getting advanced apps developed for data science and data analysis. 9) Data Scrapping Applications Python can be a great option to develop various data scrapping apps. It has some amazing libraries like Requests and some powerful tools like Beautiful Soup,whichmakestheprocessofscrapingofthedatafromvariouswebsources easier. The main reason why Python is a preferred language todevelopdatascrapping apps is its simple and easy to use syntax. These kinds of apps can be useful for comparing prices, job listings, research and development and much more. 10) Desktop Applications Python is a great language to develop even the most complex desktop applications. Due to its scalability and efficiency, Python app development is highly in demand. A library such as Tkinter is used to develop a highly interactive user interface. Also, Python has a wide range of toolkits like toolkits wxWidgets, Kivy, and PYQT, that can be usedtodevelopamazingdesktopapplications,whichcanrun on various browsers.
Conclusion So, as you can see Python is an extensively used language that offers anumber of benefits. No matter what type, or for which industry, you want to getanapp developed; Python can surely help you with this. With the amazing libraries, modules, and toolkits, you can easily find a solution for anything you could dream of getting converted into an app. Scalability, easy to use, clean yet powerful syntax, and flexibility, are some of the advantages which Python has over theotherlanguages.Sowhywait,gogetanappdeveloped,toscaleupyour business and take your business to the new heights. Reference: https://customerthink.com/type-of-apps-that-can-be-developed-using-pyt hon/