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Extraordinary Minister Of Holy Communion Quiz Start By Clicking on the Gold Button !.
Extraordinary Minister Of Holy CommunionQuizStart By Clicking on theGold Button!
We are privileged to participate in an extraordinary ministry where we are the bearers of the Body of Christ to our brothers and sisters in faith. How are we called to prepare spiritually each week for the ministry? • Read the Scriptures • Participate in daily prayer • Participate in works of charity and grace A B C
Correct • We are privileged to participate in an extraordinary ministry where we are the bearers of the Body of Christ to our brothers and sisters in faith. How are we called to prepare spiritually each week for the ministry? • Read the Scriptures(e.g. Reflect on the Sunday readings during the week before you attend mass.) • Participate in daily prayer • Participate in works of charity and grace • No wrong answer here • Perhaps you know even more ways
As an EM, a vital and uplifting part of this ministry is to share the joy of Christ through your ministry of hospitality. Which of these options helps you witness the hospitality of Christ in your ministry? • Look away from parishioners you see in the grocery store and don't bother them. • B. Find ways to share the joy of your faith with others...especially encourage catechumens and children who are preparing for Holy Communion. • C.Announce the words "Body of Christ" quickly so the line can move faster. B C A
CORRECT! As an EM, a vital and uplifting part of this ministry is to share the joy of Christ through your ministry of hospitality. Which of these options helps you witness the hospitality of Christ in your ministry? B. Find ways to share the joy of your faith with others...especially encourage catechumens and children who are preparing for Holy Communion.
As an EM, it is important to participate in the life of the community in order to understand the wants and needs, and moments of joy and hope experienced by those whom you serve. How can you become closer to the community you serve? • Don't try to learn anyone's names because you'll forget them anyway • Go to music or sports events some weekends because it doesn't matter if you attend mass each Sunday. • Talk to other parishioners and share what the Eucharist means to you. B C A
CORRECT! As an EM, it is important to participate in the life of the community in order to understand the wants and needs, and moments of joy and hope experienced by those whom you serve. How can you become closer to the community you serve? C. Talk to other parishioners and share what the Eucharist means to you.
Special circumstances If there is a spillage of the Precious Blood you should… A. Ignore the spill until after the Mass and then tell the celebrant about it. B. Cover it and return your cup to the altar, then notify the celebrant immediately about the spill and take his position until he returns. C. Cover it with a purificator; get a new one from the altar or credence table’s gray box and resume serving. After mass tell the priest where the spilled occurred. B C A
CORRECT! Special circumstances If there is a spillage of the Precious Blood you should… B. Cover it and return your cup to the altar, then notify the celebrant immediately about the spill and take his position until he returns. If some of the Precious Blood spills or drips cover the area with your purificator, return to altar, place chalice on corporal, and inform the Priest immediately. Take the Priest’s ciboria/chalice and continue to serve at his station. When the Priest has completed purifying the area, he may return to you and take back his position. If so, obtain a new purificator from the gray box on the credence shelf. Take your chalice from the altar and return to your station.
When a child (or adult) with hands crossed over their chest is in the line and will not receive Communion, you should: • Place your hand above their head and while saying “May God bless you” make the motion of the sign of the cross. • With your thumb make the sign of the cross on their forehead and say “May God bless you”. • Smile and acknowledge them by saying "May God bless you" without touching them or moving your hand in the motion of the sign of the cross. A B C
Correct When a child or adult is in the communion line and is not receiving communion you should… C. Smile and acknowledge them by saying "May God bless you" without touching them or moving your hand in the motion of the sign of the cross. If you wish, you could say instead “May God bless and protect you” or something similar. We are not blessing them but praying for them. Only those ordained can actually bless someone.
When should you leave the pew for the altar to serve? • Wait until the celebrant has consumed from the cup. • As soon as the priest’s hands touch the cup after he receives the Blessed Sacrament. • Wait until the designated EM stands before proceeding to the altar. A B C
Correct When should you leave the pew for the altar to serve? B. As soon as the priest’s hands touches the cup after he receives the Blessed Sacrament. All EM’S proceed to the altar as soon as the priest’s hands touch the cup after he receives the Blessed Sacrament, All EM’s move to the altar to their appropriate position in a swift but dignified manner.
If you are a cup minister, where do you stand when on the altar platform? • At your designated position with your heels on the edge of the carpet and tile. • At any open position as the group assembles. • At your designated position but form a tight formation with the other EMs. A B C
Correct • If you are a cup minister, where do you stand on the altar platform? • At your designated position with your heels on the edge of the carpet and tile. • PLEASE do not crowd the priest. Heels should be on the edge of the carpet and tile if you are a cup minister. This has been a problem sometimes for the services with 4Hosts/4Cups setup.
If the communicant attempts self-intinction (dip the host into your chalice) – what do you do? • Cover the cup with your purificator and say “Would you like to receive the Blood of Christ?...” • Cover the cup with your purificator and say “We don’t allow that.” • Allow them to intinct (dip) but give them a stern look. A B C
Correct If the communicant attempts self-intinction (dip the host into your chalice) – what do you do? A. Cover the cup with your purificator and say “Would you like to receive the Blood of Christ.” If the communicant attempts self-intinction (dip the host into your chalice), simply place the purificator over the chalice, smile, and ask, “Would you like to receive the Blood of Christ?” If the answer is yes, say, (with a smile) “Please receive the Body of Christ that is in your hand.” Then offer them the chalice as usual. If they become insistent, permit the communicant to do so with your purificator serving as a paten underneath the chalice and their mouth. For more information about self-intinction click on this line
More on self-intinction • Intinction is the means of receiving Communion by dipping the host into the consecrated wine. It is not the preferred means of receiving Communion (receiving each form of Communion separately is preferred), and it cannot be performed by a layperson. • Firstly, we receive Communion, and self-intinction puts us in the position of taking Communion. Secondly, the chalice is shared, and placing hands and fingers inside it increases the possibility of germs and the like in the chalice (did you know that studies have proven that our hands carry more germs than our mouths?). There is then the risk of the host breaking up and of the precious blood being spilt. Finally, those who receive Communion from the chalice only due to wheat allergies are placed at risk. • Finally, the most important reason of all is that Jesus told us to “take this… and eat” and “take this… and drink.” In recognition of this profound call of Christ, and in consideration of others who share with us in Communion, We ask that you drink from the chalice, rather than dip your host into it.
Special circumstances • If you drop a host or one falls on the floor – what do you do? • Quickly pickup it up and replace it in the ciborium. (5 second rule) • Place a purificator over it and retrieve it after Mass. • Pick it up and hold it in the hand beneath the ciborium. A B C
Correct Special circumstances If you drop a host or one falls on the floor – what do you do? C. Pick it up and hold it in the hand beneath the ciborium. If you drop a host, pick it up and keep separate from the others (in the palm of your hand under the ciborium). When you return to the altar place the dropped host along with your ciborium on the corporal and inform the priest or deacon the host had dropped on the floor. Consuming the Eucharist is best, but also it could be dissolved in fresh water and broken up by dissolution in a proper vessel. The water with particles of the Blessed Sacrament may be buried in the rose garden. The priest or deacon will perform this task.
If you run out of wine – what do you do? A. Cover the chalice with your purificator and step back slightly. B. Approach another cup minister and carefully transfer some wine into your cup. C. Continue to offer the cup although there is no wine to actually consume. A B C
Correct If you run out of wine – what do you do? A. Cover the chalice with your purificator and step back slightly. Never transfer wine between cups. Cup Ministers will remain in their position until the entire congregation has received communion. Upon completion, proceed to the bottom of the altar. Consume any remaining Precious Blood (as a group) and return to the sacristy. NOTE: If you cannot consume the remaining wine and the adjacent EM can’t consume it– just transport it back to the sacristy. Host Ministers: If you run out of hosts, approach another minister or priest and transfer some to your ciborium. Be careful not to drop any. It is permissible to break hosts into smaller pieces if necessary. Host ministers may return to the altar only after either a deacon or priest has returned to consolidate the remaining hosts. Be sure to place the ciborium on a corporal and then step away till the consecrated Hosts have left with the DHM for the tabernacle.
If you can’t serve as scheduled. It is prior to the weekend - What do you do? • Do nothing. There are always plenty of walk-in subs. • Find a substitute by using the online LiturgyDB request for Sub process. If possible, also notify the designated host minister of the substitution request. • Email the EM Coordinator and request their help. A B C
Correct • If you can’t serve as scheduled. It is prior to the weekend - What do you do? • B. Find a substitute by using the online LiturgyDB request for Sub process. If possible, alsoemail or call the designated host minister of the substitution. • It is your responsibility to request a substitute if you have been scheduled to serve and can't perform the assignment. • If it is within 24 hours of the mass, if possible, please call the Designated EM to let them know you will not be able to serve. • Please help the designated EMs when you receive the email for the reminder of service to click on the link in the email that lets them know you will be there or have requested a substitute.
True or False When serving communion: The Cup: the only words used are “The Blood of Christ”. The Host: the only words used are “The Body of Christ”. True False
True • Host Ministers • The only words used are “The Body of Christ”. Give communicant time to respond “Amen”. • Communicants may receive the Host in the hand or on the tongue. • Should a child or adult approach with hands folded, the EM may give a simple verbal prayer aloud (“May God Bless You”). It is not advisable to touch the person or make the sign of the cross with a hand gesture. • Giving a blessing (rather than just praying for the person) is a sacred function - performed by ordained ministers. • Cup Ministers • The only words used are “The Blood of Christ”. Give communicant time to respond “Amen”. • Hand the chalice to the communicant. (Making sure to present with the purificator clear and away from the cup to avoid spillage). • Carefully wipe the rim of chalice (both inside and out) with your purificator. Make one-quarter turn of chalice and present to the next communicant.
When scheduled to serve all you have to do is be there within 20 minutes prior to the mass starts. TrueorFalse? True False
FALSE • You should also… • Be with the Holy Spirit for the task you are about to perform. • Arrive at least 20 minutes before mass is scheduled to begin. • Check your name off the schedule and put on your cross. • Check you position and placement at altar. • Wash hands with soap and water. • Maintain a quiet environment. Do not linger in the sacristy. • Proceed to pews reserved for EM’s. • Note: • The DHM may replace any EM who has not arrived 10 minutes before Mass begins.
Through Baptism each of us is filled with the Holy Spirit and through our Confirmation the Spirit is strengthened within us. How are we called to place ourselves in the presence of the Spirit when we come to participate in the ministry? • Rush to church, be impatient in the parking lot if people are in your way. • Watch with critical eye to see if other ministers are doing their preparations properly and point out right away if they do anything improper. • Arrive early enough to spend a few minutes of quiet prayer to call upon the presence of the Holy Spirit to be with you as you serve the Lord today. A B C
CORRECT Through Baptism each of us is filled with the Holy Spirit and through our Confirmation the Spirit is strengthened within us. How are we called to place ourselves in the presence of the Spirit when we come to participate in the ministry? C. Arrive early enough to spend a few minutes of quiet prayer to call upon the presence of the Holy Spirit to be with you as you serve the Lord today. Msgr. Bill understands that because of exceptional circumstances, on any given day we may not be physically, emotionally or spiritually able to serve. If you are unable to serve, he will support you and the EM position can go unfilled if necessary.
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