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R9 TES Program Priorities. Preclude ESA listingHabitats and biodiversity for longterm recoveryPartnershipsConservation Strategies and Recovery Plans. Regional Forester Sensitive Species Criteria. TNC/ABI GTN Rank of 1-3Federal Candidate or delisted in last 5 yearsState T
1. Conservation Assessments and Strategies USDA Forest Service Eastern Region
Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species Program Objectives of talk: Provide overview of progress, stimulate discussion and encourage others to lead CA’s
Format: Overview/round robin
Objectives of talk: Provide overview of progress, stimulate discussion and encourage others to lead CA’s
Format: Overview/round robin
2. R9 TES Program Priorities Preclude ESA listing
Habitats and biodiversity for longterm recovery
Conservation Strategies and Recovery Plans Recovery plans for TE, CA for RFSS
Recovery plans for TE, CA for RFSS
3. Regional Forester Sensitive Species Criteria TNC/ABI GTN Rank of 1-3
Federal Candidate or delisted in last 5 years
State T&E and other NHP tracked species – screened by Risk Evaluation
Documented within proclamation boundary and be recognized by taxonomic experts
4. Regional Forester Sensitive Species ListUpdated February 29, 2000
Animals: 21 TES
262 RFSS
Plants: 15 TES
403 RFSS
So…how will we get CA/Cs for so many species???So…how will we get CA/Cs for so many species???
5. Conservation Assessment
Species, group or ecosystem status and distribution
Documents what is known and unknown
Information for Conservation Strategy
No management direction or commitments
6. Conservation Assessment Executive Summary
Nomenclature and Taxonomy
Description of Species
Life History
Distribution and Abundance (rangewide/regionwide)
Population Biology and Viability
Potential Threats and Monitoring
Handout on templates, request comments, templates to be put on webFSM
Handout on templates, request comments, templates to be put on web
7. Conservation Strategy
Establish conservation objectives
Management actions to accomplish objectives
Must go through NEPA process
Forest Plan addendum, amendment or revision FSMFSM
8. Conservation Strategy
Executive Summary
Distribution and Status
Life History
* Relationship to Land Management and Human Activity
* Population Viability Goals
* Management Recommendations/Standards and Guides
* Collaborative Potential
* Research and Monitoring Needs
* Action Plan
* Items unique to StrategyFSM
* Items unique to Strategy
9. Conservation Agreement Implementation with cooperating agencies
How actions will preclude ESA listing
Commitment of management actions
NEPA/NFMA requirements satisfied
10. FY2000 Conservation Assessments
Northern goshawk
Yellow-bellied flycatcher
Goblin Fern
Botrychium spp.
Cerulean Warbler
White Mountain Silverling
Nodding Pagonia
Henslows sparrow
Boreal owl
Bicknell’s thrush
Red-shouldered hawk
Ramshead Lady-slipper
Eastern Massasauga
Allegheny dragonflies
Fairy bells
Round RobinRound Robin
11. FY2001 Conservation Assessments
Timber Rattlesnake
Calypso bulbosa
Cynoglosum virginianum
Malaxis brachypoda
Listera suite
Vaccinium cespitosum and No. Blue butterfly
Niagra Escarpment
Great Lakes Shoreline
Green Mountain Alpine Community
Mesic Central Hardwoods
Warm-water streams
Over 90 species initiated FY2000-2001; great progress in 9 months! About 15% of RFSS…Over 90 species initiated FY2000-2001; great progress in 9 months! About 15% of RFSS…
12. CA Progress by Forest Opps need to update…where is Ottawa?!Opps need to update…where is Ottawa?!
13. CA Priorities Species impacted by management
Community groups
Species group
Southern tier aquatic species A few ideas to move ahead strategically and effeciently….A few ideas to move ahead strategically and effeciently….
14. Methods to accomplish CA’s:
In house
Forest Service Research
Challenge Cost Share Agreements
Interagency Agreements Round Robin
CA Contract and CCS to be on CA webpage by end of year (also FSM and templates)Round Robin
CA Contract and CCS to be on CA webpage by end of year (also FSM and templates)
15. Potential Partners Other FS Regions
FS Research
FWS Status Assessments
Natural Heritage Programs
New England Wildflower Society
Bat Conservation International
Species experts
16. Potential Management Impacts Half of R9 forests identified 156 of 665 RFSS as potentially impacted by management….
CA’s underway for about one-quarter of species identified Still need to hear from “other half”, though I suspect that Ľ-1/2 of RFSS are potenitally impacted by management which would mean we are have CA’s underway for about 1/3 of the priority species, requiring at minimum of $600,000 to complete CA’s????Still need to hear from “other half”, though I suspect that Ľ-1/2 of RFSS are potenitally impacted by management which would mean we are have CA’s underway for about 1/3 of the priority species, requiring at minimum of $600,000 to complete CA’s????
17. FWS Status Assessments Black tern
Cerulean warbler
Common tern
Henslow's sparrow
Loggerhead Shrike
Northern goshawk
Crystal darter
Longhead darter
Northern cavefish
Spotted darter
Glacial relic snails
Indiana crayfish
Hill's thistle
Pale false foxglove FWS expressed interest in partnering. Status of status assessments (Friday?)FWS expressed interest in partnering. Status of status assessments (Friday?)
18. New England Wildflower Society Round-leaved Orchis
Purple Milkweed
Moonwort Grape-fern
Side-oats Grama
Crawe Sedge
Flase Hop Sedge
Wiegland’s Sedge
Northern Wild Comfrey
Three-angled Spikerush
White Thoroughwort
Vasey Rush Large Twayblade
Auricled Twayblade
Large-leaved Sandwort
Dwarf Water-Lily
Swamp Lousewort
Yellow-fringe Orchid
A Jacob’s Ladder
Giant Pinedrops
Lapland Buttercup
Fewflower Nutrush
Whip Nutrush
Northern Dropseed Per Burbank/Schultz
Other similar groups? BCI status?Per Burbank/Schultz
Other similar groups? BCI status?
19. Southern Tier Aquatic Species Daniel Boone, GW Jefferson, Ouchita and Ozark National Forests?
Multispecies Mussel CA? By basins?
Cavefish CA?
Darter CA?
Large majority of RFSS are southern tier aquatic species. Fish group discuss 12/6…results? Suggestions per Becky Ewing.Large majority of RFSS are southern tier aquatic species. Fish group discuss 12/6…results? Suggestions per Becky Ewing.
20. Peer Review…. Adds strength not weakness
Agreement may not be possible; thoughtfully consider and document input
Include a cross section of subject experts -
pro and con - don’t shy from controversy
Broaden reviews if controversy is high
Be personal - make contacts, give thanks Part of every CA…options include FS Research, Professional Societies, inhouse….Part of every CA…options include FS Research, Professional Societies, inhouse….
21. Peer Review Methods Choose method based on complexity, controversy, potential of presedence
Potential methods:
Internal review
Review by peers on same or neighboring unit
Self-facilitated review
Third-party facilitated review
Blind peer review
22. Peer Review Format Informal or formal:
Personal contact
Web page
Facilitated conference call
23. Peer Review Timeframes
Long-term requests can get lost to other priorities
Short timeframes with flexibility may be effective
If possible involve reviewers in setting timeframes
24. Forest Service Eastern Region Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species Program For more information contact:
Stephen R. Mighton, Regional Office
Nancy Lizette Berlin, Chippewa National Forest Handouts (CA Matrix, CA webpage info, CA species and community template outlines)Handouts (CA Matrix, CA webpage info, CA species and community template outlines)