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TROPIQUATICA Biome. Conditions and Features . I imagined that this biome would look like a very dense jungle that is immediately met by water at the edge of it. It would look like an island with a huge jungle surrounded by ocean all around it. Swampy; marshy.

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  2. Conditions and Features • I imagined that this biome would look like a very dense jungle that is immediately met by water at the edge of it. • It would look like an island with a huge jungle surrounded by ocean all around it. • Swampy; marshy. • I think it would be a very humid climate. • Very rainy!

  3. Organisms • The organisms I've chosen are listed below: • Monkey Orchid • Water crowfoot • Toucan • Killer Whale • Flagellates • Amoeba

  4. Classification • Toucan Killer Whale Eukarya Eukarya Animalia Animalia Chardata Chardata Mammalia Aves Cetacea Picifomes Delphinidae Ramphastos Orcinus Toco Orca

  5. Classification • Monkey Orchid • Water Crowfoot Eukarya Eukarya Plantae Plantae Magnoliophyta Angiospem Monocots Magnoliopsia Asparagales Ranunculales Orchidaceae Ranunculaceae Orchis Thalictridenae Simia Bonariensis

  6. Classification • Flagellates • Amoeba Eukarya Eukarya Protista Protista Euglenozoa Tubulinea Tryanosmatidea Tubulinida Kinetopkastida Amoebidae Trypanosomitidae Amoeba Boryanum

  7. Dichotomous Key • 1 a. Is it colorful?.... Go to 2a • b. Not colorful?.... Go to 3a • 2 a. Is it a plant?.... OrchisSimia • b. Is it an animal instead of a plant?..... RamphastosToco • 3 a. Can it be seen with naked eye?.... Go to 4 a • b. Not seen with naked eye?......Go to 5 a • 4 a. Is it an Animal?.... Orcinus Orca • b. Is it a plant?....... ThalictridenaeBonariensis • 5 a. Has “tail(s)”(flagella)……TrypanosomitidaeBoryanum • b. has Psuedopods instead of flagella…. Amoebidae Amoeba

  8. StructuralAdaptations Physiological Adaptations Behavioral Adaptations One physiological adaptation for the toucan is having wings to fly. killer whale - respiratory system(blowhole) Monkey orchid-mimic monkeys Flagellates-can be parasitic Amoeba-can become dormant in environments that are potentially lethal to the cell For the toucan, one structural adaptation is it’s beak. killer whale -they have a tail to swim Monkey orchid-the face-like features in the orchid Flagellates-flagella(tail) Amoeba-has psuedopods (arm like organelles) One behavioral adaptation of the toucan is being able to fly. Killer whales- able to swim Monkey orchid-camouflage to hide Flagellates-move quickly Amoeba-osmoregulation (contracting water in to a large vacuole called a contractile vacuole)

  9. Toco Toucan Amoeba Flagellate

  10. Monkey Orchid Killer Whale Water Crowfootrowfoot

  11. Sources • Wikipedia • Seaworld Animal Information Site • Kingdoms Worksheet • Science Spiral for some organisms

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