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SERVICES, LOTS OF IMPORTANT STUFF. University of Oulu Student Union Residence permit IT Services Library Services Health Services Kummi Family Programme 7 Uniresta campus restaurants . SERVICES. University of Oulu in brief.

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  2. University of Oulu Student Union Residence permit IT Services Library Services Health Services Kummi Family Programme 7 Uniresta campus restaurants SERVICES

  3. University of Oulu in brief Founded in 1958, 16 000 students. Number of international students is approx. 1100. Six faculties: business, education, humanities, medicine, science and technology. Number of exchange students in 2012 (preliminary numbers, length of exchange at least 3 months): IN – 460 OUT - 330 International Services 2013

  4. Student Center Student Center – everything from one office: transcripts, registration, student exchange, open university, language studies, student councelling psychologist, University of Oulu Graduate School, IT-helpdesk. Open Mon-Fri 9am-3pm, different services might have different opening hours. Student exchange helpdesk (desk number 6) available Mon-Thu 9am-12noon. Outside opening hours: international.office@oulu.fi International Services 2013

  5. Student Union OYY Information presented by Henni Saarela, International Relations officer, OYY International Services 2013

  6. Residence permit Non-EU students: you should have applied for residence permit already in your home country. EU students: register your stay at the Oulu Police station, see page 12 of Orientation information booklet. Registration necessary if you stay for over three months. Permit’s can be extended at the Oulu Police station if necessary. www.migri.fi, www.poliisi.fi International Services 2013

  7. IT SERVICES HELPDESK AT STUDENT CENTER IT- Helpdesk at Student Center: Desk number 1, open Mon-Fri 9am-3pm, neuvonta(at)oulu.fi Internet, e-mail: • Main library 2nd floor, • Computers at corridors, • Computer laboratories, student common rooms… • Ask about your printing quota User IDs & e-mail address • User-ID and password • E-mail address from the IT Helpdesk: YourUserID@mail.student.oulu.fi International Services 2013

  8. IT SERVICES: TOOLS FOR STUDIES SeeOrientationMaterial: • Mailinglists: Exchange / Foreignstudents • University of Oulu IT services for students • www.oulu.fi/it/students • PanOulu Wireless Network • EduRoam Wireless Network on campus INFO ON WEB BASED TOOLS: Tuesday 14.00 in room L7 International Services 2013

  9. Library Services There are several libraries on campus. Pegasus library: business, education, humanities Science library Tellus: science, technology Own libraries at the Faculty of Medicine and at the Department of Architecture. Libraries arrange ’Library ABC’ orientation sessions, sign up at our orientation website at http://www.oulu.fi/english/studying/new-students/orientation. International Services 2013

  10. Health Services for Students 1/2 For students who are members of the Student Union of the University of Oulu. Linnanmaa Campus Address: Yliopistokatu 1 A http://www.fshs.fi • GPs, • preventive heath care • dentists • mental health care • laboratories Time reservation:Mon-Thu 8a.m. - 3 p.m. Fri 9 a.m. – 14 p.m. Check-ups generally free of chargeCharges for dentistrys (approx. 15€), specialits and mental health (approx. 4– 10€) CANCELLATION FEE HAS TO BE PAID IF YOU HAVE NOT CANCELLED YOUR APPOINTMENT IN DUE TIME (regular fee + 15 €) International Services 2013

  11. Health Services for Students 2/2 Emergency number 112 Contact information for the Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District Street address: Kajaanintie 50, 90220 Oulu The emergency unit for Oulu region +358 8 315 2655, health information and guidance +358 8 315 2688, patient enquiries for the Emergency unit and examination/laboratory results You are entitled to treatment with the European Health Card, HOWEVER; we highly recommend a personal insurance from your home country! International Services 2013

  12. Kummi Family Programme – A Dive Into the Finnish Way of Life • a friend family programme open for all international students, programme coordinated by International Services • intended to promote cultural exchange and add positive value to the student’s exchange experience by enabling friendships between local families and exchange students • freetime activity – the student and the family decide together how often they meet and what they do • optional participation – obligatory commitment International Services 2013

  13. Kummi Family Programme • different kinds of families = different interests = different experiences • International Services connects the students and the families –It is up to the student and the family to make the most of their experience • Once we have a family for you, we will contact you via e-mail and instruct how to proceed. • Contact: trainee.one@oulu.fi / 0294 48 4046 International Services 2013

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