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Assistant Professor Dr. Sana’a Wafa Al-Sayegh 2 nd Semester 2008-2009. Computer Graphics. University of Palestine. ITGD3107. ITGD3107 Computer Graphics. Chapter 3 Output Primitives line, circle , Ellipse algorithms and others. Output Primitives. What Kind of Math do We Need?
Assistant Professor Dr. Sana’a Wafa Al-Sayegh 2nd Semester 2008-2009 Computer Graphics University of Palestine ITGD3107 Lecture 2
ITGD3107Computer Graphics Chapter 3 Output Primitives line, circle , Ellipse algorithms and others Lecture 2
Output Primitives • What Kind of Math do We Need? • Drawing Lines, Circles, Ellipses Filled Polygons and Characters • Ideal Line, simple line • Vector Generation • DDA Algorithm • Bresenham algorithm • Circle Drawing algorithms • Ellipse Drawing algorithms • Representing Characters • Drawing Filled Polygons Lecture 2
What Kind of Math do We Need? Cartesian Coordinates Typically modeling space is floating point, screen space is integer screen coordinates are measured top to bottom, based on raster scan Integer Grid x, y Cartesian grid (0,0) Lecture 2
Example 3D Primitives Polyline Polyhedron Patch Sphere Lecture 2
Drawing Lines For horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines all pixels lie on ideal line: special case For lines at arbitrary angle, pick pixels closest to ideal line (Bresenham’s midpoint “scan conversion” algorithm) For thick lines, use multiple pixels in each column or fill a rotated rectangle Sampling continuous line on discrete grid introduces sampling errors: “jaggies” Lecture 2
Towards the Ideal Line • We can only do a discrete approximation • Illuminate pixels as close to the true path as possible, consider bi-level display only • Pixels are either lit or not lit Lecture 2
What is an ideal line • Must appear straight and continuous • Only possible axis-aligned and 45o lines • Must interpolate both defining end points • Must have uniform density and intensity • Consistent within a line and over all lines • Must be efficient, drawn quickly • Lots of them are required!!! Lecture 2
Simple Line Based on slope-intercept algorithm from algebra: y = mx + b Simple approach: increment x, solve for y Floating point arithmetic required Lecture 2
Does it Work? It seems to work okay for lines with a slope of 1 or less, but doesn’t work well for lines with slope greater than 1 – lines become more discontinuous in appearance and we must add more than 1 pixel per column to make it work. Solution? - use symmetry. Lecture 2
Modification OR, increment along x-axis if dy<dx else increment along y-axis Lecture 2
Vector Generation • There are two vector generation algorithm: • DDA = Digital Differential Analyser • finite differences • Bresenham’s Algorithm Lecture 2
DDA algorithm • DDA = Digital Differential Analyser • finite differences • Treat line as parametric equation in t : Start point End point Lecture 2
DDA Algorithm • Start at t = 0 • At each step, increment t by dt • Choose appropriate value for dt • Ensure no pixels are missed: • Implies: and • Set dt to maximum of dx and dy Lecture 2
DDA algorithm line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { float x,y; int dx = x2-x1, dy = y2-y1; int n = max(abs(dx),abs(dy)); float dt = n, dxdt = dx/dt, dydt = dy/dt; x = x1; y = y1; while( n-- ) { point(round(x),round(y)); x += dxdt; y += dydt; } } n - range of t. Lecture 2
DDA algorithm • Still need a lot of floating point arithmetic. • 2 ‘round’s and 2 adds per pixel. • Is there a simpler way ? • Can we use only integer arithmetic ? • Easier to implement in hardware. Lecture 2
Bresenham (mid-point) algorithm • Choose between 2 pixels at each step based upon the sign of a decision variable. • Update the decision variable based upon which pixel is chosen. • Start point is simply first endpoint (x1,y1). • Need to calculate the initial value for d Lecture 2
Bresenham algorithmm<1 void MidpointLine1(int x1,y1,x2,y2) { int dx=x2-x1; int dy=y2-y1; int d=2*dy-dx; int increE=2*dy; int incrNE=2*(dy-dx); x=x1; y=y1; WritePixel(x,y); while (x < x2) { if (d<= 0) { d+=incrE; x++ } else { d+=incrNE; x++; y++; } WritePixel(x,y); } } Lecture 2
Bresenham algorithmm>=1 void MidpointLine2(int x1,y1,x2,y2) { int dx=x2-x1; int dy=y2-y1; int d=2*dx-dy; int increE=2*dx; int incrNE=2*(dx-dy); x=x1; y=y1; WritePixel(x,y); while (y < y2) { if (d<= 0) { d+=incrE; y++; } else { d+=incrNE; x++; y++; } WritePixel(x,y); } } Lecture 2
Drawing Circles and Ellipses circle outline filled ellipse Lecture 2
Circle drawing. • Can also use Bresenham to draw circles. • Use 8-fold symmetry E M SE Previous Pixel Choices for Next pixel Choices for Current pixel Lecture 2
Circle drawing. • First method is: to • Where x value steps from Lecture 2
Circle drawing. • Second method is: Lecture 2
Circle drawing. Lecture 2
Example: Midpoint Circle algorithm: Lecture 2
Ellipse Drawing Lecture 2
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm Lecture 2
Example: Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm Lecture 2
Example: Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm Lecture 2
Drawing Characters For characters defined by small bitmap selectively write pixels of refresh buffer corresponding to “true” bits of character bitmap Outline fonts: defined in terms of (mathematical) drawing primitives (lines, arcs, etc). Lecture 2
Representing Characters Lecture 2
Drawing Filled Polygons Find intersection of scan line with polygon edges Sort intersections by increasing x Fill the polygon between pairs of intersections (spans) Lecture 2