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Every company that provides on-demand courier service must offer convenient and accurate fulfillment options to customers too. When customers let you know when and where they need their packages to be picked and delivered, it makes it easier to deliver them on time. Convenient delivery times and fulfillment options are the keys to a successful pick-up and delivery services company.
8WaystomeettheOn-DemandDeliveryDemands ThisHolidaySeason Theholidayseason ischaracterizedbylong, scheduleddeliveriesthat each customer waits for. After Thanksgiving and Black Friday, everyone is ready for ChristmasandNewyear. Amidstthefestivities,thelogisticsindustrythat providespick-upanddeliveryservicestoclientscomesundertremendous pressure. Senpexhasalreadycomeupwith8waysto meeton-demanddelivery demandsthisholidayseasonwithoutmissingoutonthem! 1. Convenientschedulingoptions Everycompanythatprovideson-demandcourierservicemust offer convenientandaccuratefulfillmentoptionstocustomerstoo.Whencustomers
letyouknow whenandwheretheyneedtheirpackagestobe pickedand delivered, it makes it easier to deliver them on time. Convenient delivery times andfulfillmentoptionsarethekeystoa successfulpick-upanddelivery servicescompany. Flexibleon-demanddeliverymanagement Senpex has a coordinated and digitized delivery process starting from placing the order to the customer’s door. For instance, when we need to provide same- day delivery courier services, we track where we have the inventory available, andstaffwhocanpicktheproductsanddeliverthemtothecustomers. Automatedprocess Time is the greatest commodity in the world today; if we can’t provide instant pick-up and deliveryservices to customers, then we will definitely lose them. This is the reason Senpex has automated each of the aspects of its on-demand courierservice. For example- we have an automated dispatching and routing system that helps usinmakingwisedecisionsoncost,volume,andbusinessgoals. Localfulfillment Local inventory can help reduce costs. With the help of data analytics, weat Senpex determine the time and place where the courier needs to be picked and whereitneedstobedelivered.Accordingly,weplanourdeliveryflowsand resourcessothatourcustomersdon’tneedtopaymuchshippingcosts. Drivervisibilityanddata Tostreamline the operations, and meettheon-demand deliverydemands of customers, thebestwayistohavehigh-leveldata. Tokeepa track of the deliveryfulfillmentprocess,Senpexusesdigitaldeliveryproof,bar-code scanning, real-time driver tracking. This also reduces the workload of the team toagreatextent. Customercommunication,tracking,andalerts Withcustomerexpectationsgoing overboard,businesseshave placed consumers on the top, for no good reason. Senpex gives them a wide range of visibilitylevelsintothecourierdeliverystatusandlocation.Theygetpush
notificationswhentheirorderleavesthewarehouseorstore,andalso messageswhentheorderreachesthem. Accuratedeliveryquotes Irrespectiveofwhethercustomersrequiresame-daydelivery,orscheduled deliveries, there should not be any hidden delivery or shipping costs for them. Whencustomersgetaccuratedeliveryquotes,theygetencouragedtobe associatedwiththeminthefutureaswell. Multi-routesoptimization Senpex uses a proprietary technology stack, we help customers in saving a lot bychoosingoptimal routesforthedeliveries.Thisalso helps the drivers completemulti-stopsquicker. This is how we, at Senpex, are meeting the on-demand delivery demands this holiday season. Tomake Christmas merrier for you, as a gift from our end, we are offering a free no-contact FIRST delivery for all E-commerce business owners.MerryChristmas!