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DP Engagement with Working Groups

DP Engagement with Working Groups. How can we make our contributions more effective? DPG Retreat – March 6, 2008. Outline of Presentation. Which working groups are we talking about? What are the challenges we are currently facing? What can we do about them?.

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DP Engagement with Working Groups

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DP Engagement with Working Groups How can we make our contributions more effective? DPG Retreat – March 6, 2008

  2. Outline of Presentation • Which working groups are we talking about? • What are the challenges we are currently facing? • What can we do about them?

  3. Which working groups are we talking about - I • Key Fora in Water Sector Dialogue: • Joint Water Sector Review • Water Sector Working Group • TWG: Planning and Finance • TWG: Performance Monitoring • TWG: Institutional Development and Capacity Building • TWG: Sanitation and Hygiene

  4. Which working groups are we talking about - II • Groups outside the Water Sector: • Sanitation and Hygiene Steering Committee (MoHSW) • Local Government Capital Development Grant Technical Committee • MKUKUTA Cluster 2 Working Group • Wider DPG Meetings

  5. Current Challenges • Inconsistent representation of DPG at WGs: • slows progress in WGs – covering the same ground at each meeting • meetings do not build on progress at previous meetings • inconsistent messages • undermines requests for consistent, high-level representation (and leadership) from partners

  6. Current Challenges • Inconsistent representation of DPG at WGs • Poor communications between WG meetings • no clear point of contact for WG chairs among DPs • no DP mandated to follow up / chase

  7. Current Challenges • Inconsistent representation of DPG at WGs • Poor communications between WG meetings • Slow progress on tasks between meetings • many sub-groups formed, little to show for it • low commitment on all sides to sub-group tasks

  8. Current Challenges • Inconsistent representation of DPG at WGs • Poor communications between WG meetings • Slow progress on tasks between meetings • Late notice of meetings / cancellations, no clear calendar, etc. • an important challenge, but to be addressed elsewhere (Nat) • we can help reduce the problem

  9. Proposed Representation of DPG Water in Working Groups • One lead representative of the DPG to be selected for each working group • Supported by a co-lead • All DPG members of WGs to commit to attending regularly and taking on tasks relating to the work of the WG – i.e. members are either in and committed or should not be members • How many other members?

  10. Proposed role of lead and co-lead • Liaise with PCT on meeting logistics (e.g. timing, venues, invitations, circulation of documents, etc.) • Review and provide input on meeting agenda • Review and provide input on draft minutes • Provide guidance on longer-term agenda for the group – what needs to be achieved over the year? • Attend meetings • Ensure either lead / co-lead is present at each meeting • Coordinate DPG contributions to work of the TWG (e.g. sub-groups) between meetings • Provide a link between the WG and DPG-W, including updates on progress and gathering other DPs’ inputs

  11. Proposed role of other DPG members • Provide input to lead/co-lead on agenda and minutes • Attend meetings • Contribute to the work of the TWG between meetings

  12. Thank you

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