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Introductory Lecture, Act I. Starring: Dan Kurtz as Wesley When Kristina Kenney as Catherine Chronos Sound by Ellen Juhlin Set design by Todd c Hartman and John Bagoye Costumes by Melissa Wilson Script by Allen Cohn, Erik Stuart, Trisha Lantznester , et al. Fun Fact:
Introductory Lecture, Act I • Starring: • Dan Kurtz as Wesley When • Kristina Kenney as Catherine Chronos • Sound by Ellen Juhlin • Set design by Todd c Hartman and John Bagoye • Costumes by Melissa Wilson • Script by Allen Cohn, Erik Stuart, Trisha Lantznester, et al. • Fun Fact: • Tiresias’s role was significantly reduced after playtesters thought it was a “find the differences” puzzle between Act I and III when in reality we just let Sean sleep in.
Core Dump 1 • Concept by Dwight Freund • Manufacturing by the Freund family • Printout design by Wei-Hwa Huang • Fun Fact: • The original design was intended to be the core dump for all three acts, which would give a different message each time
1. Which of these companies is part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average? A: Johnson & Johnson K: Berkshire Hathaway N: Eastman Kodak U: Google
Tachyon Midi-Ether Co-Keypad • Designed by Wei-Hwa Huang • Manufacturing by Wei-Hwa Huang and a very long weekend session with 8 volunteers • Fun Fact: • During the playtest, an uncapped contact cement bottle was left in a plastic bag with the disassembled keys. The fumes melted all the keys, necessitating a re-order of completely different keys as the supplier was out of stock
2. Which country has the 2nd-highest GDP? J: India N: China O: Japan S: United States
Choose Your Own Adventure • Original Idea by Dwight Freund • Story concept and outline by Trisha Lantznester • Writing by Trisha Lantznester and Erik Stuart • Editing and layout by Wei-Hwa Huang • Artwork by RigelStuhlmiller • Fun Fact: • Longest time between first puzzle prototype and final product
Wormhole • Written by Eric Lindstrom • Fun Fact: • Original version didn’t warn solvers of the effects of particles travelling backwards through time
3. In the most recent Summer Olympics, the most medals was won by the host country. Which country was 2nd? A: Soviet Union E: India S: United States W: Romania
Calibration (Movie Clips) • Designed by Erik Stuart and Melissa Wilson • Developed and prototyped by Wei-Hwa Huang • Directed by Allen Cohn • Acted by Dan Kurtz • Filmed by Christian Hoobyar • Sound editing by Ellen Juhlin • Video editing and mastering by Ben Hansen • Fun Fact: • Original prototype used a “Have a Nice Day” icon as a stand-in for Wesley
4. In the US, which animated TV show has the most aired episodes? D: South Park L: The Jetsons T: The Flintsones W: The Simpsons
Starting the Big Bang • Directed by Allen Cohn • Acted by Dan Kurtz • Filmed by Todd c Hartman and Christian Hoobyar • Sound editing by Ellen Juhlin • Fun Fact: • There’s an echo at the start of the video to suggest emptiness… but what’s the echo bouncing off of?
Send Me Back • Puzzle designed by Sean Gugler • Directed by Sean Gugler and Wei-Hwa Huang • Acted by Dan Kurtz (in one take!) • Filmed by Todd c Hartman and Christian Hoobyar • Fun Fact: • Original plan was to have a spatial jigsaw element as well; each segment would be cut into a 2 by 2 grid
5. Who holds the record for most Oscar acting nominations? E: Meryl Streep R: Katherine Hepburn V: Natalie Portman V: Jack Nicholson
Fabric of Time • Designed by Doug Banks • Developed by Sean Gugler, Wei-Hwa Huang, and Doug Banks • Produced by Sean Gugler, Wei-Hwa Huang • Fun Fact: • All the border pieces were cut too short due to miscommunication
6. What is the best-selling non-Christmas single? ;: Thriller O: Friday R: Candle in the Wind Y: We Are the World
Fetch the Letter • Original idea by Sean Gugler • Developed by Sean Gugler and Wei-Hwa Huang • Dwight Freund as Crazy Tracy • Newspaper written by Trisha Lantznester and Wei-Hwa Huang • Newspaper printed by Dave Shukan • Fun Fact: • Archeology puzzle was redesigned and data completely redone 5 hours before the game
Journalists: “Intense Secrets” • Designed and developed by Erik Stuart • Magazine aging effects by Wei-Hwa Huang • Fun Fact: • Because of this puzzle, Catherine gained a middle name: Lucille, after Catherine Lucille Moore
7. Who is the NBA all-time assists leader? F: John Stockton I: Oscar Robertson R: Aisha Olajuwon Y: Jeremy Lin
Investors: Balance Sheet and Income Statement • Designed and written by Allen Cohn • Fun Fact: • Skipping Yerevan may result in false messages such as “INVESTMENT IN PAST”.
8. Who was Rocky Balboa's most recent opponent? A: Rusty Belt O: Mason Dixon S: Tommy Gunn T: Ivan Drago
Scientists: Particle Zoo • Written by David Greenspan • Fun Fact: • Swapped position with Wormhole when we realized that the “Scientists” puzzle was more time-consuming than the other role puzzles
Government Officials: [REDACTED] Redaction Agency • Designed, developed, and shredded by Wei-Hwa Huang • Fun Fact: • Out of all the puzzles in the hunt, the Redaction Agency instructions page is the only one typeset in a font designed by a Canadian
9. Where is the tallest building in the world? F: North America K: Antarctica O: East Asia R: The Middle East
Science Fair Video • Directed by Allen Cohn • Acted by Dan Kurtz, Alex Cave, and Kristina Kenney • Camera by Christian Hoobyar • Lighting, Editing, and Visual Effects by Todd c Hartman • Sound Effects and recording by Ellen Juhlin • Science Fair projects by Ken Chaney • Science Fair presentations by Erik Stuart and Melissa Wilson • and lots of volunteers did lots of other stuff • Fun Fact: • The close-up shots of the science fair projects were actually in Erik’s garage
10. How many females are on the US Supreme Court? L: Five point five N: Three O: One R: Eleven
Cross-Reference Approval Permits • Designed by Wei-Hwa Huang • Based on previous work by Robert Abbott • Enhanced by Eric Stuart • Fun Fact: • The button is generic enough that you can wear it elsewhere! Just tell people it’s a flux capacitor.
Introductory Lecture: Act II • Kristina Kenney as Catherine Chronos • Dan Kurtz as Wesley When • Alex Cave as Mrs. Buffy When • Sound by Ellen Juhlin • Set design by Todd c Hartman and John Bagoye • Costumes by Melissa Wilson • Set crew: • Mary Johnson • Shawn Johnson • CrissyGugler • Lauren O’Rourke
11. How many planets are in our solar system? A: Seven I: Eight P: Sixteen R: Nine
Core Dump, Act II • Designed and produced by David Greenspan • Printing effects by Sean Gugler and Wei-Hwa Huang • Fun Fact: • Two-layer acrylic is very expensive; instead, this is white acrylic with a painted layer
12. Japan is the ___ most populous country in the world. A: 4th N: 10th T: 7th Y: 15th
Invalid Permits • Original Design by Allen Cohn • Development and design by Wei-Hwa Huang • Fun Fact: • Favorite bribe (pictured): “A device to help fill out forms in triplicate”
Chronomentometers • Designed, developed, and manufactured by Wei-Hwa Huang • Inspired by original Trenchwood logo by Ben Hansen • Fun Fact: • Only 1000 out of a few millions possible puzzles were chosen for inclusion
13. What is the highest-grossing film of all time (including re-releases)? E: Avatar O: Titanic T: Star Wars Episode XIV: Legacy of the Chiss W: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Mix Tape • Designed and Developed by Erik Stuart • Tapes mastered by Sean Gugler • Fun Fact: • “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” never hit #1 on the charts
14. What is the last name of the Governor of California? E: Deukmejian G: Schwarzenegger T: Brown U: Wilson
Art History • Original concept by Allen Cohn • Designed by Erik Stuart and Justin Graham • Photoshop work by Todd c Hartman • Audio Tour App “programmed” by Wei-Hwa Huang • Phones loaned from the Burninators • Fun Fact: • Original version was muuuuch harder; all the numbers were in the artists’ native language, and everybody got the audio tour at the start of the event
Wesley and Buffy • Directed by Allen Cohn • Camera operated by Christian Hoobar • Lighting and video editing by Todd c Hartman • Sound by Ellen Juhlin • Costumes by MelissaWilson • Fun Fact: • Someone had to pushAlex’s chair in and outto get the “Buffyinterrupts” effect
15. Which batter OFFICIALLY holds the record for most home runs in a single season? E: Barry Bonds L: Alex Rodriguez N: Roger Maris T: Sammy Sosa
Fix the View-O-Scope • Designed by Sean Gugler • Pointless 3D effects by Wei-Hwa Huang • Fun Fact: • If you connect the output of “50/50” to the input of “50/50”, you create a feedback loop that sinks the other output to zero. This is not useful.
16. Who is the author of the best-selling book series of all time? E: J. K. Rowling O: Stan and Jan Berenstain T: Erle Stanley Gardner U: R. L. Stine
Faculty Christmas Party • Designed by Dave Shukan • Sound mixed and edited by Ellen Juhlin • Voices by Allen Cohn, Erik Stuart, Elena Melendez, Melissa Wilson, and Wei-Hwa Huang • Fun Fact: • The identity of thespectroscopy teacherwas changed at thelast minute
17. What is the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany? H: West Berlin N: New Berlin N: Berlin Y: Bonn
Get the Locker Combo • Designed by Erik Stuart • Picture Frame by Sean Gugler • Fun Fact: • A lot of luck was involved in getting a combo lock with that exact combo
18. What is the name of the device that delivers energy to an automobile engine? E: fuel injector F: carburetor R: power supply S: catalytic vaporizer
Restaurant Coupons • Original Idea by Allen Cohn • Enhancements and graphic design by Thomas Snyder • Fun Fact: • Puzzle was inspired by an actual Yoshinoya coupon that Wei-Hwa tried to use in Allen’s presence
Yearbook, Part 1 • Original Idea: Eric Lindstrom • Poetry re-writing: Erik Stuart and Wei-Hwa Huang • Fun Fact: • The poem was written and re-written at least seven times
19. Who is the highest-ranked chess player in the world? E: TokunboAyanbadejo I: Robert Fischer I: Magnus Carlsen O: Garry Kasparov
Chrononaut Rapid Acclimation Protocol • Basic Idea: Allen Cohn • Implementation and artwork: Melissa Wilson • Time Traveler pamphlet by RigelStuhmiller, Allen Cohn, and Wei-Hwa Huang • Dice mutation: Wei-Hwa Huang • Fun Fact: • One early prototype of this event was a pure-trivia quiz. You can see it in this slideshow!
20. What is the most common baby name in the US? G: Jacob K: Mohammed M: Elijah R: Michael
Time Tunnel • Set design by Todd c Hartman • Sound Effects by Ellen Juhlin • Set supervisor assistance by John Bagoye • Production assistance for set build by Lily Tsai • Set Crew: Mary Johnson, Shawn Johnson, ChrissyGugler, Lauren O’Rourku • Fun Fact: • Teams actually screamed during the first weekend