Who is Polk . Global Operations. R. L. Polk & Co. is the premier provider of automotive information and marketing solutions to the automotive world and its related industries
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Who is Polk Global Operations R. L. Polk & Co. is the premier provider of automotive information and marketing solutions to the automotive world and its related industries We collect and interpret global data and provide extensive automotive business expertise to help assist our customers with their most important market issues. A privately held global firm, Polk is based in Southfield, Michigan with operations in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States.
~2.6 Billion Transactions ~500 Million Unique Vehicles ~250 Million Unique Households Personal Firms Financial Institutions Vehicle Manufacturers Titles Registrations Sales Passenger Commercial Polk Data Polk manages a complex set of online vehicle data to support the automotive industry
Polk Data Data management expertise Automotive & consumer data linking & enhancement rules Delivery of application under SaaS Advanced technology platforms automate the collection, standardization, enhancement, storage and delivery of data and analytics Polk Vehicle History Over 2 billion transactions on-line Over 1 million updates per day Support Batch and real-time applications Online transaction queries Operational Data Store Over 600 Million automotive / consumer transactions annually Vehicle Decoding Geography Coding Dealer Coding Data Standardization and conformance Record linking … Polk Insight Automotive market reporting Web based on-line analytics 2TB Warehouse Standard & Ad-hoc reporting Thousands of on-line users Thousands of data feeds: States Governments Auto Manufactures Auto Dealer DMS Finance Companies PolkConnect warehouse/ data marts Global Parts & Service / Sales CRM Over 1300 dealers in 11 counties 12 manufactures Over 180M Service Documents, 800M line items and 24 M vehicles
Polk Solutions Recall Notices Vehicle Verification Services Lead Scoring Global Price & Specifications Dealer Service * Based on. ..
Polk Solutions Recall Notices Vehicle Verification Services Lead Scoring Global Price & Specifications Dealer Service * Based on ….
“Grid” Building Blocks Commodity Intel based servers 4 Dual Core Processors 64 GB Memory Linux RH4 Oracle RAC using ASM GigE Interconnect Tuned for our NIC/Switch hardware Parallel Instance Groups Defined on all DB Instances Prevents RAC from distributing parallel slaves across multiple Without this setting, Infiniband interconnects would be required OEM Grid Control Packs Diagnostic, Configuration, Tuning, Change Management, Provisioning Storage ASM allows mixing EMC DMX4, EMC CX, Pillar
Polk’s “Global Grid” DC Data Center (Production Only) 1 x 6 node cluster, 3 x 4 node clusters, 1 x 2 node cluster Total of 20 DB servers, 160 cores 31 databases (114 database instances) EMC DMX4, 40TB OMS install monitors DC & Southfield Southfield Data Center (Test/Dev/DR) 5 x 2 node clusters Total of 10 DB Servers More than 60 databases EMC CX & Pillar SANs (60TB?) UK Data Center (Production/Test/Dev) 3 x 2 node clusters Total of 6 servers 12 Production databases (22 database instances), more than 24 Test/Dev databases Pillar SAN (7TB in Production, 14 TB for Test & Dev) OMS Install to monitor UK Data Center
High Availability Install
Polk’s DBA Staff Responsibilities 36 Database Servers 43 Production Databases 90+ Test/Dev databases Thousands of production jobs run each month Many Customer facing Web applications High transaction volume 24x7 applications Applications with thousands of users 200+ Polk employees run custom and ad hoc work Responsible for MS – SQL Server databases One DBA team for both Operations and Design/Development DBA Staff One manager and 6 DBAs in Southfield One DBA in the UK office
Storage Management in the Grid Easily Mix & Match storage types Very little interaction with Storage Administrator Mounts or Unmounts LUNs to clusters Little or no downtime for maintenance Point & Click administration A Good example of simplified Provisioning ni the Grid
Choose Target Type of ASM
Choose Target ASM Node
Choose Administration Tab
Login as Privileged User
Choose Disk Group
Click “ADD” Button
Choose Candidate Lun & Rebalance Power
Management by Exception Well defined Alerts are a key to effective management of the Grid Avoid Alert Spam Critical to the on call phone The rest to e-mail (filter to cabinets based on severity)
Target Page Alert List
Alert Log Entries
Target Page Alert List
Click on “Additional Advice”
Click on “View Snapshots”
Click on “Report” Tab
RAC Statistics
Other Options
Alerts in the real World
Tracking Down Those Mysterious Problems
Setting up Alerts
Create groups
Create Notification rules
Select Groups to be monitored
Create Group Email Accounts
Add your pager/email information
Subscribe to notifcation rules
Blacking out Alerts
Choose Target Type
Choose Target
Click on “Black Out” Button
Refine Target List
Add Descriptive Information
Choose Blackout Type
Choose Blackout Details
Define Blackout Timing
Review Selections
Blackout Expired
Managing RMAN Backups
How we (Polk) schedules and maintains backups
Step 1 – Click on “Preferences”
Select “Preferred Credentials”
Select “Host”
Enter “Default Credentials”
Apply your Credentials
Select “Jobs” tab
Select “Job Library”
Enter “Create Library Job – OS Command” Select “Go” button