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Created by Jayshawn and Steven. The Brooklyn Bridge. The Brooklyn bridge was built by John A. Roebling and Washington A. Roebling during May 1883. The bridge was built out of steel and granite.
Created by Jayshawn and Steven The Brooklyn Bridge
The Brooklyn bridge was built by John A. Roebling and Washington A. Roebling during May 1883. The bridge was built out of steel and granite. A group of prominent leaders formed the New York Bridge Company for constructing and maintaining a bridge across the East River. History of the Brooklyn Bridge
The bridge was a suspension bridge They had only used 4 cable on the bridge The bridge only has 6 lanes The diameter of each cable is 15 inches The weight of the bridge 14,680 tons The cost of the bridge is $ 15,100,000 Architecture of the bridge
Worker 20 got killed in explosions workers got diseases called caisson-disease The width of the water way the East River was one of the busiest river on earth Special challenge
materials Steel and granite Used an explosive in a dangerous underwater device called a caisson. An unexpected blast wrecked one caisson, a fire damaged another, and a cable snapped from its anchorage and crashed into the river. Materials and things that were used
A social impact is that if you have family across the bridge it makes it easier for you to stay in contact with them and you get to see them as often as you want. Another impact is that if you need supplies you can go across the bridge and get them. Social Impact
Over 1,000,000 cars pass through the bridge in a week. Over 365,000,000 cars pass through a year. During the construction of the bridge 20 people died and Washington Roebling was left paralyzed during an explosion. Important facts
The bridges construction took 13 years to complete. The Brooklyn Bridge was the first bridge ever to be built and was the longest during its time. The bridge was a suspension bridge. The first day the bridge opened its cost only 5 cent to cross. Important facts continued
John a Roebling was the driving force behind the whole project, he was a German immigrant who had worked for the Prussian government as a bridge and road builder. • He launched the idea of building a bridge across the East River after he had taken a ferry across the river that ended up stuck in the ice. About John a Roebling
Johns a Roebling died before the construction of the bridge. His son Washington Roebling was left paralyzed in an effort to build this bridge. About John a Roebling
Works Cited • discovery.com. discovery channel. 24 may 2006. July 25 2011<http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/we-built-this-city-new-york-the-brooklyn-bridge.html>. • htpp://www.nycroads.com/crossings/Brooklyn/ • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig/wonder/structure/brooklyn.html • http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=4&hid=10&sid=f1c11242-9e45-42a1-b9fd-9594235703d6%40sessionmgr114&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=funk&AN=BR183400 • http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=4&hid=106&sid=f1c11242-9e45-42a1-b9fd-9594235703d6%40sessionmgr114&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=b5h&AN=39049004 Works consulted