Just Digital Signage https://justdigitalsignage.com.au/
Who is Just Digital https://justdigitalsignage.com.au/ Darren Rogers, MD, explains the core values of the company We help you choose the right hardware and software.
What will using networked digital signage do for you https://justdigitalsignage.com.au/ • Update information quickly, which means you can respond quickly to changing campaigns and reduce lead-times for launching a new campaign. • Schedule advertising which means you get advertise different content for a day of the week or even an hour of the day. • Create dynamic graphic advertising so you can draw in new customers and reinforcing brand or store loyalty for existing customers. • Save cost by reducing printing costs.
Signagelive – Cloud-Based Digital Signage https://justdigitalsignage.com.au/ • Hardware Agnostic – We don’t dictate what you have to use to power your displays. We’ve certified dozens of boxes and add new ones all the time. PC’s, Android, Mac’s and Linux are all supported for your Digital Signage Software needs. • Cloud-Based – All you need is a display, media player and an internet connection; we take care of the rest. On-premise servers, lengthy installation and complicated licensing agreements are a thing of the past. • Simple, but Scalable – Drag and Drop in your web browser, no installation needed. Live video? Check. Video walls? Check. Multi-thousand endpoint, geographically distributed network with a mix of media players, file formats, HR and corporate messaging with dozens of administrators? Check, check, check, check, check, check….. and check. • Choose Your Own Hardware – Signagelive can run on a standard Windows-powered PC, but did you know that we also certify solid-state media players as well? Looking for HTML5-driven content? Try IAdea. 1080p video playback? BrightSign.