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Personal Accident Insurance • A Personal Accident Insurance ensures the financial stability for you and your family in the event of an accident. The policy covers death of individual, physical injuries and bodily burns. • This is a contractual agreement between an insurance provider and policy holder. The insurance provider agrees to pay the policy holder a monthly income should they be unable to continue working due to an accident. In return for this, the policy holder will pay the insurance provider a monthly premium QUICKBIMA
Features of Personal Accident Insurance • The maximum liability of the insurer is the capital sum insured The amount of claim is payable to the insured person or his illegal representative in case of death. Appointment of nominee is desirable. • No weekly compensation shall become payable until total amount shall have been ascertained and agreed. • Personal accident insurance with another insurer must be within the knowledge and written permission of the insurer or else policy becomes void • Age limits between 16 and 25 years. The upper age limit may be relaxed in certain cases on merit. • Payment of the insurance benefits is made within 30 days of receiving the necessary documents. • Insurance policy also implicates money compensation to the insureds heir in case of death. • The value of insurance - annual insurance premium is determined according to insureds age, gender and profession QUICKBIMA
Coverage • Personal accident policy provides for specific benefit of insured person suffering injury, resulting in death or disablement arising solely and directing from an accident caused by violent external and visible means. • The types of coverage normally provided under a personal accident policy include : 1. Accidental Death2. Permanent Disablement3. Temporary total disablement QUICKBIMA
Types of personal accident insurance • Business travel accident insurance • Household members’ personal accident insurance • Personal accident insurance for members of hunting and fishing organization • Personal accident insurance for pilots, cabin crew members & passengers • Personal accident insurance for members of cultural associations • Personal accident insurance for children, pupils & students • Personal accident insurance for students staying abroad QUICKBIMA
Benefits expected • A simple personal accident policy pays a set cash sum on death.On other benefits, there may be a cash sum, a monthly income or a mixture of the two. Monthly income is limited to a set number of months. • Most also include a cash sum for Total Permanent Disablement. This is where you are not going to get better. • Then there are frequently specific items where you get payment for injuries which result inTotal loss of speech, hearing or sight• Total loss of or use of a hand or foot • Less frequent are specific higher benefits for catastrophes which result in quadriplegia or paraplegia. • Some policies go into great detail about the different benefits for each type of accident such as fracture or dislocation. • Also common is Temporary Total Disablement. This is where you are seriously hurt but will get better. • Other benefits may include Hospital Cash for every night you are in hospital. • Other features are like 24/7 help line, counseling, rehabilitation. QUICKBIMA
Counseling • Rehabilitation • Damage to clothing and personal property • Kidnap and hijack • Cost of specialist transport to get you to hospital • You can be protected from accidental expenditure by this personal accident insurance and it will pay some lump sum amount for injury or death because of accident. QUICKBIMA • Benefits depends on insurance company, there are some general benefits such as: • A set of cash sum on death is paid by a simple personal accident policy. • It may be cash sum, a monthly income or they may pay a mixture of two. • There are some specific payments for specific injuries like total loss of speech, hearing or sight and total loss of or use of hand or foot • Hospital cash can be paid for every day if you are in hospital.
Contact Details Phone Num: 09034315151 Email: info@quickbima.com Website: https://www.quickbima.com/ https://www.quickbima.com/health-insurance/compare-personal-accidental-insurance QUICKBIMA