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Renewable Readiness Assessment as tool for decision making Case of Republic of Niger.
Renewable Readiness Assessment as tool for decision making Case of Republic of Niger By MAHAMAN LAOUAN GAYA Secretary General Ministry of Energy and Petroleum Republic of Niger Abu DhabiJanuary 16th, 2013 Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Summary • Brief presentation of Niger • Energy Situation in Niger • Energy Balance in Niger • Energy Efficiency in Niger • Energy Legal Framework • Energy Institutional Framework • Barriers to the development of renewableenergies in Niger • RRA process in Niger • Comparison of the achievements • Identified and Implemented Actions Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Brief Presentation of Niger • The Republic of Niger, a landlocked country in the Sahel region of West Africa is bordered by Algeria, Mali, Libya, Burkina Faso, Benin, Chad and Nigeria. • Niger covers a land area of 1.267.000 km2 whose principal geoclimatic characteristics is Sahara desert which covers ¾ of the country with a significant annual increase of its area; an uncertain pluviometry (frequent dryness) and very weak (approximate annual average : 500 mm), and arable lands, though reduced (approximately 12% of the territory are badly exploited). Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Brief Presentation of Niger • The demographic growth is very high (3,3%/year) and the population which is estimated to 15.000.000 inhabitants is unequally distributed in the wide spreaded territory Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Current energy situation • The energy situation in Niger is typical for the least advanced countries. • More than 85% of the primary energy consumed comes from traditional biomass (fuel wood). • About 87% of the electricity consumed in the country is imported from Nigeria. The local production (thermal power from coal and diesel) contributes just 13%. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Current energy situation • The country presently exploits its coal reserves. • Reserves from natural gas and oil are proved and since November 2011, Niger Republic become oil producer and built a refinery of 20.000 barrels/day for local consumption. • Presently, there is no significant use of renewable energy in Niger. • Solar energy and other renewables are very much available but under-utilized. • The limited infrastructure development in the energy sector has made it difficult to satisfy an increasing potential demand. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Energy Balance of Niger • According to the Energy Balance of 2010, the national energyneeds are covered by traditionnalenergyresources (firewood, agricultural biomass,…) • The biomassrepresente about 87% of the final energyconsumption. • 11% for hydrocarbons, 2% for power generation (thermal, coal) and renewableenergyrepresente 0,01% of the balance. • The energyconsumption per habitants is 0,14 toe (the africanaverageis 0,5 toe and the world averageis 1,2 toe). Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Energy Balance of Niger • Hydro electricity – The Niger River offerthree (3) sites for dams : • - Kandajiwith 130 MW of power capacity; • - Ganbouisestimated to 112,5 MV • - Dyondonga has a potential of 25 MW. • Note that the Kandaji dam iscurrentlyunder construction. • Solarpotential : 2500 to 2900 TWh/year • Wind potential : the averagewind speed is5 to 7 m/s • Wood potential is very low : desertification due to various causes is one of the main authorities concern. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Renewable Energy Balance of Niger • SolarenergyThe averagesolarenergypotential ranges between 5 and 7 kWh/m2/day, while the averageperiod of sunshine varies between 10 and 12 hours per day. In 2006, the power installed in the sector of solarphotovoltaic (PV) wasestimatedat 1,170 kWp. The current use of solar thermal energy (hot water) accounts for about 2,000 m² of absorbers. The use of solar cooking and dryingisverylow, but significantpotentialexists for the development of solar cooking, with Niger beingrated the 15th most viable country in the world for furtheruptake of the technology by SolarCookers International. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Renewable Energy Balance of Niger • Wind energyThe averagewind speed is 5 to 7 m/s in the northern part of the country and about 3 m/s in the south, indicating a moderatepotential for wind power utilisation in the country. Currently, about 30 small-scale installations are used for water pumpingpurposes. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Renewable Energy Balance of Niger • BiomassenergyThe potential for energyfrombiomassissubstantial in Niger. Householdbiomass use isamongst the highest in Africa, with the vastmajorityrelying on fuel wood for heating, lighting and domestictasks. Currentforestedpotentialamounts to 9.9 million hectares, with a further 59 Mt of animal and agricultural wastes. Biogasisonlyusedatexperimentalscale, with an estimatedpotential of nearly 1 million hectares, and an exploitedpotential of 100. Currently, about 10 small-scalebiodigesters (primarily of the dome type) are in operation. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Renewable Energy Balance of Niger • GeothermalenergyNo specificstudyinto the potential for geothermal power generation has been conducted for the country. However, numerousgeothermal analyses have been performed due to exploration for oil, revealing the presence of geothermal basins in Niger, which, withfurther investigation, mayprove viable for generating power. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Renewable Energy Balance of Niger • HydropowerNiger has roughly 270 MW of undevelopedhydro-electricpotential, primarily in the form of the Niger river, and itspotential for damming. Currentprojectsinclude the 130 MW Kandadjiproject, 200 km upstreamfrom Niamey, the capital, as well as twosmallerdamsatGambou (122 MW) and Dyodyonga (26 MW). Small hydroelectric sites in the country have the potential to producenearly 8 GWh per year, mostnotablySirba, and GouroubDargol. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
PrimaryEnergySupply in Niger Year 2010 Mahaman Laouan Gaya
FinalEnergyConsumption in Niger Year 2010 Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Energy efficiency • Niger’s energy consumption is low; the energy consumption per inhabitant is estimated at 0.14 toe as against an African average of 0.5 toe. • Per capita electricity consumption stood at 40 kWh in 2008. The main source of lighting for households in Niger is kerosene (80.1% of households light their homes with this fuels, with 84.4% in rural areas and 59.1% urban areas). • The gas/batteries/candles/wood group is the second source of lighting in Niger with 10.4% of households, followed by electricity which is limited to urban areas and concerns 38.7% of households. 89% of the total energy consumed in Niger is attributed to the residential sector. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Energy Legal Framework • The statement for energy policy adopted by the government in 2004 has been followed by many action plans for the promotion of RE. The National Renewable Energies Strategy (SNER) aims to increase the contribution of RE to the national energy balance from less than 0.1% in 2003, to 10% by 2020, by: • Facilitating the promotion of RE supply systems, • Reducing the impact on forest resources, • Promoting rural electrification on the basis of RE resources, • Promoting education, training, research and development related to RE technologies. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Energy Legal Framework • The National Strategy for Access to Modern Energy Services (SNASEM) aims to increase the percentage of the population with access to modern energies by 2015, through granting: • Access to modern fuels for cooking, • Access to motive power for villages with 1,000 – 2,000 inhabitants, • Access to electricity for rural and peri-urban populations, to reach a cover rate of 66%. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Energy Legal Framework • The National Strategy for Domestic Energies (SNED) aims to create a coherent framework for the sub-sector of domestic energies, by: • Assuring the sustainable use of forest resources and better reforestation, • Promoting alternative sources of energy (other than wood) and improving the efficiency of the appliances used , • Strengthening the capacity of the main market actors for a better management of the sector, • Setting up communication to inform and educate the actors on issues related to the production and use of domestic energies. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Energy Legal Framework Economic and Social Development Plan 2012-2015 (PDES). The PDES has five priorities: - strengthening the rule of law, - sustainable and inclusive development, - food security, - economic diversification, and - social development. It aims to achieve economic growth of eight percent on average and to ensure that the general public can truly share in the benefits of growth. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Energy Legal Framework • Sustainabledevelopment and inclusive growthstrategy (SDDCI ) 2035 – This long term plan follows the Economic and Social Development Plan 2012-2015 (PDES) and aims to complete this plan and achieve economic and development growth of the country and ensure that the general public can truly share in the benefits of growth. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Energy Institutional Framework • Ministry of Water Resources and Environment, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industries ; • Authority of Multisector-BasedRegulation (ARM) ; • National Environmental Council for SustainableDevelopment (CNEDD) ; • National Centre of SolarEnergy (CNES); • TechnicalCommittee on Energy and Sustainable Development (CTEnDD) ; • National Multisectorial Committee on Energy (CNME) ; • TechnicalCommittee on Water and Sustainable Development (CTEDD) ; • The Access to Modern Energy Services Project (PRASE) ; • NGO’s and Development Associations …. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Energy Institutional Framework • National Multisectorial Committee on Energy (CNME) which is the interface for all actions and initiatives in the field of energy in Niger. It comprise multidisciplinary team including all sectorinvolved in the energysector (environment, education, health, agriculture,…) but alsodifferents national actors (Government, Privatesector institutions, Civil society, Researchers,…) Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Barriers to the development of renewableenergies in Niger • Absence of legislative and regulatory text of renewable energies, • Inefficiency of institutional regulation structures because of their supra national appearance, • Absence of quality control structures. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Barriers to the development of renewableenergies in Niger • Lack of local expertise (needsassessment, installation, maintenance equipment), • Resistance of users to change, • Veryhighinvestmentcost • Low income for populations, especially in rural areas. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
RRA process in Niger • As RRA is a rapidassessment of how a country increasereadiness and overcome the main barriers to the deployement of renewableenergy, the governement of Niger with the support of IRENA, engageditself in RRA process. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
RRA process in Niger • This process started in June 2012, under the leadership of the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum with the selection of the national consultant and the setting up of the RRA team comprising of representatives from Government, private sector, university, research institutions, civil society, and other partners. • According to the methodology developed by IRENA, the team has been divided into three sub-groups for the filling up of the assessment templates. The process took three months and we came up with the following recommendations : Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Comparison of the achievements • The RRA helped to : • Review the existing knowledge in Niger : policies and regulations are studied in detail to generate questions related to implementation, identify unsolved issues, and document the results to contextualise the detailed discussions of stakeholders. • the RRA process builds partnerships and gather key stakeholders to ensure consensus on the actions identified and their implementation • Facilitates discussion and consensus building : the actions and background materials are discussed openly and a wide range of viewpoints are reflected. The concluding workshop brings together a range of actors. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Comparison of the achievements • Strong stake holding : national governments will initiate, and take the lead in, completing the assessment and the actions identified as a result of the process • RRA facilitates a co-ordinated approach and setting of priorities, which can inform discussion with funding agencies and the private sector regarding implementation of actions and initiatives emerging out of the RRA. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Identified actions • Development of a national renewable energies policy, • Establishment of a regulatory and Institutional framework favorable to renewable energies, • Evaluation of solar and wind potential? • Actors capacity building. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Identified actions The RRA process in Niger identified the actions below : • Energies on network - Solar and Wind on centralized network; • Decentralized network - Solar and Wind force motrice - Solar thermal - heating cooking- Wood and charcoal for cooking heating- Biofuels for transport. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
Implemented actions • Law on renewable energies under preparation, • Master plan for T & D electricity, • Budgetary allowance (2013- 2016), for an annually amount of 10 millions US$ for rural electrification, • Fundraisingfrompartners to support this initiative (Indiangovernment,… • Development of domesticbiogas network through PPP. Mahaman Laouan Gaya
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