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Chapter 11

Chapter 11. Facial Bones Part 3 . Facial Bones 14 Bones. 2 Maxillae 2 Zygomatic 2 Lacrimal 2 Nasal 2 Inferior nasal conchae 2 Palatine 1 Vomer 1 Mandible. Maxillary. Largest _________________ facial bone Upper jaw __________ – Central portion lateral to nose __________________

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Chapter 11

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 11 Facial Bones Part 3

  2. Facial Bones14 Bones • 2 Maxillae • 2 Zygomatic • 2 Lacrimal • 2 Nasal • 2 Inferior nasal conchae • 2 Palatine • 1 Vomer • 1 Mandible

  3. Maxillary • Largest _________________ facial bone • Upper jaw • __________ – Central portion lateral to nose • __________________ • Superior projection off body lateral to nose

  4. Maxillary • __________________ • Lateral projection • __________________ • Inferior spaces for upper teeth • ____________________ • Hard palate (cleft palate location)

  5. Maxillary • Fused ________________to nose • ____________________ • Anterior projection at fusion • _____________ • Positioning landmark at base of anterior nasal spine

  6. Palatine • ‘L’ shaped • Vertical portion between _____________ of sphenoid • Horizontal portion makes up ___________________________

  7. Zygomatic(Malar) • Cheek bones • Articulations • ____________ • Temporal • ____________ • Sphenoid

  8. Zygomatic • ______________________ • Prominent lateral portion • _______________________ • Thin bone extending from zygomatic prominence to temporal bone

  9. Nasal • 2 fused bones • ________________ • Positioning landmark superior to nasal bone fusion • Majority of nose ________________

  10. Nasal Septum • Bony - _____________ of ethmoid and _________ • Septal cartilage anterior • _____________- • Forms mid to inferoposterior nasal septum.

  11. Nasal ConchaeTurbinates • _______________________ • Bony projection from lateral wall of nasal cavity projecting medially. • __________________nasal conchae • Extensions from ethmoid bone

  12. Lacrimal • Small facial bone • Posterior to frontal process of maxilla

  13. Imaging the Facial Bones Routine • PA Caldwell • Waters • Lateral • 70 – 80 kV • 40” SID

  14. PA Caldwell • Prone • Pt’s forehead and nose touching table • _______________to IR • No tilt or rotation • __________tube angle • CR to exit the ___________________

  15. PA Caldwell cont’d • ________________ should be in lower 3rd of orbits • _______________of orbits should be ____________from lateral skull • Shows Orbits, Petrious ridges, nasal septum, frontal, maxillary sinus

  16. WatersParietoacanthial • Prone • Tip of pt’s _____________ • OML forms ___________to IR • __________perpendicular • ____________plane perpendicular • CR to exit __________ • Shows majority of facial bones and sinuses • ______________inferior to maxillary sinuses

  17. Lateral • Right or left depending on area of interest • Put area of interest ______________ • Pt in ________________ • Rotate head so ________________is parallel • _________________perpendicular • ______ perpendicular to front of cassette • CR at ___________________

  18. Imaging the Nasal Bone Routine • Waters • Laterals • Waters 70 – 80 kV • Laterals 50 – 60 kV • 40” SID

  19. Laterals • Right and Left Lateral • Position as ____________ • CR directed through ____________- • Tight collimation • Soft tissue technique

  20. Imaging the Zygomatic Bones Routine • AP Towne • SMV • Tangential (If Zygos not seen on SMV) • 50 – 65 kV • BONE TECHNIQUE

  21. AP TowneZygo • Supine • Tuck chin so ________________to IR • Angle CR ____________ • Or Tuck chin so _______________and angle ________ • Center ________________to pass through mid arches

  22. SMVSubmentovertex • Many ways to position • _______________to IR • ______________perpendicular • CR through arches • Technique is soft tissue to visualize zygos

  23. Tangential • Position as ________ • Rotate and tilt head __________affected side • CR to “shave” Zygo arch

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