2. without boundaries district plans driven by evidence rather than administrative areas
community plans driven by the nature of the place and the community
less prescription and guidance, more room for creativity
3. the intention
4. Communities will no longer have to endure the previous governments failed Soviet tractor style top-down housing targets - they were a horrible, expensive way to impose house building and worst of all threatened the destruction of the Green Belt
5. Big Society
6. can the Big Society survive the cuts to public spending, when services may suffer whilst waste continues
8. so what changes to the planning system are in the Bill?
9. LDFs and associated machinery all still in place
10. including independent examination
test of soundness
to adopt the plan the local authority has to make the Inspectors recommended modifications
11. what we should remember about what we have saved evidence-driven compelling link between what the evidence shows and what the plan contains
strategic making the necessary decisions with a response that addresses the needs of the community and will deliver what is wanted for the place
implementation captures and directs what can be available in order to meet objectives
12. plans only happen if there is
13. its not difficult, its just that the skills have to match the task
14. will progress with LDFs now speed up? The slides to 17 walk through a series of historic land value uplift capture mechanisms to demonstrate that this is an intrinsically difficult legislative and policy field. There have been many attempts to reform in this area, but few have been successful over the long term.
The slides to 17 walk through a series of historic land value uplift capture mechanisms to demonstrate that this is an intrinsically difficult legislative and policy field. There have been many attempts to reform in this area, but few have been successful over the long term.
15. development plan
16. how will the parts work together this time? The slides to 17 walk through a series of historic land value uplift capture mechanisms to demonstrate that this is an intrinsically difficult legislative and policy field. There have been many attempts to reform in this area, but few have been successful over the long term.
The slides to 17 walk through a series of historic land value uplift capture mechanisms to demonstrate that this is an intrinsically difficult legislative and policy field. There have been many attempts to reform in this area, but few have been successful over the long term.
17. strategic planning
no new strategic areas identified, or any obligation for aggregations of existing areas
LEPs may or may not have a strategic planning role, but coverage insufficient in any case
18. duty to cooperate for DPDs, LDDs and other activities to support planning development insofar as it relates to sustainable development and the use of land
particularly for strategic infrastructure
required to engage constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis
19. strategic development strategic development has still to come forward through the local plan, according to evidence
providing for neighbourhood plans will not address the need for strategic development
appeals will still have to deal with unmet needs
20. evidence and soundness local plans have still to be tested before they can be adopted as part of the development plan
part of the test of the plan continues to be whether it addresses what the evidence says about issues that are significant and over which the plan has influence
functional areas are determined by the evidence and vary according to issues
22. planning for and by the community
23. neighbourhood planning what is the qualifying body? where there is a Parish Council, the PC can be the designated body for all or part of its area, and no other body can be
for other areas, an organisation or body that wishes to be can be designated by the local planning authority as a neighbourhood forum
there are qualifying requirements - worthy objectives, a written constitution, membership open to those living in or wanting to live in the area, and three members living there already
designation can be withdrawn, and ends after 5 years
24. neighbourhood planning what is the neighbourhood area? an area within the area of the planning authority which has been designated in response to an application
all or part of a Parish
any non PC area that a neighbourhood forum and the planning authority agree
neighbourhood areas cannot overlap
25. neighbourhood planning neighbourhood development orders
26. neighbourhood planning neighbourhood development orders submission of proposal by qualifying body
consideration by LPA - it does not have to accept a repeat proposal
examination by written reps or hearing, having regard to national policies and guidance, ensuring it has general conformity with strategic policies in the development plan, and whether referendum area should be extended
report - not binding, LPA can make modifications to the order and decide whether to hold a referendum
referendum - all those registered voters who live in the area are entitled to participate
confirmation of Order if more than 50% of voters are in favour
27. neighbourhood planning neighbourhood plans are part of the development plan through the insertion of additional clause the neighbourhood development plans which have been made in relation to that area in s38 of the 2004 Act
28. the relationship between local plans and neighbourhood plans
29. the Plymouth example
31. This includes:
What do people think
Building capacity
43 Communities
Joining up to enable everyone to effectively plan their own communities. In response, we have developed an engagement process focused on promoting sustainable linked communities, to enable everyone to effectively plan their own communities. In response, we have developed an engagement process focused on promoting sustainable linked communities,
32. Bottom up Approach
33. Sustainable Community
Population of some 7,500Within 5 min. walk of centre A sustainable community relies on certain key elements:
1) Critical mass of about 7,500 to support facilities
2) Well connected - 5 minute walk from centre + cycling + bus
3) Thriving mixed use centre
4) Attractive & safe places to live
5) Respect for environment
6) A shared vision
If these are the key elements,
we can illustrate them on a plan,
& use this template in considering change in each communityA sustainable community relies on certain key elements:
1) Critical mass of about 7,500 to support facilities
2) Well connected - 5 minute walk from centre + cycling + bus
3) Thriving mixed use centre
4) Attractive & safe places to live
5) Respect for environment
6) A shared vision
If these are the key elements,
we can illustrate them on a plan,
& use this template in considering change in each community
Priority areas are now covered by Area Action Plans
Waterfront Area
14,800 new homes (44%) Regenerating Communities
Regional Shopping Centre & Office location /Life Centre / Cultural & Leisure uses
Eastern Corridor
2,500+ new homes (13%) + 5,500 new homes & jobs at Sherford in South Hams
3.5 ha. of employment land + 2,000 sq.m.net. Retail Space +150ha. of accessible green space+ HQPT
Safeguarding Mineral Reserves
Northern Corridor
5,000+ new homes (20%)
7,500sq.m. retail + 15ha. of employment + 2 new hospitals & other facilities + 145 ha. of park + HQPT
Support airport
However, the rest of the city is where most people live
Need to provide 5,400 new homes (23%)
Other key interventions to improve the neighbourhoods
Engaging people where not much will happen is notoriously difficult
But it is about making the city better for everyone
Therefore its about filling in the rest of the jigsaw
Priority areas are now covered by Area Action Plans
Waterfront Area
14,800 new homes (44%) Regenerating Communities
Regional Shopping Centre & Office location /Life Centre / Cultural & Leisure uses
Eastern Corridor
2,500+ new homes (13%) + 5,500 new homes & jobs at Sherford in South Hams
3.5 ha. of employment land + 2,000 sq.m.net. Retail Space +150ha. of accessible green space+ HQPT
Safeguarding Mineral Reserves
Northern Corridor
5,000+ new homes (20%)
7,500sq.m. retail + 15ha. of employment + 2 new hospitals & other facilities + 145 ha. of park + HQPT
Support airport
However, the rest of the city is where most people live
Need to provide 5,400 new homes (23%)
Other key interventions to improve the neighbourhoods
Engaging people where not much will happen is notoriously difficult
But it is about making the city better for everyone
Therefore its about filling in the rest of the jigsaw
35. Combining facts with comments
36. will communities prepare plans?
37. no process difficult, obstacles immense and unpredictable
resources little prospect of real help from planning authority, and what is really available elsewhere
whats the point? not the route to achieving something different
38. yes capturing the energy of people for their place
complementing the local plan influencing its content and taking it forward to implementation
where there can be a belief that development is part of delivering positive change
through pooling of resources between local authority and communities, with some government help
39. or communities may decide that their role in the Big Society is about the cost effective management of their place
40. some potential hazards demands for referendums on strategic issues
general confusion and diversion of resources
41. the missing bit
43. so what is to be done?
44. if you are a planning authority ensure you have good evidence, and on a neighbourhood basis
put a good core strategy in place as quickly as possible
begin identifying areas where you would welcome a neighbourhood plan, building on engagement and thinking about implementation
45. if you are a planning authority involve and support your members
add to your facilitation skills
develop a Community Infrastructure Levy
46. if you are a developer keep your eye on pre-application consultation requirements
look at the development order route to permission
cultivate community networks in areas where you have interests, looking for mutual benefits
understand how to help communities benefit, from co-operation and from a share of CIL and New Homes Bonus
47. if you are concerned with your place think what is the place
identify who the community is
work out what you want to see happen and how a plan would help
talk to the planning authority about what it thinks, and how the neighbourhood and local plans can complement each other
identify your resources and possible other sources
work hard!
48. final first thoughts how radical will it be really?
will neighbourhood planning really happen?
worth the distraction and inevitable delay?
a case of carry on with the proper job?