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Building Your Church Planting Team. Description:. This seminar will lead you on how to build a church planting team from your church and/or sister churches by determination of team member roles, then selecting, equipping and leading of team members to plant a church(es).
Description: • This seminar will lead you on how to build a church planting team from your church and/or sister churches by determination of team member roles, then selecting, equipping and leading of team members to plant a church(es). NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
As an Effective Approach to Church Planting • Is it that the church planter can be most effective in making disciples if he develops a church planting plan that incorporates the enlistment and development of a team? • Elmer Towns and Douglas Porter write, “Churches planted by an effective ministry team tend to be stronger, and their future tends to be more secure.” NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Advantages of Teams • Encourages Healthier Plants • “Many hands make light work” • Creates a “church type”/”body life” environment at earlier stages. • Promotes focused gift-oriented ministry for all church planting personnel • Ministry opportunities are greater with more personnel NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Advantages of Teams • Reduces reliance upon funded strategies. • Teams will most likely be lay leaders • Teams can cultivate ministry field without initial costly investment. • Teams can reduce the time needed for funded planters as the Team Building process can occur prior to calling a church planter • Indigenous leaders can emerge from teams reducing the need for many expenses. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Advantages of Teams • Models New Testament practices • Choosing of 12 Disciples • Antioch: While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off… From Paphos, Paul and his companions sailed to Perga in Pamphylia, where John left them to return to Jerusalem." (Acts 13:2-3, 13 NIV) NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Advantages of Teams • Models New Testament practices • Timothy: "The brothers at Lystra and Iconium spoke well of him. Paul wanted to take him along on the journey, so he circumcised him because of the Jews who lived in that area, for they all knew that his father was a Greek." (Acts 16:2-3, NIV) NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Advantages of Teams Bottom Line: • Church Planting Teams are important and inevitable in the life a new church. • Planting efforts can be enhanced by building strong teams. • Teams can form prior to the selection of a planter / founding pastor. • Utilizes Giftedness of Others • Creates Ownership of ministry NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Kinds of Church Planting Teams • The church planting family.Historically, this has been the most common type of team in American church life.Is your family a team or are they simply moving along with you as you go to plant a church? • A volunteer church planting team.Some teams have been made up of church members who volunteer to go out from a partner church to plant a new church. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Kinds of Church Planting Teams • A vocational person plus volunteers.This team may have a church planter serving as pastor and volunteers who are committed to doing different parts of the work with the planter/pastor. • A vocational team is organized as a “church staff” with various associate pastors carrying out a variety of ministry assignments. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Teams Organized Around Function • Bible study, where Sunday School organization is emphasized, adult, youth, children, and preschool workers make up the church planting team. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Teams Organized Around Function • Worship, the team may be made up of: • A preacher or teaching leader • A worship leader. • A discipleship leader. • A children’s worker. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Teams Organized Around Function • Giftedness, the following will be needed: • The apostolic church planter. • The prophet. • The evangelist. • The pastor/teacher. • ……. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Characteristics of a Church Planting Team Members of the Church Planting Team should exhibit the following: • High commitment to prayer – this is spiritual warfare • Love for people – Church Planting is first and foremost a relational activity • Evangelistic heart – Church Planting is about reaching, winning, discipling, and reproducing children of God NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Characteristics of a Church Planting Team • Patience – Church Planting takes time • Faith – It’s God’s work and our hands, feet, and voice • Flexible – willing to adapt to people and circumstances NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Characteristics of a Church Planting Team • Willing to learn - There must be a willingness to learn: • Church Planting skills, • Understand the world-view of the people group to be reached • Cross-cultural skills NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Establishing ChurchPlanting Teams • Prayer for team members “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” – Matt. 9:38 & Luke 10:2 NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Establishing ChurchPlanting Teams • Jesus’ Model (Luke 10) • Prayer for Harvesters • Gave Clear Instructions • They knew what to do. • They knew what to say. • They were looking for Persons of Peace. • They had accountability NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Establishing ChurchPlanting Teams • Determining team roles • What team roles are needed? • What are the competencies of each role? • Determine the priority of filling as it relates to “Critical Mileposts” • Resources - PiCP NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Establishing ChurchPlanting Teams • Selecting gifted candidates • Prayer – Jesus Prayed before selecting 12 • Determine Spiritual Gifts • Consider Church Planter Profile • Identify Ministry Passions and Experiences • Consider Team Chemistry • Resources - Discovery Tools NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Paul’s Example—Gifts • A more successful team-strategy—one that seems to be reflected in the Scripture—is the deployment of teams whose members complement one another in their gifts and ministries. Paul made strategic use of such a team. . . . These team members were of various ages and backgrounds and possessed complementary gifts. Paul often left team members behind, or sent them to places visited previously in order to complete the cycle and help develop mature responsible local churches. (Hesselgrave, Planting Churches…) NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
More on Gifts… • . . . a team effort of multi-gifted and committed people who address the social and spiritual needs of an unreached people, resulting in members of the target population placing their allegiance in Christ as Savior from sin, congregating together, and empowered by the Holy Spirit and church planters to mature in their gifts and skills so that they can repeat the cycle in other unchurched areas . . . (Tom Steffen, Passing the Baton…) NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
The Future Orientation Of A Church Planting Team • One orientation is for the members to be part of an ongoing church planting team. With this orientation, the team moves into the church planting setting, evangelizes and trains a core group, and moves out to repeat the process again and again. Other times, the team members participate in a plant together, and then some or all of the members enlist a team of their own and move from the current plant to do multiple plants. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
The Future Orientation Of A Church Planting Team • Either way, the idea is ongoing church planting. The establishment of a new church alone is not an adequate objective for the planting team. What should be in view is the establishment of a congregation that will have both the vision and capacity for itself reproducing. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
The Future Orientation Of A Church Planting Team • Another orientation, commonly expressed among some of the Acts 1:8 Churches who participate in planting churches in multihousing communities, is for a team to be enlisted from the Acts 1:8 Church’s membership. This team goes into the targeted community and begins a church. Their four-stage assignment is (1) to plant a church, (2) identify the potential leaders in the new church, (3) enlist and train these leaders, and (4) go back to the partner church. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
The Future Orientation Of A Church Planting Team • The team members’ commitment is to a one-time ministry, not a lifetime ministry assignment. However, some ministers of mission report that members for one project often participate in this church planting activity numerous times. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
The Future Orientation Of A Church Planting Team • A third orientation is for the team to evangelize the community, become part of the core group, and provide initial leadership in the new church. As ministry leaders in the new church, they identify and train other new leaders and stay with the new church as it organizes.In some settings, little difference is evident between those who are in the core group and those in the church planting team. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
The Future Orientation Of A Church Planting Team • The idea in identifying some persons as members of the church planting team at this point might be to spell out specific responsibilities, to raise levels of commitment expected, and to heighten visibility and accountability of certain leadership roles in distinction to other workers and members of the core group. NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Building Powerful Ministry Teams • Building Agenda Harmony – • Utilize Vision, Core Values, and Mission as clear criteria for team direction. • Resources - Basic Training, Building Powerful Ministry Teams NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Building Powerful Ministry Teams • Developing multiplying leaders – • Give leaders room to succeed and fail • Mentor and resource leaders for success • Resources – Mentor Training, eQuip NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Enlisting And Developing A Church Planting Team • The process may be initiated by a planter, a partner church, or a team • Criteria to use in evaluating or assessing potential members of a team • Identifying essential tasks, core/essential competencies, and job descriptions • The value of personality typing (Myers-Briggs and DISC typing) and spiritual gift assessment • Impact of the ministry focus group in the enlistment of team members NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Characteristics And Disciplines For Building Effective Church Planting Teams • Moving from a gathering of individuals to team • Place of strategic planning components in development of team • Working as a team and developing strategic plans to result in a church • Team, accountability, and execution of strategy • Work of planting and teaming NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Other Items For The Church Planting Team • Every team member a team leader • Building trust that allows for conflict, collaboration, and communication • A commitment to learning and serving NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Lay Church Planting Resources NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
“If They Can Do It ….” NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Churches Challenged NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Next Generations NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Believers Mobilized NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
People Responding NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Discovery NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Getting Started NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Personal Equipping Plan • Church Planter Leadership CompetenciesName: • INDIVIDUALLY GUIDED TRAINING FOR EQUIPPING CHURCH PLANTING LEADERSHIP • This self-evaluation worksheet for persons considering training for their role as church planters may be filled out in consultation with a Church Planter Mentor. • Proficiencies Resources • To be completed jointly with a Mentor. • Column A: Assess Competency Level: Circle the number below (1 low, 5 high) indicating the • degree to which statements in the left column are true. • Column B: Prioritize Training Needs: Prioritize needed training as indicated. • Column C: Resource Training Needs: List resources to assist in gaining competency. • Each proficiency should have several possible resources to assist the leader in reaching desired goals. They may include one-on-one activities with a Mentor, self-study (book, video/audio cassette, study guide) or group study (group self-study, teacher led study, Seminary Extension, CLD, School of Prophets, etc.). • Current Competency Priority Training Recommendation • PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS • I have ... • A Consistent prayer life 1 2 3 4 5 • Regular devotions 1 2 3 4 5 • Encouragement from spouse 1 2 3 4 5 • Stable family life 1 2 3 4 5 • Life growing in the Lord 1 2 3 4 5 • Disciplined personal conduct1 2 3 4 5 • A regular plan of giving 1 2 3 4 5 NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Strategy Tools NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team
Building Your Church Planting Team North Central States Rally NCS Rally—Building Your Church Planting Team