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The Roaring Twenties Part 2

The Roaring Twenties Part 2. Politics and Prosperity. 78. Karl Marx 1818 - 1883 Wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848. 79. Communism. A political and economic ideology Government ownership of all land and property

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The Roaring Twenties Part 2

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  1. The Roaring Twenties Part 2 Politics and Prosperity

  2. 78 Karl Marx 1818 - 1883 Wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848

  3. 79 Communism • A political and economic ideology • Government ownership of all land and property • A classless society where wealth is distributed according to people’s needs • A single political party controlled by the government • The country’s needs are always more important than the individual

  4. Origins and ideas of Communism and Socialism

  5. 80 Bolsheviks • Communists rebels who overthrew the Russian government in Nov. 1917 • Russian word for “majority” • Led by Vladimir Lenin • Their emblem was a red flag • Their army was called the Red Army

  6. Vladimir Lenin –Leader of 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

  7. Lenin dies in 1924 – Body encased in glass mausoleum

  8. Lenin’s embalmed body

  9. 81 The Red Scare • An intense fear of communism and other radical political ideas that spread through the U.S. in the 1920’s • Triggered by Communist take-over of Russia and Hungary and labor strikes in the U.S. • Suspected communists were arrested and charged with sedition • Many were jailed, removed from office, or exiled

  10. Immigration During the 20’s • Emergency Quota Act said admission to the United States was based on immigrants’ ethnic identity and national origin. • National Origins Act of 1924 exempted Mexicans from the quota system

  11. Red Scare

  12. Sedition 82 Any action or language that incitesrebellion against the authority of the government

  13. The Red Scare: Democracy in danger?

  14. 83 Anarchists People who oppose any form of political authority

  15. 84 Sacco-Vanzetti Trial • April 1920 – Braintree, MA • Guard and paymaster at a shoe factory were robbed and killed • 2 Italian immigrants were arrested • Convicted and sentenced to death • Many believed that it was fear of their radical anarchist political beliefs that led to an unfair verdict • April 1927 - Both were electrocuted after years of appeals

  16. Bartolomeo Vanzetti & Nicola Sacco

  17. The guilty verdict was protested internationally

  18. A mob in Mexico protests the execution

  19. The American Civil Liberties Union • founded during the Red Scare (1919–1921) because the accused needed advocates to ensure their civil rights

  20. Eugene Debs • Ran for president on a platform of socialism

  21. 85 Warren G. Harding • 29th President • 1921 – 1923 • Republican • From Ohio • Campaign called for a return to “normalcy”

  22. “Normalcy” 86 Harding’s suggestion that the U.S. wished to return to a calm, normal way of life after the stressful events of the previous decade, such as Progressivism, World War I, and the Red Scare

  23. Normalcy

  24. 87 Harding’s Policies • Isolationism – U.S. would not join the League of Nations • Disarmament – nations should voluntarily give up their weapons • Immigration restrictions • Tariffs raised to protect American business from foreign competition

  25. 88 Teapot Dome Scandal • Harding’s Secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall, gave drilling rights on government owned naval oil fields in Wyoming to 2 private oil companies • Received nearly $400,000 illegally • No evidence that Harding was involved • Fall was fined $100,000 and sentenced to a year in prison

  26. Teapot Dome, Wyoming The Ohio Gang was blamed: Harding's buddies

  27. Whom is this cartoonist blaming for the Teapot Dome scandal?

  28. Effects of Scandals • began to have distrust for the elected officials

  29. 89 Calvin Coolidge • 30th President • 1923 - 1929 • Republican • Massachusetts • VP under Harding - Takes office when Harding dies in Aug. 1923 continued

  30. 89 Calvin Coolidge • A man of few words – “Silent Cal” • “The chief business of the American people is business.” • Took a laissez-faire approach to business • The government should leave business alone and let it grow

  31. 90 Kellogg-Briand Pact • 1927 - Agreement written by U.S. Secretary of State, Kellogg, and French Foreign Minister, Briand • 60 nations pledged not to use the threat of war against each other

  32. The Economy Booms

  33. Factors that led to the Boom • Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon persuaded Congress to stimulate the U.S. economy by Reducing federal taxes • Buying of Stock= Stocks allowed business to expand • New technologies (like the radio leading to consumerism and the automobile)

  34. Consumer Economy 91 An economy that depends on a large amount of spending by consumers

  35. What are consumers and producers?

  36. 92 Consumer Economy Cycle

  37. 93 GNP Increased • Gross National Product • The measure of a country’s productivity • The total value of goods and services produced annually

  38. New Electric Gadgets Available to the American Consumer • Radios • Toasters • Vacuum cleaners • Sewing machines • Refrigerators • Coffee pots • Ovens • Irons

  39. Housework Made Easier

  40. 1920’s General Electric Electric Range

  41. Electric refrigerators replaced “iceboxes”

  42. Catalogs sold everything for the home – including the home

  43. And what was the greatest invention of the age?

  44. 94 Henry Ford • 1896 – invented the quadricycle • 1899 – started the Detroit Automobile Company – made 22 cars • 1900 – business failed continued

  45. 94 Henry Ford • 1901 – There were over 50 companies making cars, but only the wealthy could afford them • Ford wanted to “democratize the automobile” by making them cheaper • 1903 – Started the Ford Motor Company • Mass produced the Model T using assembly line production

  46. 95 Assembly Line • A process in which each worker completes a single specific task in the production process • At the end of the line, the product is complete • Ford’s assembly line produced a Model T every 24 seconds

  47. Question - How did Henry Ford convince investors to back his plan to produce cheap reliable cars after his first venture had failed?

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