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Wednesday, Oct. 10. Get out your spiral and put your binder on the floor 2. Update Table of Contents Date Title Entry # 10/4 Colonial Culture Activity 30 10/4 Culture Subject/Fact graphic organizer 31 10/9 Great Awakening/Enlightenment notes 32
Wednesday, Oct. 10 • Get out your spiral and put your binder on the floor 2. Update Table of Contents Date Title Entry # 10/4 Colonial Culture Activity 30 10/4 Culture Subject/Fact graphic organizer 31 10/9 Great Awakening/Enlightenment notes 32 10/9 Ben Franklin Movie 33 • Get out a separate sheet of paper and number to 5 • You need to get a grey textbook at the front of the room in the “little” bookcase. • Turn to page 82 and answer questions #5 to 8
Ben FranklinUse pages 95 to 112 to fill in the chart http://www.biography.com/people/benjamin-franklin-9301234/videos/benjamin-franklin-full-episode-2073416372
Roots of Representative Government #34 • Set up entry #34 Cornell Style • Read pages 125 to 129 • Put the following definitions in chronological order on the left side of your notes (leave space to take notes) • Check with me before you take your notes (to see if you are right!!) • Describe what each word means and how it affected the colonists • Illustrate each word and COLOR Glorious Revolution, John Peter Zenger Trial, Magna Carta, salutary neglect, Parliament, English Bill of Rights
Roots of Representative Government 34 • Magna Carta II. Parliament III. English Bill of Rights IV. Glorious Revolution V. Salutary neglect VI. John Peter Zinger Trial 4 Questions and a summary