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Face to Face Job Interview Jackie Kroening www.lifetour.com. First Interview. Research your company Know where you are going Bring necessary documentation The Handshake Prepare yourself but do not memorize Have questions for the interviewer Mental Preparation Close of the interview
Face to Face Job Interview Jackie Kroening www.lifetour.com
First Interview • Research your company • Know where you are going • Bring necessary documentation • The Handshake • Prepare yourself but do not memorize • Have questions for the interviewer • Mental Preparation • Close of the interview • Follow-up
Research the company • What are the company goals • What are the Company current events • Get the company's annual report • Visit its Web site • read about the direction of the company • any current media coverage • Look over the Standard and Poors Corporate Records • For smaller companies, call the city's Chamber of Commerce
Research your company 2 • Services and/or products • Competition • Sales: any large increase or decrease and why • New products/services available from the company • International operations • Any media information on the company in the last year
Know where you’re going • Make sure to find out where the office is and how to get there. • Do you know how long the trip will take? • Do you have the name and phone number of the person you’ll be meeting with? • Do you know how easy it is to park? • Save yourself time and unnecessary stress by figuring these things out before heading to the interview.
Bring necessary documentation • Make a checklist of documents you will need for the interview and make sure you have them in your briefcase before leaving home. • Extra copies of your résumé • Copies of your reference list • Personal ID - a passport, driver’s license, Social Security card • Portfolio of writing samples or other professional work • If you are a recent graduate, you should also bring along your college transcripts
Dress for the Interview • Avoid trends, Stick to classic looks. • Suit up. Invest in one good suit. Keep it neutral -- black, navy or grays • Your clothes need to be tailored to fit. • Don't be a distraction. Keep the noise level down. No Bling! • You're not a billboard. Steer clear of logos • Consider your coif. Groomed, healthy hair is important. • Nails should be clean and clear, and at a reasonable length. Women get a manicure.
Dress for the Interview 2 • Be natural, or at least fake it. Keep makeup minimal. • Have a signature. Anchor yourself with one accessory to express your identity. • No heavy cologne or perfume! • Arrive 15 minutes early before the appointment, check yourself out in the bathroom. • Have a good attitude. "People forget to smile. No one wants to work with people who are unpleasant.
The Handshake • It tells a story about each person. • Avoid the light delicate handshake • Avoid the powerful over-the-top controlling handshake. • Professional handshake is a firm, full-handed handshake with members of both sexes.
Prepare yourself but do not memorize • If you try to memorize a response to the question you will • Respond to quickly • blurt it out • Answer the question with your story (PSR) • Problem (1 or 2 Min) • Solution (1 or 2 Min) • Result (3 to 4 Min)
Questions for the interviewer • What will be my most difficult challenge in my first six months? • How does my job fit with the mission of the organization, corporate performance, or profitability? • What will I be contributing to your group or organization? • What is your corporate culture? • What differentiates your company from your competition? • What significant changes has the company experienced in the past couple of years? • How would you describe the most successful employees in your company? • What are you looking for in your ideal candidate?
Mental Preparation • Arrive early for the interview (at least 15 minutes) to visualize the interview • Start your mental preparation by taking deep breaths and thinking "You are" as you inhale and "relaxed" as you exhale • Picture the interview going smoothly • the interviewer asking questions, and your answering them perfectly. • Imagine the interviewer telling you that you seem perfect for the job
Close of the interview • The end of the interview is your time to close with "a positive, very interested in what you have learned" close. • Let the interviewer close the interview • If you have the job, stop selling yourself • When the interviewer says "Well, if you have no further questions, then we are done“ • Actually, I'd like to know how I should proceed from here. Should I contact you or will you be in contact? • How soon will I hear from you? • What is the process from here?
Follow-up • Now go to your car and write down what just happened. • For each person that interviewed you write: • topics discussed • the characteristics the interviewer • described the position, and other details • This will help you write a thank you letter that shows both your interest and that you are a perfect match for the position.
Interview Killers Being late Inappropriate attire Avoiding eye contact Being too candid Unprofessional behavior Being unprepared Indifference Dishonesty
Ten Tricks to Acing the Interview • Do your research. You need to be prepared to demonstrate that you have solid knowledge of the company • Shut up and listen! • You'll need to present your story in the context of what the interviewer is looking for. Listen for clues and adjust. • Remember what's in your resume and cover letter. • Know how your qualifications relate to the company's needs. • Practice. The best way to be prepared for an interview once you have done your research is practice. • Save the salary talk for later. • Have a list of questions for the interviewer. • Be confident. • Follow up.