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Our bilingual strategy aims to promote the Welsh language and culture, ensure equality of opportunity, and embrace diversity in the college. Welsh gives our tourist industry a positive advantage and is important for businesses. Join us in our vision of one million Welsh speakers by 2050.
Gwerthoedd y Cod Values of the Code • Promoting Welsh language and culture • Ensuring the achievement of equality of opportunity and diversity throughout the college • Hyrwyddo’rdiwyllianta’riaith Gymraeg • Sicrhaucyrhaeddiad o gyfleoncydradd ac amrywioldrwy’rcoleg
Key areas Maesydd allweddol Childcare / Early Years Care Agriculture / Land Based Leisure and Tourism Business Adminstration and IT Media Studies / Performing Arts Health and Social Care Construction Engineering Gofal plant / Gofal Blynyddoedd Cynnar Amaethyddiaeth / Ar y Tir Hamdden a Thwristiaeth Gweinyddiaeth Busnes a Tech Gwyb Astudiaethau y Cyfryngau / Celfyddydau Perfformio Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Adeiladwaith Peirianneg
Coleg Y Cymoedd Welsh gives our tourist industry a positive advantage. Welsh is good for business. Within the college, Welsh is important and used as a working language on a daily basis within the institution, especially with the huge increase in students entering Further Education from Welsh language schools. Mae’r Cymraeg yn rhoi mantais positif i’n diwydiant twristiaeth. O fewn y coleg, caiff Cymraeg ei ddefnyddio bob dydd fel iaith gwaith, yn enwedig efo’r cynnydd enfawr o fyfyrwyr AB sy’n dod o ysgolion Cymraeg.
Gweledigaeth Vision Miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050 One million Welsh speakers by 2050
Cyflogwyr Employers Fel unrhyw busnes, mae rhaid cydbwyso mantais cystadleuol yn erbyn cost ac adenillion ar fuddsoddiad. Os bydd cynnig cynllun iaith Gymraeg yn darparu’r fantais honno am gost resymol, yna byddai'n ymddangos yn ddoeth i archwilio'r opsiynau. Like any business, obtaining a competitive advantage has to be balanced against cost and return on investment. If providing a Welsh language proposition delivers that advantage at a reasonable cost, then it would seem prudent to explore such options
Cyflogwyr Employers From a business point of view, promoting your product or service in different languages will only enhance your reach, create brand awareness and position your business as one that considers the wider Welsh community. O safbwynt busnes, bydd hyrwyddo eich cynnyrch neu wasanaeth mewn ieithoedd gwahanol yn gwella eich dylanwad, creu ymwybyddiaeth o frand, a sefydlu eich busnes fel un sy'n ystyried y gymuned Gymraeg ehangach.
CynllunDosbarthiadRhanbartholargyferSgiliau a Chyflogaethyn y De-orllewin a chanolCymru Regional Delivery Plan for Employment and Skills for South West and Central Wales … As reflected in the region’s regeneration strategies, utilising the potential of our assets, whilst promoting equality, diversity and the Welsh Language is key to responding to the challenges of the diverse economy, demographics and geography of the region. … Fel yr adlewyrchir yn strategaethau adfywio’r rhanbarth mae defnyddio potensial ein hasedau, tra bod yn hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a’r iaith Gymraeg, yn allweddol er mwyn ymateb i’r heriau amrywiol o’r economi, demograffiau a daearyddiaeth yr ardal.
Cyflogwyr Employers “Bydd gosod safonau a deddfau, a gorfodi busnesau i cael polisi Iaith Cymraeg nid yn unig yn anffafriol i fusnes, ond bydd hefyd yn gosod gorbenion enfawr ar fusnes i ddarparu gwasanaethau yn Gymraeg pan, mewn gwirionedd, Saesneg yw iaith cyffredin y busnes.” “Dictating standards and laws and forcing businesses to have Welsh Language policies, will not only be a turn off to business, but will also place a massive overhead on business to provide services in Welsh where actually the lingua franca of business is English.”
Diolch Thank you