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Evaluating the Control of In-Migration in Sydney: Geographical Analysis and Sustainability Strategies

Explore the human and physical geography of Sydney and examine how the City of Cities aims to manage in-migration through strategic planning. Analyze threats to Sydney's sustainability and assess the effectiveness of decentralization and regional connections.

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Evaluating the Control of In-Migration in Sydney: Geographical Analysis and Sustainability Strategies

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  1. Evaluating the control of in migration Read through the FT article Identify the issues with in migration in London? http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/897b546a-68b2-11e3-bb3e-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2py9hTmwI

  2. A more general view Problems of In migration

  3. Where am I? • I have an area of 12,144.6 km2 • I am located at 33.8° S, 151.2° E • I am the most densely populated place in my country • I have a population size of 4.1 million • By 2031 I will have population of 5.1 million • I am not a capital city

  4. Human and Physical Geography Use ONLY this map to describe the human and physical characteristics of Sydney

  5. Sydney: City of Cities Terminology Decentralisation Corridors of employment Regional connections Strategic planning

  6. Using the PDF • What are the threats to Sydney?

  7. Case study task • Paste the map in your notes • Use the PDF to annotate the main aims of the City of cities and explain how they control the in migration of people to Sydney

  8. Follow up questions • How does rapid growth threaten environmental sustainability? • Are the aims of the city of cities sufficient for sustainability? • Rank the eight elements of the City of cities in terms of importance. Justify • To what extent could these strategies be used to promote sustainable development in other cities?

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