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K nowledge E ngineering. Develop a Personalized Service Platform With Automatic Customer Catagorization Capability To Enhance Customer Satisfaction And Loyal Customer Retention. 9534533 陳孟鈺 、 9634521吳昌儒 National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Industrial Engineering
Knowledge Engineering Develop a Personalized Service Platform With Automatic Customer Catagorization Capability To Enhance Customer Satisfaction And Loyal Customer Retention 9534533 陳孟鈺、 9634521吳昌儒 National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management (IEEM), Taiwan
Outline • Introduction • Background • Current Services Model • Research Objectives • System Framework and Customer Categorization Method • Case Example and Experiment of Customer Analysis • Conclusion 2
Background (1/1) • 餐飲服務業競爭激烈 • 餐飲資訊取得迅速 • 業界競爭激烈顧客選擇多 • 客戶忠誠度低 • 業者不易掌握顧客消費習性 • 服務無法滿足顧客需求 3
Current Services Model(1/1) 客戶 1. 我要點啥菜 2. 今天情人節ㄝ 3. 這個服務生好笨 服務生 1. 要幫忙推薦嗎? 2. 今天哪道菜不錯? 3. 找最貴那道好了 點菜服務 買單送客 訂位服務 迎賓帶位 點菜服務 餐前服務 飲料服務 餐中服務 上菜服務 餐後服務 4
Outline • Introduction • Research Objectives • Research Objectives • System Framework and Customer Categorization Method • Case Example and Experiment of Customer Analysis • Conclusion 5
ResearchObjectives (1/1) • 建構智慧型顧客服務平台 • 顧客過去消費記錄以及其個人資料之收集 • 提供服務人員辨識顧客並提供顧客服務 • 提供顧客高效率之客製化服務 • 提高顧客服務滿意度 • 依顧客之過去歷史消費記錄,使用類神經分類模組進行顧客之喜好進行顧客分類,然後給予套餐之推薦,以提高顧客之服務滿意度 6
Outline • Introduction • Research Objectives • System Framework and Customer Categorization Method • Functional modules of the platform • Automatic customer categorization • Case Example and Experiment of Customer Analysis • Conclusion 7
Functional modules of the platform(1/4) System framework 8
Functional modules of the platform(2/4) Customer Registration Module 9
Functional modules of the platform(3/4) Customer Recognition Module 10
Functional modules of the platform(4/4) Customer Service and Ordering Module 11
菜餚推薦清單 1. 影系列套餐 2. 一般套餐 3. 特選套餐 4. 素食套餐 Automatic customer categorization(1/3) Input layer Method 1 Hidden layer 性別 個性 職業 月收入 消費金額 消費頻率 各餐點消費頻率 Output layer X 12
Automatic customer categorization(2/3) Method 2 顧客重要性 累積消費頻率 累積消費金額 顧客重要性指標 13
菜餚推薦清單 1. 影系列套餐 2. 一般套餐 3. 特選套餐 4. 素食套餐 Automatic customer categorization(3/3) Input layer Hidden layer 性別 個性 職業 月收入 顧客重要性指標 各餐點消費頻率 Output layer X 14
Outline • Introduction • Research Objectives • System Framework and Customer Categorization Method • Case Example and Experiment of Customer Analysis • Case discussion • Construct and train the BPN model • Conclusion 15
Case discussion(1/1) • 來源:台北某高級日本料理餐廳 • 資料: • 顧客基本資料 • 性別 • 職業 • 個性 • 月收入 • 顧客消費記錄 • 累積消費金額 • 個人累積點餐次數 • 個人各餐點點餐次數 16
Construct and train the BPN model(3/9) Method 1 19
Construct and train the BPN model(4/9) Method 1 20
Construct and train the BPN model(5/9) Method 1 Model 8 21
Construct and train the BPN model(6/9) Method 2 22
Construct and train the BPN model(7/9) Method 2 23
Construct and train the BPN model(8/9) Method 2 Model 6 24
Outline • Introduction • Research Objectives • System Framework and Customer Categorization Method • Case Example and Experiment of Customer Analysis • Conclusion 26
Conclusion • 類神經分類模式結論 • 類神經模組未來發展 27
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