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Mrs. Williams Science Handbook. South Pasadena Middle School Mrs. Emily Williams Life Science- 7th Grade 626-441-5830 ext. 3216 Room 216 www.mrswilliamsworld.homestead.com ewilliams@fc.spusd.net. Mission Statement.
Mrs. Williams Science Handbook South Pasadena Middle School Mrs. Emily Williams Life Science- 7th Grade 626-441-5830 ext. 3216 Room 216 www.mrswilliamsworld.homestead.com ewilliams@fc.spusd.net
Mission Statement My mission is to facilitate learning and create a safe, positive, and caring environment where students learn to be responsible, cooperative, and self-managed individuals who respect themselves and others.
School Supplies Materials to Get (1) Composition Book Pencils (sharpened) 8½” X 11” Notebook paper Materials must be brought to class daily. Student’s behavior grade will be affected for not being prepared for class.
Classroom Rules • 1) Follow directions • 2) Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself • 3) Speak respectfully • 4) No outside food • 5) Bring necessary materials daily • Student behavior is viewed as a serious matter. Any behavior that interferes with the rights of the students to learn or the right of the teacher to teach WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! Students must abide by all school rules and dress code at all times. Student’s behavior grade will be affected for choosing not to follow all classroom rules. Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Ready
Class Instruction Classes will include discussions, reading and taking notes, overhead projections, TV-Computer activities, drawings, and many hands on activities in the classroom. This science course focuses on inquiry-based explorations. The students will be designing their own experiments and through their questions and research, drawing conclusions.
Grading Scale: Points Earned / Total Points Possible 100+%-93% = A 92%-90% = A- 89%- 87% = B+ 86%- 83% = B 82%- 80% = B- 79%- 77% = C+ 76%- 73% = C 72%- 70% = C- 69%- 67% = D+ 66%- 63% = D 62%- 60% = D- 59% and lower = F Assessment Students will be graded using the total points accumulated system. They will receive points for classwork, homework, notebooks, projects and Quarter Exams. *Extra Credit points may be given for work beyond assigned homework.
As outlined by the California State Content Standards seventh grade science will focus on the Life Sciences. We will begin the year with an in-depth look at scientific process skills and the steps of the scientific method. Students will be required to record their observations and keep notes in their “Science Journal” which must be brought to class every time we meet. The first week of classes will focus on rules and policies as well as basic classroom procedures and expectations. Students will be receiving a workbook and a green Holt Science text, which will be kept at home. Homework from the text will be assigned on a weekly basis.
Classwork • Students will take notes and make observation in their Science Journal which must be brought to class daily and will be graded quarterly on the day of each exam. • Students will have classwork assignments and activities that will be graded and included in their total points grade calculation. • Students are allowed to work on many assignments at their own pace and are given time to work on their homework when they finish their classwork.
Homework Policies ·Homework will be assigned EVERY MONDAY and will be due the following Monday. ·Most homework assign. will be from the Directed Reading Workbook. ·Additional assign. will be in the form of projects, reports, & activities. ·Students’ work will be graded for effort and attempt. ·Assignments must be neat, legible, and on the appropriate paper. ·On homework due dates assignments will be reviewed as a class. Students are expected to correct their own mistakes before turning in their assignment for grading. ·At the beginning of each class period students will write down the homework and a summary of class activities in their “Student Agenda.” ·Assignments and class notes missed by a student due to an absence are the sole responsibility of the student to obtain. This should be done before the start of class and must be returned by the next class period unless a specified deadline is given.
Quarter Exams Summative exams will be given each quarter. Students will be given a study guide and ample time to prepare for the exam. All students are required to correct their exam mistakes and have the corrections signed by a parent.
Extra Credit Extra Credit assignments are due no later then the Friday BEFORE the end of the quarter. Assignments MUST follow the guidelines (see web page) and be the student’s original work. Extra Credit points will be added to a student’s final grade at the end of each quarter. If a student is not earning a grade of a “C” or above, extra credit points will not be added to their overall grade.
Plagiarism Policy If any student is found to have plagiarized any portion of an assignment they will receive no more than ½ credit of the total points earned. This includes copying of information from a current student, former student, website, textbook or the text of any other reference material. Students must always cite the source of the information they use including pictures.
Late Policy • ·Late assignments will be accepted at the discretion of the teacher and will be docked points for every day late after the due date. • ·If a student is absent on the day a homework assignment is due it is preferred that the student turn the assignment in early however, if they bring it with them completed on their first day back to school their assignment will not be counted as late. • Projects with an advanced due date of more than a week will be considered late if not turned in on time for any reason.
Field Trips We will be taking two field trips this year. These field-learning experiences are intended to augment the in-class curriculum and give students a real life context in which to apply what they are learning in class. Students will be filling out an activity guide that has open-ended questions to guide student thinking and will require in depth observations and evaluation of their experiences.
Mrs. Williams’ Website mrswilliamsworld.homestead.com Mrs. Williams’ website can be accessed through the school’s web page or by going directly to the address above. At this site you will find valuable information pertaining to this class including weekly homework assignments, due dates, grading rubrics, and links to other resources.
Missing Assignments When students file their portfolios throughout the quarter they will keep a list of their grades for each assignment and will be given periodic updates as to what assignments are missing. It is the individual’s sole responsibility to obtain the assignment from the “Blank Assignment Box” and turn it in by the specified deadline for credit. Late assignments will be docked points and should be turned in to the “In Box” when completed.
Communication Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding class. The best way to reach me is by e-mail at ewilliams@fc.spusd.net or by sending a note with your child.
Personal Portfolio All of a student’s work will be kept in class in their personal portfolio. This portfolio is maintained by the student and must be kept in class at all times but is always available for student and parent review. This portfolio will be used for preparation for exams and as a reference for progress throughout the year.
Science Journal The students will maintain a Science Journal, which needs to be a bound composition book. The Science Journal will be used as the documentation location for their thoughts, observations, sketches, data analysis and reflections. This Science Journal will be used for all of their class notes and will be reviewed quarterly on the day of the exam and scored based on effort, completeness and attempt. This is to be brought to class every day and will be an invaluable tool for the students to document their learning.
Philosophy for Success I believe that every child can be successful, but success takes a lot of hard work to achieve. Students are the key in deciding their future and therefore I am holding my students to a very high set of personal and academic standards. I believe, however, that students need the support of their teachers and family to reach their goals. Because of this I am asking that each of us, Teacher, Student, and Parent agrees to work together to help individuals reach success.
T.S.P. Agreement Teacher, Student, and Parent Agreement Teacher Agreement I am committed to my students and their learning. I believe that my choices in the classroom set the tone and example for my students. I agree to do the following to support student achievement and success: • I will put the safety of my students first. • I will establish organized procedures for classroom management. • I will establish a fair and equitable discipline plan with clear expectations for student behavior. • I will endeavor to be prepared and up-to-date on the curriculum and information I impart. • I will celebrate my students’ differences by demanding respect for individuals, their views, and values.
T.S.P. Agreement Teacher, Student, and Parent Agreement Teacher Agreement Continued • I will predominately use discussion as a means of imparting information to involve my students, and to relate the information to them in a more personal manner. • I will design lab activities that reinforce the curriculum, content, and standards. • I will endeavor to make myself available for one-on-one support and discussion for students’ individual needs. • I will manage and monitor student learning and will make adjustments to the curriculum to fill in deficits or gaps in learning. • I will communicate expectations and student progress in a variety of ways including: maintaining a web page with weekly homework assignments and regularly posting missing assignments lists for my students, as well as replying to communications in a timely manner. • I will encourage my students to use higher order thinking skills and apply the content in this course to their lives in a relevant manner.
T.S.P. Agreement Teacher, Student, and Parent Agreement Student Agreement I have read the Science Overview and am aware of the expectations made of me. My signature below indicates my agreement to the following: • I will follow Mrs. Williams three “R’s” and will be respectful, responsible, and ready: • Respectful of others property, beliefs, and personal space. • Responsible for my work and my actions. • Ready for class on time, with my homework in hand, lab book, sharpened pencils, necessary materials, and restroom needs already taken care of. • I will follow all classroom rules and understand the corrective actions that will be taken if I choose to disregard those rules. • I will follow all school rules (e.g. dress code, gum, tardiness). See Student Agenda for specific rules.
T.S.P. Agreement Teacher, Student, and Parent Agreement Student Agreement Continued • I recognize that school is my job and I will be expected to work. • I recognize that at times I will be working with other students and that I need to be an equal participant in the group. • I will notify Mrs. Williams of concerns for my personal safety, and the safety of others as well as damage or destruction of class materials. I will notify her immediately of any concern in an appropriate manner. • I will bring personal problems or concerns regarding this class, my homework, or grade to Mrs. Williams directly rather than using a go-between or ignoring the problem. • I understand that if I am absent it is my job to get the notes missed without prompting and to turn the work in by the next class period unless there is a specific deadline. • I understand that I am expected to do my own work; I will not copy others’ homework, cheat, or allow my parents to do my work for me. • I understand that I am expected to clean up my work area, push in my chair, and wait for Mrs. Williams to dismiss me before I leave class.
T.S.P. Agreement Teacher, Student, and Parent Agreement Parent Agreement I have read the Science Overview and understand that I play a vital role in my child’s education and growth. Because of this I will encourage my child in the following ways: • I will endeavor to check my child’s Student Agenda weekly. • I will encourage my child to become a self-advocate and work with Mrs. Williams to resolve conflicts or concerns. • I will endeavor to contact Mrs. Williams directly (preferably by e-mail) if I have questions regarding her class or assignments. • I will reiterate the importance of meeting deadlines and setting small goals. • I will encourage my child to assume as much responsibility for their work as possible by supporting them and not doing the work for them.
Field Trip Information – 7th Grade As a grade we are planning to take two field trips this year. Field trips can be an extremely valuable experience, but they take planning and help. For these valuable experiences to be possible we are asking for your help and understanding in supporting our policies as follows: • Students who do not display appropriate behavior in the regular classroom will not be allowed to attend field trips. • Students who display inappropriate behavior on a field trip will be excluded from participating in the following trip. • Permission slips must be signed for each trip individually. If a student does not bring his/her permission slip he/she cannot attend the trip. • Students will be responsible for food and souvenirs unless otherwise stated. • To fund our trips we are requesting a donation of $50 for each student. These funds will be used to pay for transportation, parking and to help defray the price of admission. • No student will ever be excluded because of an inability to make a donation, but without funds field trips are not possible.
Field Trip Information – 7th Grade Cash donations are preferred but checks are acceptable. Please make checks payable to “South Pasadena Middle School” and please put your “child’s name and 7th Grade Field Trip Donation” in the memo line. Please return this signed agreement and any donation that can be made (more is always appreciated and can help those who cannot make a full donation) to Mrs. Williams by Tuesday 9/8 or Wednesday 9/9. Tentative Trip Dates Shakespearience - Tuesday, March 3rd Los Angeles Zoo – Wednesday, March 4th We are excited about giving our students real life experiences outside of the classroom environment that tie to the curriculum. Please help us make this happen!
SOUTH PASADENA MIDDLE SCHOOL 1600 Oak Street, South Pasadena, California 91030 (626) 441-5830 Fax (626) 441-5835 TO: Parents of Seventh Grade Students FROM: Mercedes Metz, Principal DATE: June 2006 SUBJECT: Human Growth and Development Program and HIV/AIDS Instruction As part of our 7th grade state science and health education curriculum, the students will be presented a unit on human growth and development. The lessons on the reproductive system have been carefully planned to include a factual description of the development of a human being from birth to maturity. We believe that the home and the school need to share in this important aspect of the education of your child. California Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Act SB 71 preserves parents’ rights to opt out of sexual education and HIV/AIDS instruction for their child. South Pasadena School Board states “At the beginning of the school year, parents/guardians shall be notified in writing about any instruction in which human reproductive organs and their functions, processes, or sexually transmitted diseases are described, illustrated, or discussed. In addition, before any instruction on family life, human sexuality, AIDS or sexually transmitted diseases is given, the parent/guardian shall be provided with written notice explaining that the instruction will be given and information stating the parents/guardian's right to request a copy of Education Code 51201.5 and 51553. This notification shall inform parents/guardians that they may request in writing that their child not receive this instruction. No student shall attend such instruction if the school receives this request. (Education Code 48980,51201.5,51550,51555)” (cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications) Instructional materials will be made available for preview before instruction upon parent request. Please sign below to indicate receipt of notification of your right to opt out of the Human Growth and Development Program and HIV/AIDS Instruction ............................................................................................................. SOUTH PASADENA MIDDLE SCHOOL Human Growth and Development Program and HIV/AIDS Instruction Student's Name (PRINT) ________________________________ Period # ________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Name of Parent/Guardian (PRINT) Signature of Parent/Guardian