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Genesis 4:18-25. The Descendants of Adam & Eve. Genesis 4:16-25 Summary.
Genesis 4:18-25 The Descendants of Adam & Eve
Genesis 4:16-25 Summary 16 Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. 17 And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son—Enoch… ________________________________________________25And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, “For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.” 26 And as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and he named him Enosh.[c]Then men began to call on the name of the Lord.
Genesis 4:18-22 18 To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech. 19 Lamechmarried two women, one named Adah and the other Zillah. 20 Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock. 21 His brother’s name was Jubal; he was the father of all who play stringed instruments and pipes. 22 Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out ofbronze and iron. Tubal-Cain’s sister was Naamah.
Adam & EveAdam & Eve Cain Seth Enoch Enosh IradCainan MehujaelMahalalel MethushelJared LamechEnoch (translated) Jabal(Jubal, Tubal-cain & sister Naamah) Methuselah (died the year of Flood) Lamech(died 5 years before Flood) The Flood ended Cain’s line Noah Shem (Ham, Japheth)
Genesis 4:18-22 “The powerful development of the worldly mind and of ungodliness among the Cainites was openly displayed in Lamech, in the sixth generation.” (K & D, p. 117) Some of the names mentioned here resemble those of the Sethite genealogy (Genesis 5) (Irad and Jared; Mehujael and Mahalaleel; Methusael and Methuselah; Cain and Cainan; with the names Enoch and Lamech occurring in both families). “But neither the recurrence of similar names, nor even of the same names, warrants the conclusion that the two genealogical tables are simply different forms of one primary legend” (K & D, p. 117)
Genesis 4:18-22 • Irad (‘townsman’) Jared (‘descended’) • Mehujael (‘smitten of God’) Mahalaleel (‘praise of God’) • Methusael (‘man of prayer’) Methuselah (‘man of the sword or increase’) • Enoch and Lamech loses significance when we consider the different places which they occupy in the respective lines, and observe also that in the case of these very names, the more precise descriptions which are given so thoroughly establish the difference of character in the two individuals, as to preclude the possibility of their being the same
Genesis 4:18-22 “The identity and similarity of names can prove nothing more than that the two branches of the human race did not keep entirely apart from each other” (K & D, p. 117)
Genesis 4:18-22 19 Lamech married two women, one named Adah and the other Zillah. Lamech took two wives, paving the way for polygamy, which turned the ethical aspect of marriage as ordained by God, into the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh. Adah: ‘the adorned one’ Zillah: ‘shady’, or ‘tinkling’ There is nothing in Scripture to indicate by what means marriages were arranged or legalized
Genesis 4:18-22 The threesSons of Lamech (he undoubtedly had others, but these three are listed because of their achievements): Jabal: ‘wanderer’, was industrious, and invented the tent and nomadic lifestyle, which enabled him to carry his home with him; he domesticated and commercially produced animals (for meat or milk, skins for clothing, or beasts of burden) He wasn’t a cave man…. Jubal: ‘sound’, had an ear for music and favored the aesthetic rather than the commercial. He invented stringed and wind musical instruments
Genesis 4:18-22 Tubal-cain: invented ways to produce bronze and iron works “Many commentators identify Tubal with the Assyr Tubal, a people living S.W. of the Black Sea; in later times they were called ‘Tibareni’ (Ezekiel 27:13). Tubal may be (related to, or giving their name to) these people, whose principal industry seems to have been the manufacture of vessels of bronze and iron” (I.S.B.E., vol. 5, p. 3027 edited)
Genesis 4:18-22 “It is significant to note that the elements which modern evolutionary archaeologists and anthropologists identify as the attributes of the emergence of evolving men from the stone age into true civilization---namely, urbanization, agriculture, animal domestication, and metallurgy---all were accomplished quickly by the early descendants of Adam and did not take hundreds of thousands of years” (Morris, p. 147)
Genesis 4:18-22 “Musical instruments, another important aspect of modern culture, were also an early development. All of these things, in addition, confirm the necessary coexistence of a written language for formal communications. This is further intimated by the use of the word ‘book’ in Genesis 5:1. More and more modern archaeological discoveries today are verifying the high degree of technology possessed by the earliest men, thus indirectly validating this Biblical testimony” (Morris, p. 147)
Genesis 4:18-22 “…the principal arts and manufactures were invented by the (descendants of Cain), and carried out in an ungodly spirit; but they are not therefore to be attributed to the curse which rested upon the family (of Cain). They have their roots rather in the mental powers with which man was endowed for the sovereignty and subjugation of the earth, but which, like all the other powers and tendencies of his nature, were pervaded by sin, and desecrated in its service. Hence these inventions have become the common property of humanity, because they not only may promote its intended development, but are to be applied and consecrated to this purpose for the glory of God” (K & D, p. 119)
Genesis 4:23-24 23 Lamech said to his wives, “Adah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lamech, hear my words.I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me.24 If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times.”
Genesis 4:23-24 “The idea is this: whoever inflicts a wound or stripe on me, whether man or youth, I will put to death; and for every injury done to my person, I will take ten times more vengeance than that with which God promised to avenge the murder of my ancestor Cain. In this song, which contains in its rhythm, its strophic arrangement of the thoughts (an ode sung by a chorus) , and its poetic diction, the germ of the later poetry, we may detect ‘that Titanic arrogance, of which the Bible says that its power is its god” (Hab. 1:11) (Delitzsch, in K & D, p. 119)
Genesis 4:23-24 Civilization’s attempt to thwart the effects of God’s curse is illustrated by the Cainitic economy: • Urban life was preferred to ‘tilling the ground’ • Nomadic life was preferred to a settled agricultural community • Cattle raising was inaugurated, perhaps because of meat-eating, instead of eating vegetables… • Metal working and tools were developed to ease the ‘toil’ of the curse
Genesis 4:23-24 • Musical instruments were devised to mitigate the ‘sorrow’ of the Curse • Polygamy was introduced, instead of adhering to the monogamous form of marriage • Metallic weapons were invented, giving those who possessed them and were skilled in their use, a great advantage over other men • Poetic boasting (Lamech’s song) characterized poetry and writing, asserting mankind’s self-sufficiency and independence of God
Genesis 4:23-24 Each man and each clan did whatever they wanted to do, to the extent that their strength and skills permitted. There was nothing to restrain them except the superior strength and skill of others. Thus, it was demonstrated long ago that mankind cannot simply be left to their own devices--- laws and governments are absolutely necessary. Consequently, after the Flood, God formally instituted systems of human government among mankind (Genesis 9:6)
Genesis 4:25-26 25 Adam made love to his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth,saying, “God (Elohim)has granted (‘appointed’ or ‘compensated’) me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.” 26 Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh. At that time people began to call onthe name of theLord (Jehovah). (NIV)
Genesis 4:25-26 “The character of the ungodly family of Cainites was now fully developed in Lamech and his children. The history, therefore, turns from them, to indicate briefly the origin of the godly race. After Abel’s death a third son was born to Adam, to whom his mother gave the name of Seth (‘the appointed one’ or ‘compensation’)” (K & D, p. 119)
Genesis 4:25-26 What Cain, representing human wickedness, took in their self-will and arrogance, Elohim, or divine omnipotence (or ‘providence’), has restored What the Cainites revealed of Satanic opposition to God’s purposes, the line of Seth would restore. Eve calls God by the name of Elohim, instead of Jehovah, perhaps reflecting a less personal relationship with Him than she previously enjoyed
Genesis 4:25-26 There is a marked change of emphasis in the record of the descendants of Adam/Eve through Seth No more boasting about human accomplishments, but rather of ‘mankind calling upon the Name of the Lord’ If the Cainites revealed the evil of the Serpent, God was still maintaining the integrity of the Promised Seed of the Woman (the Messiah to come, the Lord Jesus)
Genesis 4:25-26 “And to Seth, to him also a son was born; and he called his name Enosh”(‘to be weak, faint, frail’) It may refer to their son, or by way of reference, may refer to mankind’s frail and mortal condition (912 years of Seth’s life are ignored…he is just noted as father of Enosh…) Ps. 8:4 “What is man, that Thou dost take thought of him? And the son of man, that Thou dost care for him?” Ps. 90:3 “Thou dost turn man back into dust, and dost say, ‘Return, O children of men’. For a thousand years in Thy sight are like yesterday when it passes by…”
Genesis 4:25-26 Mankind began to call upon the LORD (Jehovah),the personal God, representing all He is and does, promising and providing salvation to all who trust His Word This may signify the beginning of regular public worship of the LORD, probably replacing the previous practice of individually meeting with Him as Cain and Abel did Perhaps it signifies the beginning of prayer, meaning that God’s immediate presence was no longer an option---or necessary
Genesis 4:25-26 Before Calvary (the Cross): when God Himself provided one great sacrifice for sins forever, it was necessary for mankind, as they called upon His name, to offer a sacrifice, shedding the blood on the altar as atonement for their sinful souls (Lev. 17:11) Since Calvary, mankind needs only to call in faith on the name of Jesus Christ as Lord, for eternal salvation. He is that sacrifice for our sins…in all He accomplished on the Cross Joel 2:32 “…whoever calls on the Name of the LORD will be delivered” (NASB) (Acts 2:21 & Romans 10:13 quote Joel 2:32)
Genesis 4:25-26 Romans 10:8-11 “But what does it say? ‘The Word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart’---that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed”
Genesis 4:25-26 “The Name of God signifies in general ‘the whole nature of God, by which He attests His personal presence in the relation into which He has entered with man, the divine self-manifestation, or the whole of that revealed side of the divine nature, which is turned towards man” (Oehler, K & D, p. 120)
Genesis 4:25-26 We have here an account of the commencement of that worship of God which consists in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving, or in the acknowledgment and celebration of the mercy and help of Jehovah. While the family of Cainites, by the erection of a city, and the invention and development of worldly arts and business, were laying the foundation for the kingdom of this world; the family of the Sethites began, by united invocation of the name of the God of grace, to found and to erect the kingdom of God” (K & D, p. 120)
Genesis 4:25-26 Romans 10:13 “For Whoever will call upon the name of the LORD will be saved” (quoting Joel 2:32). How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed. And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things!” (quoting Isaiah 52:7)
Genesis 4:25-26 Jesus Christ is the Messiah (Christ), but He is Himself the LORD, Jehovah, the eternal “I Am.” (Exodus 3:14; John 8:58) Phil. 2:9-11 “God…has given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, EVERY KNEE SHOULD BOW (Is. 45:23), of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”
Genesis 4:25-26 Q: Does Genesis 4:26 (‘mankind began to call upon the LORD’) contradict Exodus 6:3? A: No: Exodus 6:3 can be rendered, “By my name Jehovah was I not know to them?” Hebrew sentences were not punctuated directly, and the proper emphasis and division must be supplied by the context. It could be an interrogative sentence, instead of declarative sentence. The Patriarchs knew the Lord’s character as self-existing, eternal, unchangeable, and revealer of Himself to mankind, whether or not they used the Name Jehovah (Morris, p. 150)